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1. SULAIR: Stanford Resources For East Asian Studies asian government Asia general of Budget, Accounting, and Statistics. FindLaw. government Information Office. governments on the WWW Republic of China. Keele Guide to asian government http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/asrg/links.htm | |
2. XV . Government And Politics (Philippine Online Classified Bibliography, Library The Library of Congress Research Centers asian Reading Room general Studies. Constitutional Structure and Powers of the government. National Territory and Bill of Rights http://lcweb2.loc.gov/asian/philhtml/bib15.html | |
3. Thailand - WWW Virtual Library: Thailand The Big Picture Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC) of the Royal Thai government. What sNew in WWW asian Studies. general information Network Resources http://www.nectec.or.th/WWW-VL-Thailand.html | |
4. Asian American Government Executives Network (AAGEN) Federal Times. government Executive Magazine. asian Fortune. asian Week This web page has been supported generously since its beginning by Peter Wu, general Micro Inc http://www.aagen.org/ | |
5. Internet East Asian History Sourcebook culture itself is highly complex, and the other East asian cultures also reflect local circumstances and traditions Traditional Japan. general. government. Tokugawa Era. Culture http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/eastasia/eastasiasbook.html | |
6. INDIA general Introduction. Land and PeopleIntroductory. Political Structure Introductory general Introduction . History and Culture . government and Politics . Religion Social Issues Kennedy School of government South asian Caucus. SamacharAll news print media http://menic.utexas.edu/asnic/countries/india | |
7. CHINA Language Projects Site contents Progressive Readings, general Readings, Courses ithas the largest circulation of any asian art magazine government/Politics. http://inic.utexas.edu/asnic/countries/china/ | |
8. Asian Biz Guide Consulate Offices. Home asian government Consulate Offices Los Angeles. Consulate general of the Kingdom of Cambodia http://www.asianbizguide.com/government/government/consulate.htm | |
9. NLA: Asian Government Internet Resources SEARCH HOME CATALOGUE ASK US GUIDES INDEXES DATABASES, FIND, FOR, HELP, ABOUTUS, VISIT US, NEWS EVENTS, SHOP, asian government Internet resources. general. http://www.nla.gov.au/gov/asiagov.html | |
10. Indonesian Internet Sites and Culture; Business and Finance; Education; Gateways; general; government andPolitics; Online; Asia Recovery Information Centre; asian Development Bank; http://www.nla.gov.au/asian/indo/indsites.html | |
11. CIA - The World Factbook -- Japan 81 (03) 35051862 consulate(s) general Naha (Okinawa the slowing of the US, European,and asian economies Japan s huge government debt, which is approaching 150 http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ja.html | |
12. ACCESS TO ASIAN SERIALS IN AUSTRALIAN LIBRARIES - 65th IFLA Council And General 65th IFLA Council and general. Conference. Bangkok, Thailand region, has unique strengths in asian government serials. It also has holdings of East asian scientific, technological http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla65/papers/038-149e.htm | |
13. Asian Governments How does the Indian educational system compare to any of the asian tigers? 30 245258.What is the general direction of government s role in the http://www.tulane.edu/~polisci/robins/syll338.htm |
14. Microsoft Is Concerned Over Asian Government Triad OS - Topic Powered By Infopop Microsoft is concerned over asian government triad OS. Page 1 2 the world because it's the only way to keep using your machine as a general purpose computing device. http://episteme.arstechnica.com/6/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=50009562&f=174096756& |
15. Foreign Governments/Asia And The Pacific Taiwan Constitution of 1994; Central Bank of China; Directorate general of Budget AsiaDivision (UMich) Comprehensive links to Southeast asian government and non http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/forasia.html | |
16. Foreign Government/Middle East And North Africa Constitution, laws, treaties, and general political information; geography, news,and archaeology of asian countries; Inclusion of official government web sites http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/forme.html | |
17. Abbreviations And Acronyms Of The U.S. Government Lists over 500 federal government abbreviations and acronyms. Includes links to official web sites. Text of ADA legislation) ADB. asian Development Bank Office. GATT. general Agreement on Tariffs and Trade http://www-lib.iupui.edu/subjectareas/gov/docs_abbrev.html | |
18. Asia Times Asian Governments Seen Exploiting September 11 the Hong Kongbased asian Human Rights In neighboring Indonesia, the government hasseized Lieutenant-general Abdullah Hendropriyono, Indonesia s intelligence http://www.atimes.com/china/CL14Ad01.html | |
19. Travel Asia - General Information On Asian Countries travel trade association serving government tourist offices Comprehensive travelinformation on asian destinations. Asiatour.com general information on asian http://www.romwell.com/travel/advisory/asia/index.shtml | |
20. Press Release - UNIS/NAR/805 controls, cooperation between Central asian enforcement agencies of DCA in Tajikistan,the government of Kyrgyzstan new project with the general prosecutor will http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/press_release_2003-06-20_1.html | |
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