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23. SKYLIGHTS astronomy news for the week starting Friday, May 21, 2004. Phone (217) 3338789Prepared by Jim Kaler. Clear skies and thanks to Skylights reader http://www.astro.uiuc.edu/~kaler/skylights.html | |
24. Astronomy News, Astronomy Search, Astronomy Links: QuickSciTech astronomy news, astronomy search, and astronomy links, from the QuickSciTechdirectory of science news, links, and search engines. http://scitech.quickfound.net/astro/astronomy_news_and_links.html | |
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27. Flandrau Science Center :: Astronomy Format Page for Printing. * Skywatchers Guide * Observatory * Planetarium * StarParties * Astronomy Links * astronomy news. * * * * * Flandrau http://www.flandrau.org/astronomy/news.php | |
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34. Selected Astronomy News Selected astronomy news. compiled by Wm. Robert Johnston last updated 17 January2003. Return to Astronomy and Space. Return to Selected astronomy news. http://www.johnstonsarchive.net/astro/astronews.html | |
35. OAC: Astronomy News Solutions. This website maintained by Kevin M. Berg. astronomy news.May 2004. Has the Speed of Light Changed Over Time? Australian http://www.surmount.com/oac/astronews.html | |
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37. Astronomy News - Resources astronomy news Resources astronomy news, Introduction. Offers a weeklysynopsis of astronomy news and viewing tips. Introduction. http://www.electronics-ee.com/Resources/Astronomy_news.htm | |
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39. June 16, 1995, Hour One:Astronomy News Science Friday Archives 1995 June June 16, 1995 Hour One astronomy news Whenastronomers point their massive telescopes into space, what might they see http://www.sciencefriday.com/pages/1995/Jun/hour1_061695.html | |
40. Astronomy News From Meteors.com astronomy news from Meteors.com. Get the latest updates in astronomynews and events. astronomy news. astronomy news Page Coming Soon. http://www.meteors.com/astronomy.htm | |
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