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21. Physics & Astronomy General Information and Astronomy is part of the Faculty of Science and is located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The department offers programs of study leading to general, major http://www.physics.umanitoba.ca/about.html | |
22. LSU Physics & Astronomy General Seminars/Current Events MAX GOODRICH DISTINGUISHED LECTURE SERIES PUBLIC LECTURE YEAR, SPEAKER, TITLE OF LECTURE, INSTITUTION, HONORS/ACHIEVEMENTS. 1998, Prof. http://www.phys.lsu.edu/dept/events/maxgoodrich.html | |
23. LSU Physics & Astronomy General Seminars/Current Events GENERAL SEMINAR SCHEDULE FALL 2003 Nov. 6, Latest Results from LIGO Science Runs , Dr. Gabriela Gonzalez, Physics Astronomy LSU, Dr. Luis Lehner. Nov. http://www.phys.lsu.edu/dept/events/fallgenseminar03.html | |
24. Springer Verlag SPRINGER VERLAG astronomy general INTEREST. A UNIVERSE OF ATOMS, AN ATOM IN THE UNIVERSE MP Silverman This thoroughly updated and http://www.burillier-uranie.com/pages/springer7.htm | |
25. WWU Physics/Astronomy General Info Physics/Astronomy Department Address, Phone, and Network Information. Dept. of Physics and Astronomy Western Washington University Bellingham, WA 982259064, http://www.ac.wwu.edu/~physics/info.html | |
26. Astronomy 14: Observational Astronomy: General Update Astronomy 14 Observational Astronomy. Welcome to the website for Astronomy 14. This site April 07, 2004. General update. Hopefully you http://www.thorsett.org/dewey/mt/archives/AY14/000104.html | |
27. Online Guide East Asia Search Term 39.00 astronomy general. ( Huaxia wenzhai ). CREATOR China News Digest International, Inc. URL http//www.cnd.org/HXWZ/. METADATA. http://ead.sbb.spk-berlin.de:8080/cgi-bin/avanti-ogea/regsrch3.pl?wert=39.00 Ast |
28. General Astronomy Bookstore: Thousands Of Books About Astronomy, Astrophysics, T General Astronomy Bookstore. Here and in the links in the right column are hundreds of books about astronomy for you to review, preview http://www.imagine-hawaii.com/astronbk.html | |
29. ASTR 310: General Astronomy Links Multiwavelength Milky Way From Stargazers to Starships astronomy general public links from UC Berkeley Kepler s Laws animation (by Ming Zhu at U. Toronto http://mintaka.sdsu.edu/faculty/wfw/CLASSES/ASTROBIO/astro-links.html | |
30. Astronomy General Astronomy astronomy course, or for anyone (amateur astronomers?)who is looking for a great and beautifully illustrated general reference source on astronomy. http://facultyofastronomy.com/Astronomy_General_Astronomy.html | |
31. CyberStacks(sm) Science -- Astronomy (QB) Screen Science astronomy. ( QB) SELECT. QB. astronomy (general) 1139 http://www.public.iastate.edu/~CYBERSTACKS/hybro_qb.htm | |
32. Curious About Astronomy? General Physics This isn't a surprise, because astronomy and physics are intimately tied together in the areas that relate to astronomy. general relativity (which deals with massive objects) and http://curious.astro.cornell.edu/physics.php | |
33. Public Education And Outreach general astronomy tutorial, education links, web courses, documents at the UCSD Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences. http://cassfos02.ucsd.edu/public/astroed.html | |
34. Astronomy 101: A Guide To The Basics A general information site for those who have a beginner's curiosity about astronomy. http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/5570 | |
35. CyberStacks(sm) Astronomy (General) Screen astronomy (general) (QB1139). Q-Science, R-Medicine, S-Agriculture, T-Technology, U-Military, V-Naval. QB 1 Periodicals, Societies, Congresses http://www.public.iastate.edu/~CYBERSTACKS/hyb_qb_1.htm | |
36. Calendar Conversion Program Kairos; Font And Keyboard Utilities commercial, demo available Win95/98/NT Includes calendars required by historians of astronomy and general historians. Many details are provided for Indian and Jewish calendars and much besides. There is also a display of positions of the Sun, Moon and planets, effectively replacing Tuckerman's tables. A horoscope display, and details of lunar visibility, are calculated from modern parameters. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/raymondm |
37. AllRefer Reference - Astronomy, General Encyclopedia AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides encyclopedia articles covered under this topic. Science and Technology astronomy and Space Exploration. astronomy, general Articles http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/categories/astro.html | |
38. History Of Astronomy - General History Page History of astronomy general History Page. Compiled by Gary Agranat. Also see astronomy Picture of the Day. Also see general astronomy References. http://members.aol.com/chopstcks/gca7sky/history/general.htm | |
39. Physics At Minnesota: Home Page Highlights current news as well as a weekly calendar, and provides general information concerning class schedules, curriculum details, program summaries, and research descriptions. http://www.physics.umn.edu/ | |
40. WebStars: Astrophysics In Cyberspace FITSIO FITS subroutine library. FTOOLS general s/w for FITS files the history of astronomy, history of science, and history in general. History of astronomy. A list of sites around http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/www_info/webstars.html | |
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