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1. Astronomy Departments Astronomy Departments. A Computational Research Enterprise ( ACORE ) Herbert J. Aarhus Univ. Physics and Astronomy Department ( IFA ) Aarhus Universitet - Det Naturvidenskabelige five of the major radio astronomy institutes in Europe (the European Consortium http://www.cv.nrao.edu/fits/www/yp_dept.html | |
2. Alfred University-Summer Programs-Astronomy Institute The Program Each year Alfred University welcomes precollege aged students to campus to take part in Summer astronomy institutes. http://www.alfred.edu/summer/html/astronomy.html | |
3. Astronomy Institutes And Associations Astronomy MegaLinks Education, Institutes Associations, To Trinity College, Astronomy Education / Institutes . Associations. Astronomy http://www.r-clarke.org.uk/astrolinks_institutes.htm | |
4. Radio Astronomy Radio Astronomy. Academia Sinica's Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics ( ASIAA ) ASIAA is a research institute founded in 1993 at Taipei, Taiwan, to study the universe and its constituents observationally and theoretically. a consortium of five of the major radio astronomy institutes in Europe (the European Consortium for VLBI). Since http://www.cv.nrao.edu/fits/www/yp_radio.html | |
5. Physics And Astronomy Directory physics and astronomy directory, departments, societies, journals, magazines, publishers, companies, buyers guide university and college physics astronomy departments and programs worldwide. Institutes and National Labs. listing of physics and astronomy institutes and national http://www.physlink.com/Directories/Index.cfm | |
6. Radio Telescopes Resources European VLBI Network (JIVE / EVN) The European VLBI Network (EVN) was formed in 1980 by a consortium of five of the major radio astronomy institutes in Europe http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/astroweb/radio.html | |
7. Other Astronomical Resources astropersons who where (IAC); astronomy institutes in Latin America. Mailing Lists. Sociedad Astronómica de México. astronomy institutes in Latin America. http://www.astro.ugto.mx/~eenens/hot/resources.html | |
8. Australian Astronomy - Astronomical Society Of Australia - Institute Annual Repo Jobs. IAU. Amateur Astronomy. Education. General Interest. ASA. PASA Journal. Institute Annual Reports, Go back. Most astronomy institutes publish Annual Reports. http://www.astronomy.org.au/ngn/engine.php?SID=1000053 |
9. Australian Astronomy - Astronomical Society Of Australia - Professional Astronom material. Read more Institute Annual Reports Most astronomy institutes publish Annual Reports. Read more Publications Professional http://www.astronomy.org.au/ngn/engine.php?SID=1000004 |
10. Introduction To The EVN The European VLBI Network (EVN) was formed in 1980 by five of the major radio astronomy institutes in Europe and Geodetic Dept of the University of Bonn. http://www.evlbi.org/intro/intro.html | |
11. Graduate School Space Research Laboratory, University of Turku. astronomy institutes Division of Astronomy, Department of Physical Sciences, University of Oulu; http://spaceweb.oulu.fi/education/graduate_school/ | |
12. ASTR 103 - Internet Resources, Spring Semester 2001 monthly, advanced amateur, UK; Astronomy Now, monthly, amateur/professional astronomy, UK. Observatories and astronomy institutes. http://www.physics.gmu.edu/classinfo/astr103/resrc103.html | |
13. Links Projects, Press Releases Press Releases, Public Astronomy Public Astronomy, Institute Institute, Links Links. Astronomische Gesellschaft. Swiss astronomy institutes. http://www.astro.unibas.ch/links/linksengl.shtml | |
14. Aaron Danos Astronomy HomePage Astronomy Info On the Net. astronomy institutes. ASTRONOMY Magazine. Institute of Astronomy at University of Hawaii. Institute of Technology, Bandung. http://members.aol.com/ADanos3777/ | |
15. JOINT INSTITUTE FOR VLBI IN EUROPE Gurvits and Strom (ASTRON) coordinate the collaboration with the Chinese radio astronomy institutes under the auspices of the KNAWCAS grant. http://www.jive.nl/docs/quarter/q22000.html | |
16. ANTARES Collaboration Translate this page Friedrich-Alexander Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg, Physikalisches Institut contact G. Anton, Erlangen group server. astronomy institutes. http://antares.in2p3.fr/Collaboration/ | |
17. Physics At Erlangen: Institute Of Astronomy Institutes Institute of Astronomy, Institute of Astronomy. http://www.physik.uni-erlangen.de/english/institut/astro.htm | |
18. SelectSurf -- Sci-Tech -- Space/Astronomy -- Institutes/Societies SciTech Space/astronomy institutes/Societies. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics astronomy society offering comprehensive listing of space/astronomy sites http://www.selectsurf.com/sci-tech/space/institutes | |
19. Astronomy Search Engine Search for astronomy related persons, institutes, or addresses Make an addition or amendment to the "Persons in astronomy" database. The addition and amendment page is currently http://star-www.rl.ac.uk/astrolist/astrosearch.html | |
20. Scientific Colloquia And Seminars At ESO And Neighbouring Institutes Scientific Colloquia and Seminars. at ESO and Neighbouring institutes. HOME. INDEX. SEARCH. HELP. NEWS. Most talks at ESO Garching fall into one of the following categories Munich Joint astronomy Colloquia usually Thursdays at 1615, preceded by tea and coffee at 16 http://www.eso.org/gen-fac/meetings/all-garching-meetings.html | |
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