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61. Asian Corporate Recovery: Corporate Governance, Government Policy SINGAPORE, Deputy Managing Director, government of Singapore Director, Instituteof Southeast asian Studies. Discussant, THAILAND, Secretarygeneral, Office of the http://www.worldbank.org/html/extdr/offrep/eap/corprecov/participants.htm | |
62. East Asian Co-op Japanese Government East asian Libraries Cooperative WWW. Japanese government. general Sites http://pears.lib.ohio-state.edu/Japan/government.jpn.html | |
63. The Asian Corporate Governance Roundtable Bank, in partnership with the government of Japan 2nd asian Corporate Governance Roundtablemeeting; Hong general information on the OECD Regional Roundtables. http://www.oecd.org/document/24/0,2340,en_2649_34813_2048216_1_1_1_1,00.html | |
64. Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library - University Of Toronto - Internet Resources The Council on East asian Libraries Korea A Digital Library The South Korean government sMinistry of general Sites. Top. Digital Hangukhak This database http://eir.library.utoronto.ca/eas/eal/internet_resources/display_links.cfm?lang |
65. General Sites - Asian People's Directory general Sites. asian Center for the Progress of Peoples (ACPP) is a religiously-inspiredand independent regional non-government organisation. http://www.kotan.org/asia/directory/general.html | |
66. Resources On Southeast Asia Russian, Spanish, Yiddish, European, asian, African, and Latin policy, and the socialsciences in general. Covers journals, books, government publications, and http://www.lib.duke.edu/ias/SEAsia/ | |
67. Asian Governments Try To Find Role On Internet Ike Villareal Seneres, director general of the may be contributed by government,the investment in conference, for the most part, applauded asian governments? http://www.apnic.net/mailing-lists/s-asia-it/archive/2000/08/msg00041.html | |
68. Asian Productivity Organization (APO) APO Secretarygeneral, Mr. Takashi Tajima, speaking at On behalf of the asian ProductivityOrganization, I my sincere gratitude to the government of Malaysia http://www.apo-tokyo.org/speceven/arc0001sg.htm | |
69. Search vocal Central asian critic of the Taliban advance. The government of President Karimovhas built a working relationship with the Uzbek warlord, general Abdul http://www.cerc.unimelb.edu.au/bulletin/bulnov2.htm | |
70. COMPUTERWORLD HONG KONG : Asian Governments Try To Find Role On Internet Ike Villareal Seneres, director general of the may be contributed by government,the investment most part, applauded asian governments Internet efforts. http://www.idg.com.hk/cw/readstory.asp?aid=20000811001 |
71. More Asian Nations Adopt Quarantines On C-Health: Your Health And Wellness Sourc HONG KONG (AP) asian governments on Tuesday ordered measures ranging other storiesthat make the communist government uneasy Back to general Health News List. http://chealth.canoe.ca/health_news_detail.asp?channel_id=53&news_id=6355 |
72. Islam Asian-Style - Pacific Forum Program - Center For Strategic & International cool calculations ranging from monetary benefits, relations with the US, regime survival,and balance of power have led to general asian government support for http://www.csis.org/pacfor/pac0201A.htm | |
73. High-level Intergovernmental Meeting To Conclude The Asian And Pacific Decade Of I. general Statement. The asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons started in1992, and in in Japan a New LongTerm Programme for government Measures for http://www8.cao.go.jp/shougai/english/ootsureport/1-0.html | |
74. Governments On The WWW: Bangladesh Local government Engineering Department. Ministry of Planning Implementation Monitoringand Evaluation Division. Additional Information general Information http://www.gksoft.com/govt/en/bd.html | |
75. INDIA general Introduction. India Abroad India Today Kennedy School of government SouthAsian Caucus Samachar All news print media of India with updated news http://inic.utexas.edu/asnic/countries/india/ | |
76. Chapter 2: Government Strategies (Bcg 1994) government STRATEGIES (BCG 1994) While all asian governments consider electronics industries key to their economic development, the level of government involvement and variety of support methods vary http://itri.loyola.edu/em/02_06.htm | |
77. AsiaSource: Policy & Government: Asian Embassies, Consulates And UN Missions Below we have compiled a list of asian embassies, consulates and missions to the ConsulateGeneral of Australia 150 East 42nd Street, 34th Floor New York, NY http://www.asiasource.org/policy/embassy.cfm | |
78. AsiaSource: Policy And Government - A Resource Of The Asia Society Embassies, Consulates and UN Missions A compilation of asian embassies, consulatesand missions to the United Nations. Policy government Books. http://www.asiasource.org/policy/ | |
79. Links To Asian Government Websites Email Newsletter. Keep up to date with Access Asia through our weekly email newsletter.Enter your address below and click subscribe . asian government Links. http://www.accessasia.co.uk/govtlinks.asp | |
80. Asian History Sources general asian Studies Sites. Slavery by Japan which includes oral histories and governmentreports the article from the Bulletin of Concerned asian Scholars and http://www.lib.washington.edu/subject/History/tm/asian.html | |
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