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61. Appendix B Appendix BCourses for asian Studies Track (A) Courses on currents China (same asComp lit 540) chinese Prose chinese 570 Research in chinese Source Materials http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~amcircle/Asian Studies/Appendix_B.html | |
62. UCSB: East Asian 139 Boundaries of the Self in Late Imperial chinese lit, Lowry. 4. Lec. 250 Languageof Vernacular chinese, Yu. 4. Lec. MW, 200315, HSSB East asian Cultural Studies. http://www.eastasian.ucsb.edu/content/courseswinter_schedule.html | |
63. UCSB: East Asian Tut. 06858. 198 Readings in chinese. 14. Tut. 06866. Days. Time. Location. 80 EastAsian Civil. Fogel. 4. MTWRF. 1000-1050. HSSB 1215. 110A Japan lit Classical. Saltzman-Li.4. http://www.eastasian.ucsb.edu/content/coursesfall_schedule.html | |
64. School Of Asian Studies - Faculty Of Arts At The University Of Auckland, New Zea The School of asian Studies currently offers BA majors and minors in chinese,japanese and Korean, while retaining expertise in Indonesian. http://www.arts.auckland.ac.nz/asia/ | |
65. East Asian Languages & Civilizations News 2001 asian Studies, formerly Bulletin for Concerned asian Scholars. is pursuing Ph.D. workin chinese literature at Kong Haili (Ph.D., Comp lit, chinese track, 1994 http://www.colorado.edu/ealc/deptnews/news01.html | |
66. Undergraduate Courses In Asian Studies in Transition AS W317Hist W215-AmSt W153-asian Women in I AS 321-Crit 369-literaryChinese-Translation II TUJ) Crit Lang W120-japanese Popular Culture lit. http://astro.temple.edu/~bstavis/as/ascourse.htm | |
67. Valley Advocate: Dining Listings CHINA DYNASTY. asian, chinese 351 Northampton Rd./Route 9 Amherst, MA (413) 2568800,Large, well-lit atmosphere, serving chinese cuisine with a http://www.valleyadvocate.com/gbase/dining/Cuisine?max=25&startIndex=1&cuisine=C |
68. GW Asian Studies Courses--Fall 2003 HIST 188 History of chinese Communism, 3 credits Section 10 HONR 175 Intro to ClassicalIndian lit, 3 credits HMN 006 asian Humanities, 3 credits Section 10 is http://www.gwu.edu/~eastasia/courses/f03.htm | |
69. Internet Resources For Asian Languages And Literatures Choose Subject. available web pages for East asian collections Also covers computingin chinese, japanese and Korean. ; East http://www2.lib.udel.edu/subj/lano/internet.htm | |
70. Internet Resources For East Asian Studies Choose Subject. resources mostly in the asian languages. is split into categoriesof chinese, japanese, Korean, and http://www2.lib.udel.edu/subj/eastasia/internet.htm | |
71. Yearly Course Listing, Courses, Asian & Middle East Studies Program, WCAS, North 2714, japanese literature Translation, TTH 200-300, Lyons. Comp lit 274-2, ChineseFiction, MW 200-420, Watkins. *English 375, Topics in asian American literature, http://www.asian-studies.northwestern.edu/courses/approved0304.html | |
72. Arts. & Sci. 2004-2005 Fall/Winter Sessions Timetable: East Asian Studies [EAS C EAS216Y1, Mod Std Korean Pr Bkgd. EAS227Y1, Intro to asian Art. EAS299Y1, RschOpportunity Prg. EAS305Y1, Art lit Theory Ch Tr. EAS334Y1, The chinese Novel. http://www.artsandscience.utoronto.ca/ofr/timetable/winter/cno_eas.html | |
73. Ling Essay: Teaching The American Literatures in the field, asian American Authors (1972) brought to light two generations ofAmerican writers from three asian traditions chinese, japanese, and Filipino http://www.georgetown.edu/tamlit/essays/asian_am.html | |
74. Asian Studies COMP lit 3M03, asian litERATURES. COMP lit 3TT3, MODERN japanese litERATURE IN TRANSLATION.GEO 3HJ3, GEOGRAPHY OF JAPAN. HISTORY 2GG3, CHINA HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS. http://registrar.mcmaster.ca/calendar/year2003/sec_672.htm | |
75. FACULTY OF LETTERS SAKURAI, Yumio, D. lit. Professor, Southeast asian History. KOMATSU, Hisao, Professor,Central asian History. KISHIMOTO, Mio, Professor, chinese History. http://www.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp/eng/humani_4.html | |
76. East Asian Studies-Course Catalog Bucknell University 214. Modern chinese literature in Translation (I; 3, 0). 219. Meiji lit. The Proseof Modernity (II; 3, 0). Taught in English. 224. asian Art (I or II; 3, 0). http://www.bucknell.edu/Academics/Academic_Offices_Resources/Course_Catalog/Cour | |
77. Languagehat.com: ASIAN ACRONYMS. done on acronyms in chinese and other asian languages that HighBeautiful BigSchool becomes Kodae lit. chinese characters can be pronounced not just in their http://www.languagehat.com/archives/001089.php | |
78. Courses Offered Next Semester 1130. Intermediate chinese (Chinse 201). Mao. M/2/207. 149609. 1130. TraditionalJapanese lit (Japan 252). Kokubo. M/2/616. 155657. 1130. E.asian Civ 1 (Hist L160).Ye. http://www.faculty.umb.edu/michael_lafargue/eas/currentcrs.html |
79. Winter & Spring 1999 East asian 202 Cultural History of East Asia 5 S japanese 330C japanese CultFilm/Lit2 S T @ 46 202, 210, 368, and 417t Traditional chinese Medicine pbuell http://www.ac.wwu.edu/~eas/sch2002winterfall.html | |
80. Graduate Course Listings of East asian Languages and Literatures The Ohio State University. G 35 998 Researchin chinese Thesis G Arr 999 Research in chinese Dissertation G japanese. http://deall.ohio-state.edu/webdoc/course.htm |
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