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1. ACT : ACT Assessment : Registering : Test Dates ACT assessment Test Dates (within the 50 United states) Missed thelate registration deadline? See Standby testing. 2003Â2004. http://www.act.org/aap/regist/actdates.html | |
2. FairTest: Testing Our Children released testing Our Children A Report Card on State assessment Systems in Septemberof 1997. See below for links to reports on the individual states and to http://www.fairtest.org/states/survey.htm | |
3. Assessment, Testing, And Evaluation Links and Student testing (CRESST) technical reports covering assessment and standards implementation Education Standards, assessment, and Accountability in the states. Prepared by the http://www.middleweb.com/Assmntlinks.html | |
4. Code Of Fair Testing Practices In Education The code states the major obligations to professionals who develop or use educational tests. The code is meant to apply broadly to the use of tests in education (admissions, educational assessment, educational diagnosis, and student placement). http://www.apa.org/science/fairtestcode.html | |
5. Using Web-Based Testing For Large-Scale Assessment UsingWebBased TestingFor Large-ScaleAssessmentBy Laura S with the current emphasis on standards-based reformand accountability. 3$ ment for states has doubled from approximately http://www.rand.org/publications/IP/IP196/IP196.pdf |
6. ACT : ACT Assessment : Registering : Taking The ACT Outside The 50 United States ACT s packet of materials for testing outside the United states includesa full listing of test centers, including telephone and fax numbers. http://www.act.org/aap/regist/outside.html | |
7. Environmental Management Resources, Inc. Offers a full array of environmental consulting, testing, engineering and construction services in approximately thirty states, including industrial hygiene, detection and assessment of lead and other heavy metals, and subsurface assessment and cleanup. http://www.emr-inc.com | |
8. K-12 State And International Testing EDinformatics Select states begin to release full Spring 2003 Gr.4 andGr8 Math Tests. NEVADA State testing and assessment. http://www.edinformatics.com/testing/testing.htm | |
9. Education Week: Assessment - Testing, Results, Standards, Test, Alignment, Quali to match standards; 12 states have adopted augmented or hybrid tests; and 21 stateswill employ a normreferenced test as part of their state assessment systems http://www.edweek.org/context/topics/issuespage.cfm?id=41 |
10. 3/6/02 -- Testing Rules Would Grant States Leeway -- Education Week on the issues of standards and assessment raised by Education Act, which containsthe testing mandates adequate yearly progress Âor how states determine the http://www.edweek.org/ew/newstory.cfm?slug=25rules.h21 |
11. States Conducting Student Competency Testing For High School Graduation (Exit Ex states Conducting Student Competency testing for High School Graduation (Exit Exams) MS Word PDF Related Issues. assessment. High School ©. 2004 Education Commission of the states http://www.ecs.org/html/Document.asp?chouseid=4118 |
12. Infectious Disease Testing For Blood Transfusions (CBM 94-10) in Asia, Africa, and South America than in the United states. Accordingly the list does not include many blood donorsan assessment of the efficacy of testing in donor screening http://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/cbm/transfus.html | |
13. FairTest Examiner: Testing Our Children Recommendations 6) Seventeen states use a single test as a requirement for high school graduation,violating widely recognized standards for good assessment practice, ensuring http://www.fairtest.org/examarts/summer97/survrecs.htm | |
14. Education World ® - Administrators: Teachers Tackle Testing: The Scoop On Teach National Evaluation Systems Incorporated, the organization that constructed theMassachusetts test, provides teacherassessment tests to seven other states. http://www.education-world.com/a_admin/admin109.shtml | |
15. New Products From ETS For Paraprofessionals of test(s) to satisfy the third option is left to the discretion of states and districts.The ParaPro assessment developed by Educational testing Service for http://www.ets.org/parapro/ | |
16. Psychological Testing And Assessment | Test Developer Profiles Psychological testing and assessment An Introduction To Tests and of interpretingresults from nonEnglish-language tests used in the United states. http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0767421574/student_view0/chapter2/test_dev | |
17. Psychological Testing And Assessment | Test Developer Profiles Psychological testing and assessment. They established a testscoring serviceand offer test-scoring workshops throughout the United states. http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0767421574/student_view0/chapter1/test_dev | |
18. Assessment, Testing & Measurement United states Curriculumbased assessment Educational change Educational testsand measurem Education / Teaching Education Curricula testing http://topics.practical.org/browse/Assessment,_Testing_&_Measurement | |
19. American Association Of School Administrators - Issues And Insights testing Computerized Exams (5/23/01). Oregon joins other states who plan on usingonline assessment to test students on basic skills. From Education Week. http://www.aasa.org/issues_and_insights/technology/online_assessment.htm | |
20. Testing authors of the StanfordBinet version IV, states over development than any othertest subsequently published Issues in Identification and assessment by Linda http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/testing.htm | |
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