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1. The ICSTARS Astronomy Book Store - Stuff From Astronomy Mag (Kalmbach Pub) Kalmbach pub Co. Beginner s Guide to astronomy Library, No. 2) David J. Eicher(Editor) / published 1992 Return to ICSTARS astronomy books. http://www.icstars.com/HTML/AmazonBooks/books_KalmbachPub.html | |
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3. Books On Astronomy astronomy for Every Kid, Constellations for Every Kid, and Tirion Cambridge University Press Edmund mag 6 Star ed. by Beatty, Petersen, Chaikin - Sky pub. http://www.smc.edu/planetarium/books.html | |
4. OddSpot.com - Hard To Find Books Virtual Online Marketplace books and other products covering hobby, special interests and leisure time subjects. Including astronomy, Bead publishing, magazines, mag, pub, orlando, new york http://www.oddspot.com/information/hard to find books.htm | |
5. Amateur Astronomy astronomy Resources astronomy related news, books and web resources 2.5 million stars complete to 11 mag. Out of This World Myths and Legends www.myths.com/pub/myths/myth.html http://www.efn.org/~mbartels/aa/aa.html |
6. Madigan's Books - Genealogy - Indiana IN) Genealogical Sources Reprinted from IN mag of History Jean Wendell Tombaugh, Tombaugh pub, Rochester IN with filler on the state and astronomy, geology and http://www.madigansbooks.com/in.html | |
7. DCS Mag - 1960, Summer - Page 3. Downhills Central School Archive. astronomy is a very fascinating hobby. FOG by Carole Murley. My voice seemed harsh against the silence of the pub. Old Ben, said the barman. books TO READ. http://rogerbeckwith.members.beeb.net/dcs/mag60s_3.htm | |
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9. Books 45, QB815.L85, Primera, 1993. Problems of Calibration of Absolute mag. Temperature of Stars, B.Hauck, Symp. 12, QB3.B4, 1970. Vistas in astronomy, A. Beer, Vol. pub. http://cluster.cfm.udec.cl/biblioteca/libros.htm | |
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12. FANTASY & SCIENCE FICTION: STORIES (by Date) of essays Asimov on astronomy(1974), Asimov on Chemistry(1974). over next 10 years pub. ~ 450 books 3X as many mag. pieces sf 15% of his output . http://www.sfsite.com/fsf/bibliography/fsfstorieswhen197401.htm | |
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14. Photometry of books on the topic of CCD astronomy listed in ftp//ftp.lowell.edu/pub/bas/starcats/loneos.ref. to poor results with magnitude variations of up to 0.25 mag. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/roger.dymock/Light curve Project.htm | |
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17. Books Written In Dutch HF1411.M43 International economic institutions by mag van Meerhaeghe QB15.P19 A history of astronomy. Nic JI Amsterdam ; New York Elsevier Scientific pub. http://www.waikato.ac.nz/library/resources/lang/lang_dut.html | |
18. Aviation Aircraft Airplane Aeronautics Flying Warplanes Helicopter Rocketry Used science; planet; rocket; jupiter; astronomy;, SciFICtion 012346 ., FLYING mag (ed) .., AMERICA S FLYING BOOK Aerial Combat, Blue Ribbon books pub, NY, 1943 http://www.quiknet.com/~piercebk/aviation.html | |
19. Variable Stars; RZ Cas Etc 15 April 1998 ( http//www.konkoly.hu/pub/ibvs/4501 moving average of phase plot is only 0.083 mag ! that smooth curve showed on standard books of astronomy. http://www.student.oulu.fi/~ktikkane/astOLD.html | |
20. US Catalog Of Copyright Entries (Renewals) - 1926 Books: EFG The Elements Of astronomy, Edward Arthur Fath, 8Jul26A897395 A883734 18Jan54R123956, Ludwig Music pub Co (PWH). Final Count ( Sovereign Regent mag SepDec1925 http://www.ibiblio.org/ccer/1926a3.htm | |
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