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101. Vermont Astronomical Society (VAS) A group of amateur astronomers with membership ranging from beginning nakedeye stargazers to advanced amateurs with home observatories and elaborate equipment. http://www.uvm.org/vas/ | |
102. ERROR 404: Page Cannot Be Displayed Welcome to the NEKAAL. Here you will find our calendar of events, Informationon our Farpoint Observatory. We also share suggestions http://www.kansas.net/~farpoint/ | |
103. Eastbay Astronomical Society amongst and learning about ancient redwood trees, meeting a celebrity astronaut,or eating great food in the company of fellow amateur astronomers, ALL HERE IN http://www.eastbayastro.org/ | |
104. SAC Imaging Main Specializes in affordable CCD imaging cameras for amateur astronomers. http://www.sac-imaging.com/ | |
105. Tasmanian Amateur Astronomers Online Translate this page Click here to enter the Astronomy website. http://www.taao.has.it/ | |
106. Dubai Amateur Astronomy Dubai amateur astronomers is for UAE residents who own telescopes and offers basic information about the hobby and science. http://www.elysianfields.org.uk/astro/ |
107. The Saratogian Click Here! Top Stories. astronomers, amateur stargazers watch the RedPlanet s late summer show. PAUL POST , The Saratogian, 08/17/2003. http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=10021500&BRD=1169&PAG=461&dept_id=1770 |
108. The Cedar Amateur Astronomers A large, familyoriented club of amateur astronomers in and around Cedar Rapids, Iowa. http://cedar-astronomers.org | |
109. Netastrocatalog - Internet Amateur Astronomers Catalog NetAstroCatalog a mailing list for deep sky observers of all levels. Welcometo our new home! What is the Internet amateur astronomers Catalog (IAAC)? http://www.visualdeepsky.org/ | |
110. Amateur Astronomers, Inc. amateur astronomers, Inc., centered at the William Miller Sperry Observatory onthe Union County College campus, in Cranford, New Jersey, was founded in 1949 http://www.erols.com/njastro/orgs/aai.htm | |
111. DVAA Default Meetings usually are held at the Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education (SCEE) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. http://dvaa.org |
112. Www.AstroKorea.com - Site Of Korean Amateur Astronomers The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.astrokorea.com/ | |
113. The Astronomical Society Of Singapore The Astronomical Society of Singapore. TASOS is the largest astronomical organization in Singapore with over 200 members plus affiliation with a dozen of schools and institutions all over the country. TASOS has also maintained ties with fellow amateur astronomers in countries like Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and United States. http://tasos.org.sg/ | |
114. Recommendations For Beginning Amateur Astronomers Recommendations for Beginning amateur astronomers. Copyright (c) 1998, 1999,2000 Jay Reynolds Freeman (freeman@netcom.com). Recent Revisions http://observers.org/beginner/j.r.f.beginner.html | |
115. C88 - An Informational Tool For Amateur Astronomers Translate this page Provides detailed information about stars positions, proper motion, radial velocity, magnitudes, spectral class, color index, catalogue references, data http://www.alcyone.de/c88/english/ | |
116. Astronomical Society Of Tasmania Organisation for amateur astronomers who share an interest in all aspects of astronomy and its related sciences. Contains details of upcoming meetings, public astronomy nights, and astronomical links. http://www.southcom.com.au/~shevillm/ast/ |
117. Western Kentucky Amateur Astronomers (WKAA) A group of amateur astronomers that enjoys sharing their knowledge of astronomy and their love of the night sky. http://wkaa.net | |
118. "Confederation Of Indian Amateur Astronomers" The Confederation of Indian amateur astronomers,Pune. (R.No. VAMANA Project Project for Venus transit 2004; All India amateur astronomers Meets; http://www.ciaa.net/ | |
119. Cotswold Astronomical Society Serving amateur astronomers in the area. Includes a gallery and events. http://www.cotswoldas.org.uk | |
120. The SETI League, Inc.: Amateur Radio And Radio Astronomy Links Society of amateur Radio astronomers; Tucson amateur Packet Radio; Universityof Indianapolis Radio Astronomy; W1GHZ Online Microwave Antenna Book. http://www.setileague.org/otherweb/othrham.htm | |
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