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41. Www.nrao.edu/%20(site%20for%20NVSS%20NRAO%20VLA%20sky%20survey) www.w3.org/pub/DataSources/bySubject/astro/observatories.html observatoriesastronomy Research observatories Directory Science astronomy Research observatories. Search the Web just this category. http://www.nrao.edu/ (site for NVSS: NRAO VLA sky survey) |
42. Linux For Astronomy commercial Linux The new release of Linux for astronomy includes over 3Gb of Astronomical software precompiled for the Linux (x86) operating system. Applications include a wealth of general purpose image and signal processing tools, as well as the state-of-the-art algorithms in use at observatories and universities worldwide. Facilities for processing the data products of the major space-based instruments (Hubble Space Telescope, EUV, Einstein, ROSAT, and IUE) are also included. http://www.randomfactory.com/lfa.html |
43. San Diego Astronomy Association (SDAA) Describes the group's activities, including public star parties at the Tierra Del Sol observatories in California. http://www.sdaa.org/ | |
44. Caltech Astronomy : Overview Of Observatories to build a 30meter diameter telescope for astronomy at visible and infrared wavelengths meter telescopes of the Robinson/Downs Rooftop observatories. The Robinson 0.35-meter http://astro.caltech.edu/observatories | |
45. Radio Astronomy Group, University Of Tasmania Contains student research projects, astronomical data, radio observatories, and history. http://www-ra.phys.utas.edu.au/ | |
46. UCO/Lick Observatory Lick Observatory. Keck Observatory. University of California observatories/Lick Observatory conducts leadingedge research to answer the most profound questions in observational astronomy. http://www.ucolick.org/ | |
47. Korea Astronomy Observatory With current research, listings of Korean observatories, education, traditional astronomy, as well as stellar, lunar and weather information. http://www.kao.re.kr/html/english/ | |
48. Caltech Computational Astronomy Home Page The Caltech Computational astronomy Group uses highperformance parallel computers for analysis of data from many different observatories. http://www.srl.caltech.edu/compastro/ | |
49. Istria On The Internet - Astronomy - Observatories astronomy. Astronomical observatories. The science of astronomy hasa long tradition at the University of Vienna in Austria. Records http://www.istrians.com/istria/astronomy/observatories.htm | |
50. Optical Filters Astronomy Custom Interference Fluorescence Microscopy Designs and manufactures custom astronomy filters and prescription sets, for a wide variety of university programs, observatories, government agencies, and international consortia. Develops solutions for the spectral, optical, and environmental demands of each filter application. http://www.omegafilters.com/ | |
51. Archaeoastronomy And The Search For Ancient Observatories Brief overview of the use of astronomy in different ancient cultures across the world. http://www.uiowa.edu/~anthro/webcourse/lost/projects97/Archae.html | |
52. NEB-STAR Focuses on promoting astronomy education, observatories and science theaters within the state. Includes list of local events and related clubs. http://www.neb-star.org/ | |
53. Welcome To The NESSIE Website! Resource to help locate space science education resources throughout New England, including observatories, planetariums, science museums and amateur astronomy clubs. http://www.mos.org/nessie/ | |
54. The Astronomy Network Of Ohio A useful resource for Ohio astronomers that includes a bulletin board, and links to astronomy clubs, planetariums, observatories and educational material. http://www.wro.org/ano/ | |
55. Aberdeen And District Astronomical Society A small, friendly amateur astronomy group in the UK. Meets every fortnight for observing sessions; also coordinates visits to planetaria and observatories. http://www.aberdeenastro.btinternet.co.uk/ | |
56. Amateur Astronomers Association Of Princeton - New Jersey's Premiere Astronomy C astronomy club with two active observatories, monthly meetings, and workshops. Geared towards novices and experts alike. http://www.princetonastronomy.org/ |
57. Institute For Astronomy Conducts research into galaxies, cosmology, stars, planets, and the sun. Also involved in astronomy education, and in the development and management of the observatories on Haleakala and Mauna Kea. http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/ | |
58. Radio Astronomy At The University Of Indianapolis Top/Science/astronomy/Institutions/observatories/Radio http://radio.uindy.edu/radio/ | |
59. University Of Alabama Astronomy Home Page Their observatories home page. http://www.astr.ua.edu/ | |
60. Caltech Astronomy : History: 1908-1949 The telescopes at Mt. Wilson and Palomar. http://www.astro.caltech.edu/observatories/palomar/history/ | |
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