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101. Christians In Bishop Creek Canyon, Parchers, John Muir, South Lake Christian camping and activities including rock climbing, backpacking, fishing, campfire fellowship, Computer camps, creation studies and astronomy parties. http://www.christian-internet.com/bcc | |
102. Arty The Part-Time Astronaut Learn about all nine planets. A kid s astronomy site with animations,activities, and games for the future astronomer and astronaut. http://www.artyastro.com/ | |
103. Cornell University Physical Sciences Library We support research and teaching activities in the disciplines of chemistry, physics, and astronomy at Cornell University. http://www.library.cornell.edu/psl/ | |
104. Stars And Coffee - Bringing Telescope Stargazing To You Informal telescope viewing evening supported by the Goldfields Alliance Church. astronomy and zodiac information, and activities. http://starsandcoffee.christian-astronomers.org/ | |
105. Ritter Planetarium And Brooks Observatory Provides educational and entertaining activities on astronomy, the sky, and universe. http://www.rpbo.utoledo.edu/ | |
106. Salina Astronomy Club :: Located in Salina, Kansas. Features upcoming club activities including the skywatch lecture series, club news, and contact information. http://www.salina-astro.org | |
107. UD Physics & Astronomy Offers department directory, latest news, seminar schedules, and event announcements, with overview of the department, curriculum, and research activities. http://www.physics.udel.edu/ | |
108. Welcome To Cool Cosmos! NASA's onestop page for students, teachers, and anyone else who wants to learn more about infrared astronomy, the electromagnetic spectrum, or simply enjoy various games and activities. http://www.spitzer.caltech.edu/EPO/ | |
109. Welcome To Edu.Space! Group is dedicated to providing K12 astronomy and space science education support.We have a variety of services, products, activities, and resources that are http://oposite.stsci.edu/pubinfo/edugroup/educational-activities.html | |
110. Astronomical Society "Leo Brenner" NGO working in science and education regarding astronomy and astronomy related sciences. History, activities, news, Foton, gallery, archive and links. http://jagor.srce.hr/astrotour/eng.htm |
111. CAAA - Fox Park Public Observatory Based Potterville, Michigan, CAAA operates Fox Park Public Observatory, one of the most advanced public observatories in the nation. It hosts public education activities, comet watches, meteor observing, and frequent observatory public nights. http://www.foxobservatory.org | |
112. AFT Web Site - Summer Learning Calendar Redirect Page activities and games related to space travel and astronomy, organized by theme for the summer months. http://www.aft.org/calendar | |
113. Riverside Astronomical Society Home Page Bringing the joys of astronomy to the public in and around Riverside, California. Star parties, monthly meetings, public outreach, telescope making and other activities. http://www.rivastro.org/ | |
114. The American Meteor Society Encourages and supports research activities of both amateur and professional astronomers in the field of Meteor astronomy meteors, meteor showers, meteoric fireballs, and related meteoric phenomena. http://www.amsmeteors.org | |
115. Arty The Part-Time Astronaut Provides a learning quest through our solar system. Includes information related to all nine planets. A kid's astronomy site with animations, activities, and games for the future astronomer and astronaut. http://www.artyastro.com/start.htm | |
116. SAAAA Formed in January 1962 in San Angelo, the SAAAA has a primary focus in optical astronomy, but other activities such as radio astronomy and astrophotography are also currently pursued. http://members.aol.com/warhawk57/saaaa.html | |
117. The Moon - Zoom Astronomy The moon, lunar phases, tides, lunar exploration, activities. Great site for beginners to learn all of the basics about the moon. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/astronomy/moon/index.shtml | |
118. The I.I.Sc. Amateur Astronomy Club Homepage Conducts activities such as skywatching, slide shows, lectures on astro-related subjects, and provides an online astronomy Quiz. http://www.iisc.ernet.in/~astro/ | |
119. SIRIUS ASTRONOMY ASSOCIATION Includes comprehensive details of the news, activities and history of the Algerian association based in Constantine. http://www.geocities.com/siriusalgeria/ | |
120. Euro-Asian Astronomical Society Maintains the development of astronomy and reinforces scientific contacts between astronomers of the former Soviet Union and their colleagues all over the world. Includes summaries of previous meetings and activities in which the group participates. In Russian and English. http://www.issp.ac.ru/univer/astro/eaas/index.html |
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