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81. Asian Governments On The WWW A comprehensive database of asian governmental institutions en/asia.html SubjectsGeneral Directories government Interdisciplinary Studies http://infotree.library.ohiou.edu/single-records/1489.html | |
82. South Asian Media Net. A News And Views Portal. relations with India s neighbours, the Congressled government proposes to GeneralShaukat Sultan. South asian Economic Blues Imtiaz Alam (South asian Journal http://www.southasianmedia.net/ | |
83. South Asian Media Net KD Lalkantha, the general Secretary of the Federation, said 35 state If the Governmentdoes not Produced By Free Media Foundation For, South asian Free Media http://www.southasianmedia.net/check_news.cfm?id=85952 |
84. Index: Science & Engineering Indicators - 1993 linkages for R D industrygovernment interactions, reference International comparisonsAsian high-tech competitors, new general attitudes toward S T, reference 1 http://www.nsf.gov/sbe/srs/seind93/index/iindex.htm | |
85. Past East Asian Games the Olympic Council of Asia general Gathering in 19, Manuel Silvério met with PortugueseGovernment Departments for assist in the East asian Games organization. http://www.east-asian-games2005.com/en/news_detail.phtml?NewsID=135 |
86. Asian Forum For Human Rights And Development In Thailand, Secretary general of Campaign for Popular We urge the Thai governmentto ensure that the a growing tendency of certain asian diplomats responding http://www.forumasia.org/21April04item17b.html | |
87. Easlinks Specialized Topics general Overview Pages Books and for the Study of East AsianLanguage and Electronic Texts and Databases government and Statistics http://libweb2.princeton.edu/gest/ealcontent.htm | |
88. East Asian Studies Documents: 1945 Japanese Instrument Of Surrender East asian Studies Documents. of and in behalf of the Emperor of Japan, the JapaneseGovernment and the Japanese Imperial general Headquarters, hereby http://www.isop.ucla.edu/eas/documents/jpnsurrender.htm | |
89. HRE In Asian Schools - Chapter 1: Experiences In General Education Human Rights Education in asian Schools, Volume One Human Rights EducationExperiences in general. not only in relation to governments, but also in http://erc.hrea.org/Library/curriculum_methodology/HRE-in-Asia2/chapter1.html | |
90. AEGiS-Reuters Asian Governments Urged To Promote Condoms In AIDS Health officials from eight asian countries are in the are climbing in China, wheregovernment surveys show 26 may explode in the general population, Deodato http://www.aegis.com/news/re/2003/RE030821.html | |
91. Insolvency In Asia - FAIR Bank (ADB), with assistance from the governments of Japan and policy dialogue on insolvencyreform among asian policy makers general information on Insolvency. http://www.oecd.org/document/34/0,2340,en_2649_33761_2383970_1_1_1_1,00.html | |
92. FSU 97 / 98 General Bulletin Honor Societies section of this general Bulletin. Definition of Prefix ASN AsianStudies Undergraduate Comparative government and Politics The Middle East (3 http://registrar.fsu.edu/Webtest/gen_prog09.htm | |
93. UNDP Nepal In The News She also asked the South asian governments to control corruption. After the launchingof the report, Assistant Secretary general of UN and regional director http://www.undp.org.np/news/news081.htm | |
94. Global Health Council - Asian And Pacific Governments Approve Action Plan To Fig United Nations Information Services asian governments have made sexual exploitationwith other governments from around from Other Sources general Health News http://www.globalhealth.org/news/article/1384 | |
95. General News - IIAS Newsletter Online Given the fiscal restraints imposed by international financial institutions, SoutheastAsian governments are hardpressed to find the money needed to research http://www.iias.nl/iiasn/20/theme/20T2.html | |
96. Linux Online - Asian Governments Set To Challenge Windows asian governments set to challenge Windows. Publication PC World Australia,Date Sep 02 2003. An ambitious initiative in South East http://www.linux.org/news/2003/09/02/0004.html | |
97. Sun.Star Cebu - Asian Governments Discuss How To Develop IT Economy Thursday, December 04, 2003 asian governments discuss how to develop IT economyBy Information Technology THE Business Software Alliance (BSA) announced the http://www.sunstar.com.ph/static/ceb/2003/12/04/bus/asian.governments.discuss.ho | |
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