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61. RATS Finland place, and ftp//ftp.cdrom.com/pub/algorithms and Linux magazine http//www.linuxmag.com; Linux documentation see DSP links above and Radio astronomy, EME and http://www.rats.fi/english/RATSlink.html | |
62. Caryl Bryer Fallert - Publications p.15; HEMISPHERES United Airlines Inflight mag. June, p. 38; STARDATE (astronomy magazine) · 1990 EXPRESSIONS; THE CONTEMPORARY QUILT · 1987 Schiffer pub. http://www.bryerpatch.com/about/publications.htm | |
63. SKYWATCHER'S DIARY: April 1997 Each month, the Department of Physics and astronomy at Michigan State University also ftp//www.pa.msu.edu/pub/swd 3 deg upper left of comet, note 2ndmag Algol http://www.pa.msu.edu/abrams/SkyWatchersDiary/1997/SWD_9704.2.html | |
64. Abrams Planetarium SKYWATCHER S DIARY May 1997 of Physics and astronomy at Michigan a in the directory /pub/swd ***** Comet about 9 degrees below 2nd mag. http://www.pa.msu.edu/ftp/pub/swd/1997/SWD_9705_ascii |
65. Distant EKOs #19 to ftp//ftp.gps.caltech.edu/pub/chad/large derive a new value for the nuclear magnitude, mag. published in astronomy Astrophysics, 376, 310 (2001 September). http://www.boulder.swri.edu/ekonews/issues/past/n019/html/ | |
66. Subject Title List - Education 01 PA HM 13.00 0395926882 BEST AMERICAN mag WRITING 2003 ed) LITTLE B 50.00 0316082775 Bedroom astronomy KLUTZ ENT My Freshman Manual CREAT pub 6.95 0964430207 http://www.thedistributors.com/inven/subject/educat.htm | |
68. Space FAQ 05/13 - References See the back pages of astronomy or other amateur astronomy publications for 2, Mar 84 (EML 2) Vol mag22, No. gov), is at ftp//ftp.cs.unc.edu/pub/users/leech http://www.faqs.org/faqs/space/references/ | |
69. Useful Links Those that do work are pretty good http//www.clark.net/pub/rbenn/isp.html. Telecommunications http//www.telecomsmag.com/. Miscellaneous. astronomy http://campus.champlain.edu/faculty/whitmore/htm/Useful_Links.htm | |
70. Bookmarks For Stuart Vogel Popular PC-Games Directory of /pub/sun-faq Page NRAO Home Page UMD astronomy Department Home Setlists Bruce Springsteen - Teamster mag Feature Backstreets http://www.astro.umd.edu/~vogel/bookmarks.old | |
71. Bookmarks For Paolo Ciafaloni Das neue Windsurf und Wellenreit-mag im Internet of /pub/doom2 Directory of /pub/pc/doom General Information 1996 Physics and astronomy Classification Scheme http://www.fisica.unile.it/~ciafalon/bookmarks.html | |
72. NCHALADA LIX eg, just twofifths of an arc-minute across, but with a surface brightness of nearly mag. Entire number of Vistas in astronomy 29 (1986). 270-) first pub. http://nchalada.org/archive/NCHALADA_LIX.html | |
73. Michael Werneburg's Bookmarks the Moon Solar System Live AA ES astronomy - Index The Network Environment ftp//info.cert.org/pub es/CA LCS Theory of Computation Group - mag ONLINE - FAMA http://www.etherlabs.net/m.werneburg/fun/bookmarks.shtml | |
74. Prime Focus mag/ n 4.0/4.0. making this HORIZONS system of potential interest to histori ans of astronomy. (Postscri pt file) ftp//ss d.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/ssd/ Horizons_doc http://www.trivalleystargazers.org/newsletter/1998/may98pf.html | |
75. FAQ9: Recommendations For Beginning Astronomers The mag 5 Star Atlas from Edmund Scientific. wonderful indepth introductions to the field of astronomy. http://www.corvus.com/faq/aa01faq9.htm | |
76. Michel T. Talbot's Bookmarks Net resources for Rubik s Cube mag s 3x3 Rubik s and EconomyCompaniesComputersSoftwareScientificAstronomy. ARTFL Project Directory of /pub/etext/gutenberg http://www.nbi.dk/~konstant/homepage/mtalbot-bookmarc.html | |
77. The AMS Working Group Homepage Plate database The Institute of astronomy of the Bulgarian error is between 0.0004 and 0.0007mag for the online (http//www.clark.net/pub/warnock/ASTROprofile http://ams.astro.univie.ac.at/links.php | |
78. Sky And Telescope Sky Telescope, the Essential Magazine of astronomy. News, observing tips, howto advice, and more! Welcome to SkyandTelescope.com, where you'll find astronomy news, stargazing tips, expert advice on choosing and using http://www.skypub.com/ |
79. Nico Lonetti Web Page - Siti Astronomia http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/5189/siti_ast.htm | |
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