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61. The Matrix MEME 3.04 brute force did it, in a specific amount of Mars rocket. We have incredibly toughbiomedical problems the astronaut trainers are former astronauts, and their http://memex.org/meme3-04.html | |
62. Sigma 7: The NASA Mission Reports (Apogee Books Space Series) numerous undefined NASA acronyms and references to specific pieces of equipment (individualswitches), which are probably known only to the astronauts and the http://www.historyofmilitary.com/Sigma_7_The_NASA_Mission_Reports_Apogee_Books_S | |
63. Adventure In Space 3. Key words (such as astronauts, space shuttle, NASA, biography, careers for searchingEncyclopedias for overviews of both careers, specific biographies in http://www.maslibraries.org/infolit/samplers/spring/adsp.html | |
64. Government Information--Biography On the Web. Major Sites. Astronaut Biographies. Information from NASAon current and former US astronauts and Russian/Soviet Cosmonauts. http://library.stmarytx.edu/acadlib/doc/guides/history/bio.htm | |
65. Knowledge Make a timeline of all females who have become astronauts. Indicate dates, countries,ethnicity, etc. From which specific Hispanic group is Dr. Ochoa a member? http://education.osu.edu/dyford/Lessonplans/astronaut.ochoa2.htm | |
66. Do Search Engines Suppress Controversy? (Short Version) We investigated specific controversies for each of the above five topics then measuredhow much each controversy appeared John s Wort , female astronauts ). http://www.twurl.com/Controversy/Controversy-Shorter.html | |
67. 40th Anniversary Of Mercury 7: Virgil Ivan "Gus" Grissom began in 1959, having been selected as one of NASA s Original Seven Mercury astronauts. notmuch of a whiz in school. 2 Without having set specific goals for http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/40thmerc7/grissom.htm | |
68. MusicSearcher.com - Astronauts Lyrics MusicSearcher.com simple, easy, no ads, no banners, no hassle. http://www.musicsearcher.com/lyrics_a/Astronauts.php | |
69. Astronauts Manned Space Flight The first seven US astronauts had to meet veryspecific qualifications and pass many rigorous tests. See what http://www.eagle.ca/~matink/themes/Space/astronau.html | |
70. Inspirational Speaker - Alan Bean - Astronauts & Aviators, Inspiration, Motivati PREMIERE SPEAKERS BUREAU presents Alan Bean. Topics include astronauts Aviators, Inspiration, Motivation 14 500* TRAVELS FROM Houston, TX TOPICS astronauts Aviators, Inspiration, Motivation http://premierspeakers.com/170/index.cfm | |
71. Personal Growth Humorist- Tim Clue - Astronauts & Aviators, Humor, PREMIERE SPEAKERS BUREAU presents Tim Clue. Topics include astronauts Aviators, Humor, KEYNOTE FEE Please Call TRAVELS FROM Chicago, IL TOPICS astronauts Aviators, Humor he tailored his http://www.premierespeakers.com/1927/print.cfm | |
72. Ancient Astronauts - Mars Van Flandern noted that the exploded planet scenario gave rise to several specificpredictions concerning the destruction of the Martian atmosphere and changes http://www.eridu.co.uk/Author/human_origins/mars.html | |
73. MonkeySweat - The Worlds Hardest Working IT Monkeys Web Results (What s this?) Astronaut bio Ellison Onizuka 6/86 Lyndon B. JohnsonSpace Center. Houston, Texas 77058. .. Astronaut bio EllisonOnizuka 6/86. http://www.monkeysweat.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi?keywords=Ellison Onizuka&specific= |
74. Famous Hams KD5VNP Details into space, I plan to add her bio to my go through the same training as all NASA astronautsbefore a Rather than having specific lectures, the teaching will be http://users.tellurian.com/gjurrens/KD5VNP.html | |
75. Keppler Associates Inc. - Alan Bean Topic Areas Adventure. Speaker bio. Speech Clips and Please note that while thisspeaker s specific fee falls soil, he was an Apollo 12 astronaut and commander http://www.kepplerassociates.com/speakers/beanalan.asp?2 |
76. ESA Topical Team On Space Adaptation Syndrome (Motion Sickness) - Title Of The E does not respond to such nonspecific stimuli but will be studied in order to allowastronauts to avoid recorded on a FUJITSU SIEMENS Lifebook (bio-feedback Man http://lbibi.chez.tiscali.fr/Site_SBB_ESA/parabolic_flight/results/point1.htm | |
77. Allscifi Information Page Detailed literary breakdown of The Astronaut s Wife, 40% Feelings, relationships,character bio/development 50% novel describes in very specific detail what http://www.allscifi.com/Topics/Info_13147.asp | |
78. Astronaut Biography: I can t think of anything specific growing up that pointed me toward NASA at all But,I never really thought about being an astronaut or working in space myself http://www.space.com/missionlaunches/bio_laurel_clark.html | |
79. Astronaut Bio: Eugene A. Cernan (Captain, USN, Retired) http://vesuvius.jsc.nasa.gov/er/seh/cernan.htm | |
80. Lovaura.com Space Memorabilia - International Space Station. The reverse has a brief biography of each and every astronaut which flew on thismission, and describes the design Excellent for a mission specific collection. http://www.lovaura.com/sts-iss.htm | |
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