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61. Margate Public Library: Asteroids Directory grouped by asteroids, Asteroid Belt, Comets, Kuiper Belt, Meteors. http://www.margatelibrary.org/asteroids.html | |
62. Holistic Order asteroids Products. Princess Diana and the asteroids; Holistic Perspectives and asteroids in the New World of Astrology. Back to asteroids Home Page. http://www.asteroids.com/holistic.htm | |
63. Compare Prices And Read Reviews On Asteroids For PlayStation 1 At Epinions.com Consumer reviews for the Playstation version. http://www.epinions.com/game-Titles-Consoles-SonyPlaystation-All-Asteroids | |
64. Asteroids With Satellites asteroids with Satellites. by Wm. Robert Johnston last updated 9 May 2004. asteroids with satellites summary data table. Other reports of asteroid companions. http://www.johnstonsarchive.net/astro/asteroidmoons.html | |
65. Untitled Document Includes a multimedia tour that provides a history background dedicated to these bodies as well as images that present the actual position of them. http://www.geocities.com/zlipanov/ |
66. Asteroids asteroids. About asteroids; Asteroid Belt; asteroids in the News; Asteroid Prophecy. asteroids are material left over from the formation of the solar system. http://www.crystalinks.com/asteroids.html | |
67. IAU: Minor Planet Center We are the official body that deals with astrometric observations and orbits of minor planets (asteroids) and comets. http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html | |
68. Asteroids, The Classic Video Game asteroids The Classic Video Game of the 70 s. The asteroids game screen will show Game Over - S to Start once everything is ready. http://www.squadron13.com/games/asteroids/asteroids.htm | |
69. Asteroids asteroids! Playing Instructions Use the keyboard controls described below to manoeuvre your ship and zap as many asteroids as you http://www.urban75.org/useless/asteroids.html | |
70. ASTEROIDS, The Classic Game. Can be very habitforming!! Use the keyboard controls described below to maneuver your ship, destroying as many asteroids as you can while avoiding collision http://www.webontario.com/asteroids/ | |
71. Mediaroids Free Games - Asteroids Space Shooter! Try to get the most points possible in this online Java game based on the original asteroids arcade classic. http://www.medialore.com/games/mediaroids/mediaroids.html | |
72. Norbert's Emulator Software: JAE - Asteroids by. Norbert Kehrer. The asteroids Emulator in Java by Norbert Kehrer (my first emu, 1998 or so ) The keys Left Rotate left; Right http://web.utanet.at/nkehrer/JAsteroids.html | |
73. Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous Mission NEAR First spacecraft to orbit an asteroid, to answer fundamental questions about the nature and origin of near-Earth objects, such as the numerous asteroids and comets in the vicinity of Earth's orbit. First launch in the Discovery Program, a NASA initiative for small planetary missions. http://near.jhuapl.edu/ | |
74. Norbert Kehrer Norbert Kehrer. The asteroids Deluxe Emulator in Java by Norbert Kehrer I had to delete this game from my homepage not enough disk space from my provider -/. http://web.utanet.at/nkehrer/JAsteroidsDeluxe.html | |
75. StarDate Online | Solar System Guide | Intro Contains an outline of the formation and evolution of planets, comets, asteroids, and of their features and exploration. http://stardate.org/resources/ssguide/ | |
76. AtariAge - Atari 2600 - Asteroids (Atari) asteroids Picture label. System Atari 2600. Company Atari. Model CX2649. Box Scan. Screenshots. Download ROM. asteroids Box. Game Notes, Submit Game Notes. http://www.atariage.com/software_page.html?SoftwareLabelID=1007 |
77. Cosmic Impacts: Is The Sky Falling? (Skeptical Inquirer May 1997) There is a tremendous difference in the estimated dangers of asteroids, stretching on what separates legitimate science from pseudoscience. Ten recent trade books are reviewed that span a broad range in interpretations. http://www.csicop.org/si/9705/asteroid.html | |
78. Exploring The Planets - Asteroids Discovery of the asteroids Where Are the asteroids? Near Earth asteroids What Do asteroids Look Like? Exploration of asteroids Asteroid http://www.nasm.si.edu/research/ceps/etp/asteroids/ | |
79. Cygo's Space Initiative Organization and forum focused on mining the asteroids. http://cygo.com | |
80. Guide To Space & Astronomy Physics and Astronomy. Comets, asteroids Meteorites. A montage of comet Earth courtesy of SEDS archive. Or are they asteroids, bodies still more mysterious ? http://www.star.le.ac.uk/edu/comets/ | |
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