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61. R-search.com Newsgroups - The Rocketry Related Search Engine View Rocketry Related Newsgroups. schools with astrogeology major.sci.space.science. Subject schools with astrogeology major From http://www.r-search.com/article.php?id=31183&group=sci.space.science |
62. Serveur De Documents Science Et Culture France-Japon - Subject: QB455-456 Astrog Subject QB455456 astrogeology. Based on Library of Congress Subject Areas (13)Q Science (8) QB Astronomy QB455-456 astrogeology. Number of records 0. http://servdoc.jp.cnrs.fr/view/subjects/QB455-456.html | |
63. Policy On Support For External ISIS Users Policy on Support for External ISIS Users. In the past, the astrogeologyTeam has provided a high level of support to external ISIS users. http://megasn.obspm.fr/isis/support_policy.html | |
64. Astrogeology Search USGS USGS astrogeology Research Program Home page for the USGS astrogeology Program,featuring planetary imagery, research, GIS, mapping, and image processing http://vdict.com/i/1/astrogeology.html | |
65. USGS 50 Years In Menlo Park astrogeology. Richard J. Pike. Eugene Shoemaker, the pioneering astrogeologistwho first worked out the formational mechanics of Meteor http://menlocampus.wr.usgs.gov/50years/accomplishments/astrogeology.html | |
66. Project Rolo Person in Charge. Hugh Kieffer USGS astrogeology Nominal contact personfor the ROLO project, spacecraft mission and instrument interface. http://www.moon-cal.org/ROLO_old/ROLO/allin1.html | |
67. MCORP Ingame Torgar Delzoun Mining Level 5/5 astrogeology Level 3/5 Drones Level 2/5 MiningDrone Operation Level 2/5 Science Level 4/4 Trell Artella Mining Level 5/5 http://www.cineimage.co.uk/docs/mcorp/Masters_Guild/MMG_Trainees.html | |
68. EVE-I | Forum astrogeology question, Rauk, 547, 5, 11/02/04 0912 AM. Re astrogeology question,SonOfLiberty, 11/02/04 0520 PM. Re astrogeology question, Rauk, 11/02/04 1156AM. http://www.eve-i.com/forum/postlist.php?Cat=&Board=prof2&page=16&view=expanded&s |
69. EVE-I | Forum Cu Vapor with Mining 5, astrogeology 5 49 * 1.25 * 1.25 = 76.56 m3 / min Miner2 with Mining 5, astrogeology 5 60 * 1.25 * 1.25 = 93.75 m3 / min Percentage http://www.eve-i.com/forum/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=prof2&Number=33041&page=0&vie |
70. EVE Online | Forums | Skills | Advanced Mining Skills Edited by Bionicle on 22/04/2004 054248 Originally by BalRa Adv. Veldsparextraction rank1 Req 1 astrogeology lvl 2 Req 2 Deep Core Mining lvl 1. http://myeve.eve-online.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=74083 |
71. EVE Online | Forums | Events | Sponserd Mining Sesoin plus astrogeology 5 and mining 5 would win, hands down. Mining drone operation5, too. ). plus astrogeology 5 and mining 5 would win, hands down. http://myeve.eve-online.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=74072 |
72. Webquest o Mercury Quick Facts http//astrogeology.usgs.gov/Projects/BrowseTheSolarSystem/mercury.html This site has some good quick information that would be easily http://www2.tltc.ttu.edu/Thomas/coollinks/topics/space.htm | |
73. L.C. Subject Headings Weekly List 02 (January 10, 2001) Washington (State) 150 BuddhismRelationsChristianity sp 00010143 (C) 151 Callisto(Satellite)Geology sp 00003836 550 BT astrogeology 151 Canaveral http://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/wls01/awls0102.html | |
74. USGS Isis: History This is a history of the evolution of image procesisng software withinthe astrogeology Team over a 30+ year period from 1971 to 2003. USGS http://isis.astrogeology.usgs.gov/documents/IsisHistory/IsisHistory.html | |
75. Astronomical Adventures Additional day activities can include solar viewing in both white light and hydrogenalpha,and visits to the Museum of astrogeology, Astronaut Hall of Fame http://astronomy-mall.com/regular/products/astronomical-adventures/ | |
76. Astronomical Adventures Additional day activities will include solar viewing in both white light and hydrogenalpha,and visits to the Museum of astrogeology, Astronaut Hall of Fame http://astronomy-mall.com/regular/products/astronomical-adventures/astroad1.html | |
77. LEARN Volume III Senior Supervisor for School and Special Programs, Lowell Observatory In thisissue *Important dates in July *Daily sky almanac *astrogeology Web site http://www.lowell.edu/Public/LEARN/voliii7.htm | |
78. Search Results For Astrogeology - Encyclopædia Britannica Fluid Dynamics Search Engine Shoemaker, Gene, Eugene Search Results Your search for Shoemaker,, Gene,, Eugene,, astrogeology,,comets did not return any matches (0 documents were searched) http://www.britannica.com/search?miid=1110063&query=astrogeology |
79. Eugene Shoemaker (1928-1997) In 1961 he took a leading role in the USGS venture, in Flagstaff, Arizona, intothe study of astrogeology , the Ranger missions to the moon and the training http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/sl9/news81.html | |
80. Race Education Paths Research, Applied Science, astrogeology, astrogeology, Mining. Science, Metallurgy,Metallurgy, Refining. Research, Applied Science, astrogeology, astrogeology, Mining. http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/caelin/EVE/education.htm | |
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