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41. English Resources: Reading - General [English Online] Reading general. Levels 1 to 8 Search for similar resources. an elephant-headedgod, the sorcerer s apprentice, prehistoric astronauts, dragons, volcanoes http://english.unitecnology.ac.nz/resources/links/english_resources.html?sub_typ |
42. St. Paul Public Library - Web Links general resources. the fulltext articles from nearly 80 resources published by BiographiesBiographical information about career astronauts, payload specialists http://www.sppl.org/weblinks.cfm?id=189 |
43. Universe Today Forums -> Resources On The Web 11July 03, Carl Sagan bio from the freeware and shareware), databases and generalresources Stars Manned - astronauts cosmonauts (bios etc), the Space Race http://www.universetoday.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2360 |
44. General Astronomy: MASPK Educational Resources of experience in selecting and training astronauts to work guide, StarDate magazinearticles, and K12 teacher resources. sciences for use by the general public http://www.maspk.com/Science/Astronomy/Astronomy1.html | |
45. Gale - Free Resources - Black History Month - Biographies - Mae C. Jemison She was a general practitioner with the INA/Ross Loos Medical Group in Lost Angelesuntil 1983 In 1987, Jemison was accepted in NASA s astronaut program. http://www.galegroup.com/free_resources/bhm/bio/jemison_m.htm | |
46. EDUCATION PLANET - 76 Web Sites For Science Ellen Ochoa check out a bio of the first by NASA and became the first Hispanic femaleastronaut. ISPs and Networking in Trinidad and Tobago general Web Links http://www.educationplanet.com/search/Science/9-12_Resources?startval=50 |
47. Georgia Astronauts NAME Astronaut bio Roy D. Bridges, Jr. NASA EXPERIENCE Bridges was selected asan astronaut candidate by is a retired US Air Force Major general who served http://aesp.nasa.okstate.edu/georgia/BioBridge.html | |
48. Reference Please Almanacs on sports, entertainments, and general knowledge and web sites arealso offered with each bio. biographies of NASA astronauts bios of current http://www.noacsc.org/hancock/vb/HSLib/reference.htm | |
49. SCC-LRC/Library: Research Guide For Biography: General help you create a research strategy for general biography History of Science and Technologybiographical biobibliographical resources List of http://www2.scc-fl.edu/lrc/guides/biogeneral.htm | |
50. Science Resources Animals. Wonderful site with general information about animals, diagrams, and coloringpages. http//www.selu.com/bio/wolves/. Living in Space. Ask An Astronaut. http://www.jessamine.k12.ky.us/war/main/science/science.html | |
51. GREEN EGGS REPORT AskOxford American; Astronaut bio Joe Henry Engle; general s Guidelines on generalCrimes, Racketeering Building Science Corporation Technical resources; http://ger.ar.com/ger/az/general/content.html | |
52. BIO | Press Release HealthFest attendees will also have the opportunity to meet two NASA astronauts. toeducate the courts, the media and the general public bio 2003 Lecture Series. http://www.bio.org/newsroom/newsitem.asp?id=2003_0522_03 |
53. Peer Resources - Famous Mentor Pairings - Business, Industry, Education And Scie mentor to Dr. Robert Thirsk (astronaut, physician, engineer RCN) mentor to ChristineHancock (general Secretary Royal Oliver Sacks (neurologist and author, bio); http://www.mentors.ca/mp_business.html | |
54. Resources In Exercise Science and explains different effects of space on astronaut s physiology. bioChem. Chemist sArt Gallery; general Organic and biochemistry; Genome Database; Netbiochem http://www.fau.edu/divdept/exsci/resources.htm | |
55. Science SOL of real world experts, ranging from astronauts to zookeepers bioLessons - more biologylesson plans covers physics, geometry, calculus, general mathematics, art http://www.techtrekers.com/science.htm | |
56. Homework Hotline - Biographies Of Famous People & Celebrities Asian American, Hispanic, Artists, Performers, astronauts, Athletes, Authors www.bham.wednet.edu/bio/biomaker.htm league,now resides as general manager and http://www.homeworkhotline.com/Biographies.htm | |
57. Biographical Resources Selected Links to general Collections of Biographical resources. Michigan ElectronicLibrary Biography resources. photos, of more than 150 astronauts in the US http://www.farmlib.org/bios.html | |
58. Travel Resources For St Pierre And Miquelon From Traveldrama.com Travel resources for St Pierre and Miquelon from traveldrama.com. general. themes runthrough this sciencefiction classic, about three astronauts marooned on a http://www.traveldrama.com/StPierreandMiquelon.html | |
59. Travel Resources For Marshall Is From Traveldrama.com general. . Mark Twain A bio; Won by the Sword The scene of this story is laid in PhantomPlanet (DVD) It`s Gulliver`s Travels in space as an astronaut lands on http://www.traveldrama.com/MarshallIs.html | |
60. Pseudoscience & Pseudomedicine org A guide to some general paranormal pages mysteries, parapsychology, edge science,UFOlogy, and ancient astronauts. and Humanist Web http//fp.bio.utk.edu http://www.medlina.com/parascience_&_pseudoscience.htm | |
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