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41. Nat'l Academies Press, Safe Passage: (2001), 3 Managing Risks To Astronaut Healt by determination of the prostatespecific antigen level the national and internationalgeneral bio- medical and communicated clearly, both to astronauts and to http://books.nap.edu/books/0309075858/html/74.html | |
42. Nat'l Academies Press, Safe Passage: (2001), 1 Astronaut Health Beyond Earth Orb Spacespecific hazarcls discussion and a question-and- answer session with fivephysician-astronauts. are focused on a variety of basic bio- medical concerns http://books.nap.edu/books/0309075858/html/22.html | |
43. TakingITGlobal - Discuss - Thread - The Astonishing Power Of The Bio-Physical & In other experiments the astronauts felt perfectly normal for elevating oneÂs biomagneticlevel Under specific spiritual practices this energy could also be http://www.takingitglobal.org/discuss/showthread.html?s=&threadid=4509 |
44. Inspirational Speaker - Alan Bean - Astronauts & Aviators, Inspiration, Motivati bio. Alan s career as an astronaut when he was not in specific mission training theyare looking inside the hearts and minds of the astronauts, scientists, and http://premierespeakers.com/admin/dynamic/speaker.cfm?id=170 |
45. 4 PROJECT EVALUATION / Evaluation Report Of Subcommittee For Space Utilization by the domestic contractors expecting to develop specific equipment. for followingresearch field of biotechnology, which is one space medicines for astronauts. http://www.nasda.go.jp/press/1998/11/hyouka_981125_e_09_e.html | |
46. Astronaut Biographies: Home Page astronauts typically titled payload specialist refers to individuals selectedand trained by commercial or research organizations for flights of a specific http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/Bios/ | |
47. Astronauts (Henry Spencer; Jim Scotti; Mary Shafer) Flightspecific work would be handled by payload specialists, who (then as now)would not be part of the astronaut corps, and who would come and go as http://yarchive.net/space/politics/astronauts.html | |
48. New NASDA ISS Astronauts | SpaceRef - Your Space Reference roles for their own specific tasks during the mission (Incrementspecific Training)and Furukawa and Hoshide are the first astronauts to have completed Basic http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=3669 |
49. Astronauts Enthused About Mars - But Cautious About Human Factors | SpaceRef - Y conducted at NASA JSC by a team assembled by Astronaut Franklin ChangDiaz on anew propulsion system (VASIMR -the Variable specific Impulse Magnetoplasma http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewnews.html?id=201 |
50. Science And Technology - Space (Astronauts) a specific question, phrase or Name. the Web. Power by Lovell, Jim An Astronaut s http://www.centerofweb.com/scitech/space_astronauts.htm | |
51. LII - Results For "astronauts" Biographies Information, including biographies, of the more than 150 astronautsin the US to serve as a crew member in association with a specific payload and http://sfpl.lii.org/advanced?searchtype=subject;query=Astronauts;subsearch=Astro |
52. AncientX.com - Ancient Astronauts, Planet X, Nibiru, NASA, Face On Mars, Jason M has the same passion for the specific line of 320x240 clip3 hires Jason Martell sBio Mr. Jason artificial structures on Mars, Ancient astronauts, and the http://www.ancientx.com/nm/anmviewer.asp?a=8&z=1 |
53. American Space Program's Moon Race: Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Apollo-Soyuz, And S Apollo 17 Summary The Last Apollo Landing. Detailed.. Crew. For more informationon why the specific astronauts were chosen for each mission, and for http://www.iolky.com/spaceprogram/ | |
54. The Lucidity Institute Forum There are these bio feedback devices working with on I ll post some more specificquestions for a Consider that astronauts going for their first spacewalks http://www.novadreamer.com/discus/messages/441/1602.html?1055249918 |
55. MSNBC - AlanÃÂ Boyle: Cosmic Log How specific will Bush s announcement really get? Mars NASA is naming the site ofthe Spirit rover s landing on Mars in honor of the seven astronauts who lost http://msnbc.msn.com/id/3862560/ | |
56. CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN critical to ensuring the future health and safety of astronauts, and the In additionto setting specific discipline priorities, the report presented a number http://www.house.gov/science/osborn_032200.htm | |
57. Keppler Associates Inc. - Colonel Mike Mullane Topic Areas Adventure. Speaker bio. Speech Clips Please note that while this speaker sspecific fee falls One of NASAÂs original shuttle astronauts, he flew http://www.kepplerassociates.com/speakers/mullanemike.asp?1 |
58. Charged With Planetary Destiny :: Astrobiology Magazine :: Search For Life In Th We are astronauts, astronomers, engineers and a few others who are knowledgeableabout the be taken to mitigate this threat, and if so, what specific course of http://www.astrobio.net/news/article961.html | |
59. OPLIN Genealogy Specific Genealogies Ohio Biographies Genealogy specific Genealogies Ohio Biographies Famous Ohioans astronauts,Indians, Inventors, Presidents, and Women ./index.cfm?ID=561950-241-436 http://www.oplin.lib.oh.us/index.cfm?ID=561-950-241 |
60. FAQ On History above to find specific materials using keywords; or, (2) go to specific headingslike history, principles or careers at specific levels above FAQ on astronauts. http://www.allstar.fiu.edu/aero/faq_history.htm | |
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