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1. Scholar Voices: Behrendt Kurt Behrendt in South asian international trade and the Indian Ocean, 100 BCE 300 CE, sketches a picture of international trade networks between the Red http://www.accd.edu/sac/history/keller/IndianO/Behren.html | |
2. Georgetown Law - Asian Law And Policy Studies Program (International Programs) ALPS provides a framework for expanded education, exchanges, and international dialogue about asian law. Courses offered include Korean Law and trade, JapanU.S. Business Transactions, Chinese Law, Japanese Legal System, Legal Framework of U.S.-Japan Economic Relations, and Law and Development in the Pacific Community. http://www.law.georgetown.edu/intl/alps.html | |
3. Tex-Styles India 2004 India. international trade show for asian manufacturers, suppliers and service providers in the textile and home fashions industries. New Delhi. February 25, 2001. http://www.texstylesindia.com/ | |
4. LLRX -- Guide To International Trade Law Sources On The Web When conducting research in international trade, often the first step is to locate the relevant Association of Southeast asian Nations ( ASEAN). The Member Countries are involved in http://www.llrx.com/features/trade.htm | |
5. Asian Trade Gallery,Bids In Asia,Tenders In Asia,B2B B2C Business In Asia,Asian Strategic Alliances. Helping international/Foreign companies to develop business in asian subcontinent. trade negotiations. Document and Contracts. http://www.asiatradehub.com/service.asp | |
6. Hong Kong Fashion Week For Spring / Summer Hong Kong. international trade fair for asian manufacturers of apparel, footwear and clothing accessories. http://hkfashionweekss.tdc.org.hk/ |
7. InfoManage - International Trade InfoManage international trade. Forum. Latest Posts from Forums. Date. international trade international Economics. Stock Exchanges, Emerging Markets, asian Stocks. Hong Kong Stocks http://infomanage.com/international/trade |
8. White Paper On International Trade 1997: Asian And Oceanic Countries White Paper on international trade 1997. (1) Trends in trade. According to the asian Development Bank (ADB), average real GDP growth in Asia declined from 8.2 http://www.itcilo.it/actrav/actrav-english/telearn/global/ilo/globe/jetroas.htm | |
9. Pan Asia International Limited-English trade services including product support and language translations for all asian countries. http://members.chello.at/johann.kaplan/index-e.htm | |
10. Toronto International Trade Corporation, Karachi Mass Transit Project Toronto international trade Consortium is a Canadian company undertaking development projects in South asian countries. Formed consortium of international companies to design, plan and schedule this project. http://www.titc.org/transit.html | |
11. International Business Resources On The WWW: International Trade Leads globalEDGE Resource Desk is a collection of international business resources on the web. Includes annotated resources on countries, governments, statistics, news, travel, culture, finance and BigEx.com is an international trade exchange that matches buyers and sellers from around the world sections Forsale, To-buy and Business opportunities. ASIA asian Sources On-Line http://ciber.bus.msu.edu/busres/tradlead.htm | |
12. Taiwan Manufacturers, China Trade, Products Exporters, Yellow Pages over 30,000 Taiwan manufacturers, china trade, manufacturers asian suppliers importers. Taiwan trade your connection to international trade commerce. http://taiwantrade.com/ | |
13. Joda International Trading - About Us Australian based import/export company that explores trade opportunities between Australia and South East asian neighbours. http://www.jodainternational.com | |
14. Fourteenth Annual East Asian Seminar On Economics International Fourteenth Annual East asian Seminar on Economics. international trade. Takatoshi Ito and Andrew Rose The Effects of Financial Crises on international trade. DiscussantsCHIN HEE HAHN http://www.nber.org/~confer/2003/ease14/ease14prg.html | |
15. International Confederation Of Free Trade Unions as the asian Regional Organisation, it was renamed ICFTU-asian and Pacific Regional Organisation (ICFTU-APRO) in 1984. international Commemoration Day for the http://www.icftu-apro.org/ | |
16. Comprehensive Guide To International Trade Terms COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO international trade TERMS TITLE Comprehensive Guide to international trade Terms and social development in African, Arab, and asian developing countries http://www.ntia.doc.gov/lexcon.txt |
17. The Asian Crisis Home Page - Economics Papers On Asian Growth Explanations and Evidence from asian Countries. presented at the international conference on Dynamics, Economic Growth and international trade, Hong Kong http://faculty.washington.edu/karyiu/Asia/papers/AsianGrowth.htm | |
18. Pantextiles New York -- July 14-15, 2004 -- Manhattan Center USA. international trade fair for asian suppliers of fancy yarns, woven and knitted fashion fabrics, functional textiles, trimmings and apparel, organised by the Taiwan Textile Federation. New York. Januari 2122, 2004. http://www.pantextiles.com/ | |
19. The Asian Crisis Home Page reference lists of papers and books on asian growth and the crisis; a survey on endogenous growth and international trade; a survey on Currency Crisis and http://faculty.washington.edu/karyiu/Asia/ | |
20. Asialinks Asian Directory - Business International Trade Asialinks, asian Oriented Directory, Linking manufacturers to international Opportunities, Asialinks Internet Shop developing and deploying international trade compliance software solutions for http://www.asialinks.com/asialinks/website/directory.aspx?c1=28 |
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