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1. CAREERXROADS - The Leading Guide To Job And Resume Sites On The Web physics and astronomy are available along Assoc. Royal society of Chemistry. soc. for Adv. of Chicanos Native Amer. in Sci. soc. for Automotive Engineers. soc. for Industrial org http://www.careerxroads.com/news/cxr02/c02_1.html | |
2. Untitled 94) American Assoc. for the Advancement of Science Chair, Nominating Comm., astronomy Electorate (1981 197982; Member, org. Comm., 1976-85 in Policy Making" (Geol. soc. Am., Natl http://www.boulder.swri.edu/clark/cvvs.html | |
3. Arts And Sciences for Computing Machinery (ACM) Assoc. for Women in Computing. astronomy Club. Biochemistry Club Studies Grad. Student org. society of Physics Students. soc. of Professional Journalists http://www.hokiehandbook.vt.edu/artsci.html | |
4. Who's Who In Nebraska - Douglas County auto bus, Omaha; 1923 org, Natl Finance Co; 1924 org VP gen Club; Neb Engineering soc; assoc mbr ASCE; mbr review Science, secy section of astronomy, physics chemistry 1914-16 http://www.rootsweb.com/~nedougla/html/douglasa.htm | |
5. Links From MathSciNet To Online Articles Astrophys. Chinese astronomy and Astrophysics, Pergamon Press, Inc. Math. soc. Journalof the American Mathematical society, American Mathematical society. Assoc. http://www.ams.org/msnhtml/journal-list.html | |
6. CSUMentor - Ask An Expert - Frequently Asked Questions Club "soc"; College Republicans. Computer Science. Counseling Student Assoc Physics and astronomy Club. Pilipino American Collegiate Student Athletics Trainers org. Student Dance http://www.csumentor.edu/FAQ/camp_answ4.html | |
7. HBS Publications List--1999 The habu and the brown tree snake. Comstock Publishing Assoc., Ithaca London. Preparedfor the University of Hawaii Institute of astronomy. 1999008. soc. http://hbs.bishopmuseum.org/pub1999.html | |
8. Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society: 1998 Annual Meeting Southwest Nominee Current Pos from asst to assoc res astronromer lectr, 63 Mem Am Astron soc; IntAstron Union; Int Sci Mailing Add astronomy Dept, 3411, Univ Calif Berkeley http://www.sigmaxi.org/meetings/archive/meet.1998.nom.sw.shtml | |
9. Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society: Research & Doctoral Nominees Mem, Int Astr Un, Am Astr soc, Am Met soc, Am Geophys JuneJan) astronomy Dept., CSS getpermanent addresses for graduating seniors and PhDs who are new assoc. http://www.sigmaxi.org/meetings/archive/meet.2001.nom.rd.shtml | |
10. Member And Associate Member Societies Of The EMS Technion 32000 Haifa Israel Email imu@imu.org.il President Macedonian soc. Assoc. DMFASlovenije) (Slovenian society of Mathematics, Physics, and astronomy). http://www.emis.de/member-societies.html | |
11. List Of Active Newsgroups (Part 3) sci.astro.research Forum in astronomy/astrophysics research. soc.college.gradinfoInformation about graduate schools. soc.college.org.aiesec The Int l Assoc. http://www.faqs.org/faqs/active-newsgroups/part3/ | |
12. 7th - 12th Science Internet Web Sites http//oldsci.eiu.edu/geology/NAGT/NAGT.hmtl Nat. Assoc. astronomy / Cosmology/ Space Exploration. www.aspsky.org - Project Astro / astronomy soc. http://www.sd81.k12.wa.us/Science/second/scisite.htm | |
13. Ostrich society for the History of astronomy, American Association of Physics Teachers officer. Pacific Planetarium Assoc - director, Community Affiliations. soc. http://www.redlandsfortnightly.org/ostrich.htm | |
14. Some Notes On Quackery success of astrology is due to the failures of astronomy. underground; participationin the laetrile movement (Markle) soc Sci American Medical Assoc., 1993. http://www.ncahf.org/articles/o-r/quackery.html | |
15. Aust. Math. Soc. Gazette Vol 22 No 5 Dr Sverre Aarseth Institute of astronomy, Cambridge, UK; @\ 12 to 27 January1996; astronomy; Monash University, Clayton. Contact Dr RA Mardling. assoc. http://www.austms.org.au/Publ/Gazette/1995/Dec95/visit.html | |
16. Florida Institute Of Technology for Eng. Education, Am. soc. for Mechanical Engineers, Am. soc. of Civil Eng., Aquaculturesociety, Assoc. for Computing Machinery, astronomy society, Elec. http://www.asee.org/sams/WebProfiles9697/ug937_97.htm | |
17. World's Largest Medical Academic Website. Journals, Congresses, Presentations... Astronomical Directory Belarus, Museums and Planetariums, astronomy Clubs (en TechniquesVétérinaires Soai University SOAP SOAP.org soc Assoc of Aotearoa http://www.akademisyen.com/org/org-s.asp | |
18. World Scientists Statement 185 Dr. Reinald Doebel Institute of sociology Rural and Development soc. Assoc. U.of East London UK 528 Martyn Wells Astronomer UK astronomy Technology Centre http://www.i-sis.org.uk/list.php | |
19. 2003-2004 OCPA Executive Council of Phys. and astronomy tnchang@usc.edu. Fellow , Japan soc. Prom Science. President,Academic. Senate, USC 94 96; President, Chinese Amer Faculty Assoc of So. http://www.ocpaweb.org/ocpa/exec03-04.html | |
20. A Study Of Methods Of Choosing The Smoothing Parameter In Image Restoration By R 2 2 IJD Craig and JC Brown, i Inverse Problems in astronomy A Guide to InversionStrategies for Remotely Sensed Data /i . Boston Adam soc. Assoc. /i , vol http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=105520&dl=ACM&coll=portal&CFID=11111111&CF |
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