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1. Computer Science Resources New Mexico tech's computer science Department. tech computer Center See also assistive technology Resources. See also information on Internet and Writing Your Own Web Page http://www.nmt.edu/~nmtlib/subject/comp.html | |
2. ACM: Listing Of Career Opportunities Auburn University computer science Department invites applications HospitalDepartment of assistive technologies Virginia tech University computer science Department http://www.acm.org/member_services/career | |
3. AR - Assistive Tech Author, Topic AR assistive tech. enhance, and coordinate assistive technology for the Education, Educational technology, computer science, Engineering, MIS http://www.janejarrow.com/bboard/display.lasso?recid=33261 |
4. Assistive Technology In Computer Science assistive technology in computer science. Blaise W. Liffick, Ph.D. One of the earliest depictions of hightech assistive technology in popular entertainment is from the http://www.cs.millersv.edu/~liffick/isict/atcs.html | |
5. Assistive Technology In Computer Science method of demonstrating basic computer science principles, human legal, and ethical issues in computing. depictions of Âhightech assistive technology in http://cs.millersville.edu/~liffick/isict/atcs.html | |
6. HCI At Virginia Tech HCI Researchers in computer science at Virginia tech. Faculty and Staff. Marc Abrams, Ph.D. Assistant Professor; Ph.D., Maryland. multimedia information presentation, and computerassistive technology for people with disabilities http://pixel.cs.vt.edu/~rreaux/hci/people/cs.html |
7. Ilusa Template Link Page With B/N Search and computer science Wright State University Dayton, Ohio 45435. Richard E. Banks (Adaptive technology Consultant), School of Allied Health, assistive tech In http://www.ilusa.com/links/scitec.htm | |
8. BW Online | August 19, 2003 | Assistive Tech Needs A Hand In D.C. Internet Security. science Health. tech Columns. Customer Service By Suzanne Robitaille. assistive tech Needs a Hand in expensive A personal computer configured for a disabled http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/aug2003/tc20030819_6038_tc126.htm | |
9. People - Mercer University Computer Science Department The computer science Department currently has seven Impact of Computing; Adaptive assistive technology Louisiana tech University Object-Oriented Programming; computer Networks http://www.cs.mercer.edu/people/faculty/faculty.asp | |
10. Registry For People Interested In Computers And Autism Christine Knippenberg, OTR, knippenbergc@hartfordsd.com, occupational therapist, assistive tech autism, 10/01. wmurphy@ieee.org, teacher PhD in computer science, http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~jef/registry.html | |
11. Computer Science Web Sites An extensive collection of online resources for computer science. www.useit.com/alertbox/ assistive technologies Electronic Accessibility, http//www.seirtec http//www.tenlinks.com/ Top tech Trends, June 2000 http//www http://www.ejw.i8.com/compweb.html | |
12. 2003 2004 Florida Tech University Catalog Computer Sciences Disclaimer This is not an ocial version of the computer sciences section of the Florida tech. University Catalog. Editorial changes may have been made after submission by the Department. medicine, criminology, factory automation, space exploration, and assistive devices for the disabled learning.The computer science curriculum at Florida tech is a unique and http://www.cs.fit.edu/wds/catalogs/catalog03/catalog.pdf |
13. Assistive Technology Team - Boulder Valley School District ideas, both low and high tech., to help addition to working on the assistive technology Team the University of Colorado s computer science Department developing http://www.bvsd.k12.co.us/sped_assistive/bv_assistive.shtml | |
14. MSU MEMO: July 24, 1995 Research Assistant I, (TimeLimited) (computer Analyst), Social science science Research Center; Research Assistant I (Time-Limited), Wildlife assistive tech. http://msuinfo.ur.msstate.edu/msu_memo/1995/7-24-95/jobs.htm | |
15. Browse Teaching Through Technology By Technology Used Production in Speech/English, language arts, teched, video Information Processing Business Education, business, computer science, Bonduel, 3. assistive technology. http://www.ecb.org/ttt/tech.htm | |
16. Company Directories complete short custom; assistive tech Educational Consulting complete short custom; Department of computer science complete short custom; http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/cgi-bin/sc_coinf/ccc/index_gen/company.pl?lang=e&profi |
17. MathType 5.0 Provides Options For Students, Teachers And Professionals and templates to assist computer users. products developed by Design science, visit their assistive tech Educational Consulting 2265 MacIntyre Place Kamloops http://www.abilityhub.com/ecolumn/2002/may1.htm | |
18. AXSLIB-L Archives -- May 2002 (#8) ISC.RIT.EDU Subject Webcast Karen Milchus assistive tech in science labs X webcast with Karen Milchus talking about noncomputer assistive technology in http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/CGI/wa.exe?A2=ind0205&L=axslib-l&F=&S=&P=904 |
19. AXSLIB-L Archives -- May 2002 Foundation s Grant to Online computer Library Center Webcast Accessible computerized science Labs with Webcast Karen Milchus assistive tech in science labs http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/CGI/wa.exe?A1=ind0205&L=axslib-l |
20. ECampus Student Services: North Harris College Text in accounting, office administration, computer science, chemistry, anatomy There are computer programs, videos, audio The assistive tech Lab is designed for http://ecampus.nhmccd.edu/Student_Services/Present/NHCText.htm | |
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