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41. Press Release: WCC General Secretary To Visit Asian Countries The WCC general secretary will have discussions in the Vientiane with communist partyand government officials, the Hard hit by the asian economic crisis in http://www2.wcc-coe.org/pressreleasesen.nsf/index/pr-03-11.html | |
42. General Essay On South East Asian Religions general Essay on South East asian Religions. In return, the government performed riteshonouring the Buddhas which had little influence on the general population http://members.ozemail.com.au/~skyaxe/general.htm | |
43. Centre Of South Asian Studies, Cambridge The following United States government files (which are published by University Publicationsof America) are 845.0845.3 (From Record Group 59, general Records http://www.s-asian.cam.ac.uk/govt.html | |
44. Government & Politics Of South Asia Sri Lanka (ElectionWorld.org) Parliamentary general Election - 2000 (GovernmentInformation Department). Delhi think-tank on South asian military and http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/southasia/cuvl/govt.html | |
45. East Asian - Government Of Korea Address CV Starr East asian Library 300 Kent Hall government Homepage; Korea.netKorean government Homepage by in New York; New York Consulate general of the http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/eastasian/Korean/gov.html | |
46. Asian Americans Of The US Department Of Commerce APA Net LINKS general APA Interests FAPAC interagency organization representingover 50 Federal agencies; asian American government Executives Network http://www.rdc.noaa.gov/~hrmo/ap-links.htm | |
47. Asia Today Feature Reports In general, foreign investors worry only about likely changes of government policyfollowing a change of government. asian governments are usually pragmatic http://www.asiatoday.com.au/features/feb04_1.asp | |
48. FM Radio Transmission Facility For LTTE:Statement By The Government 16/05/2004 , Sun. A Newspaper Published by asian Tribune Co a private Broadcastingstation was issued by the government to the Secretary general LTTE Peace http://www.asiantribune.com/show_article.php?id=168 |
49. ::: Asian Tribune ::: Date 16/05/2004 , Sun. A Newspaper Published by asian Tribune Co to an internationalorganisation if necessary and not the government, general Secretary of http://www.asiantribune.com/archives.php?step=3&date=2003-05-01 |
50. Asian Central Banks Consider Alternatives To Big Dollar Holdings significant opportunity costs, warned the asian Development Bank says Choi JoongKyung, directorgeneral of the of our resources, says government minister Hu http://www.globalpolicy.org/socecon/crisis/2004/0205dollaralternative.htm |
51. Category Search - CrossRoads Current Category Home » government Institutions » asian governments. Directorategeneral of Foreign Trade - Directorate general of Foreign Trade-Govt. http://www.accessasia.com/a/xroads/xCategorySearch.asp?adlk=-1&ID=84&countryid=0 |
52. World-Wide Web Resources - Countries Excluding The U.S. Access to social, economic and general data from official sources. asianNet, includesinformation about asian business, government, education, arts http://www.uky.edu/Subject/countries.html | |
53. Today In Asian History: September 30 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The JEASC This Week in asian History page is compiled by Clayton Dube. 1910 Japanestablished its governmentgeneral to administer recently annexed Korea. http://www.isop.ucla.edu/eas/thisweek/09-30.htm | |
54. East Asian Governments Urged To Harness Market Forces To Improve Environment, Sa As well, East asian nations can capitalize on the dissemination. Other examplesinclude government websites in Established by the UN general Assembly in 1973 http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2004-04/unu-eag040604.php | |
55. IPS | Asian Migration Trail ABU DHABI Â As the government s general amnesty drew to a close at the end of May,asian missions reported no major lastminute rush of applicants seeking to http://www.ipsnews.net/migration/stories/briefs1.html | |
56. Asian News after India s impoverished millions voted to oust the ruling Hindunationalist government. Vajpayeejust two days before results are due in the general election http://www.unison.ie/index.php3?ca=31 |
57. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Asian Travel And Tourism Vietnam and its people, and general tourist information annotated links to materialabout asian countries humanities, business and economy, government, news and http://bubl.ac.uk/link/a/asiantravelandtourism.htm | |
58. General Wesley Clark For President - Official Campaign Web Site On the Issues. general Wes Clark s Agenda for asian ethnic group in our nation, asianPacific Americans Our government has a history of discrimination against http://clark04.com/issues/apa/ | |
59. Accounting,Accounting Other,Accounting Technician,Acting And East andor Southeast asian Language And Literature Other, East asian Studies, PoliticalScience and government Other, Political Science general, http://www.universities.com/Search/Degrees/Masters_degree/ | |
60. Address By Mr. Yoshihiro Iwasaki, Director General, South Asian Department, ADB, Address by Yoshihiro Iwasaki Director general, South Asia Department asian DevelopmentBank. is to assist the Transitional government in implementing its http://www.adb.org/Documents/Speeches/2002/ms2002086.asp | |
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