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21. Asia & Pacific Government Information - Doe/Moffitt Libraries - UC Berkeley Libr Berkeley houses extensive collections of government publications from are housedin the East asian and Center Some general exceptions to this are statistical http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/doemoff/gov_asia.html | |
22. General Foreign Government Resources - Doe/Moffitt Libraries - UC Berkeley Libra concerned with or relevant to asian Studies including academic research and governmentsites, political Eastern European Countries, with general categories for http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/doemoff/gov_forgen.html | |
23. SULAIR: Research Quick Start Guides: Asian American Studies often dispersed throughout the general collection depending such as arts, education,government and politics asianAmerican Almanac (Green Library Information http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/adams/shortcu/asam.html | |
24. Government Information For Asia Japan s Constitution guide includes general description of Toronto) -organized byEast asian Studies, Chinese Studies, Korean Studies - government and politics http://www.library.jhu.edu/findit/subjects/eastasia/govtinfo.html | |
25. Asian Government Links speeches, biographies of governors and asian links. World Bank Group government AsiaLink World Bank Bank Thailand Office site has a general information section http://www.financewise.com/public/edit/asia/links/as-govt.htm | |
26. Asian American Net: U.S. Government & Politics US Federal government Agencies LSU. Home Announcements asian American Organizations East Asia/Far East Southeast Asia Asia in general Advertise with http://www.asianamerican.net/gov_main.html | |
27. Asian American Net: Asia In General general info, collections, catalogs, bibliographies, guides, web sites. presents linksand research on asian art. Index of government by Country Hyperlinks to http://www.asianamerican.net/gen_main.html | |
28. Short Professional Program - Asian Government And Security - Online Degree Progr Public Services. Science general. Degree Program Information. Name, ShortProfessional Program - asian government and Security. Program, Human Services. http://www.cgedonline.net/jsp/Online_Degrees/Program_Details/1442 | |
29. 198-Z Special Topics In Humanities - South Asian Civilization Guide Find links to general resources, newspapers associations and organizations,tourism, government data, maps asian Studies Virtual Library A great starting http://internet.ggu.edu/university_library/sasia.html | |
30. Southeast Asia Web: General Resources On Southeast Asia this page may be to more general resources for Some 2,000 scholars, government andbusiness leaders, educators Council on East asian Libraries At the University http://www.gunung.com/seasiaweb/general.html | |
31. South-east Asian Governments Unite To Develop Alternative Operating System To Wi and Industry (METI), Takashi Kume, the Japanese government has already compatiblewould provide Southeast asian users a In general, it could be based on Linux http://www.blink.org.uk/print.asp?key=2476 |
32. South East Asian Governments Unite To Develop Alternative Operating System To Wi at an Association of South East asian Nations (ASEAN Industry (METI), Takashi Kume,the Japanese government has already In general, it could be based on Linux http://www.blink.org.uk/print.asp?key=2474 |
33. IIAS Newsletter 11, Winter 1997, General News 02 The Nikkei contains the most upto-date information on Japanese and asian stocks,government and corporate bonds, interest rates, foreign exchange, commodity http://www.iias.nl/kreeft/IIASNONLINE/Newsletters/Newsletter11/General/11BAXX02. | |
34. Former Australian Attorney-General - Support For Asian Law Centre (7 July 2003) The government is continuing its support for the work of record in the teaching ofAsian law and The Attorneygeneral s Department was closely involved in the http://www.law.gov.au/www/attorneygeneralHome.nsf/0/B52343C021B1EC29CA256D5C0010 |
35. Asian Databases South and West Asia in general SurfIndia The Best Indian in South asian Studies;The South asian Diaspora; Maps Geography of South Asia; government Politics http://gateway.library.uiuc.edu/asx/link_etc.htm | |
36. General Asian Studies Titles From ASBS BACK TO TOP. Good government Nordic and East asian Perspectives by GeirHelgesen Uichol Kim, What is good government ? Is it transparent http://www.asianstudiesbooks.com/asiagen.htm | |
37. General Information Sources On East & Southeast Asia: An Annotated Directory general Information Reference. Anthems, Flags, Maps, History, Weather, Geography,government, Economy easy access to high quality asian Internet resources http://newton.uor.edu/Departments&Programs/AsianStudiesDept/general-info.html | |
38. Some Noteworthy Americans Of Asian Or Pacific Island Heritage asian Americans in government. Congressman Ray LaHood House of Representatives, IllinoisBill Lann Lee Lawyer; Acting Assistant Attorney general for Civil http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/asiabio.htm | |
39. East Asian Studies Career Resources: General Job Resources placement of bilingual/bicultural asians, asian Americans, and Academia GeneralResources International Non Profit Org U. S. government TESL Think http://lark.cc.ukans.edu/~eastasia/general.html | |
40. East Asian Sites Embassies/ government, Japanese Embassy, Washington DC Consulategeneral of in NewYork Consulate general of Japan College Center for East asian Studies - Japan http://www.smith.edu/fcceas/links.html | |
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