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Asian-american Teachers Resources: more detail | ||||
21. Asian-American Children: What Teachers Should Know. ERIC Digest. Some lack motivation, proficiency in English, or financial resources; others have parents who do not HOW CAN teachers HELP asianamerican CHILDREN? http://www.ericdigests.org/1994/teachers.htm | |
22. Teachers Want Ways To Improve Self-Esteem; September-October 1997 Perspectives teaching A handbook of activities, information and resources. A Jar of Dreams asianamerican; Journey Home asian-american; New York teachers College Press. http://clerccenter.gallaudet.edu/products/perspectives/sep-oct97/teachers.html | |
23. The Best Of The Web For Teachers awardwinning source for Asian and asian-american studies Inkspot resources for Writers is for writers of targeting Young Writers and teachers for articles http://teacher.scholastic.com/professional/teachtech/bestofweb.htm | |
24. Nextext You are here Nextext Social Studies asianamerican Writers. Literary Reader. Access this book s online resources teachers , Students. http://www.nextext.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=books.view&target=asian§ion=Soci |
25. Resources For Mainstream Teachers Of English Language Learners resources for Mainstream teachers of English Language Learners. What can mainstream teachers do to help asianamerican Children What teachers Should Know. http://www.bridges4kids.org/articles/10-03/Morrison10-03.html | |
26. Teachers books, Internet books, teachers resources, organizations, and of multicultural resources including AfricanAmerican, asian-american, Hispanic, and http://www.woodland.net/teachers.htm | |
27. Preliminary Guide To Resources On Asian American Artists resources on Asian Pacific American Artists at the recuperation, and the sense of asianamerican identity and CSFA and other students and teachers; and his http://artarchives.si.edu/guides/asianam/entresmz.htm |
28. General Resources: Software And Recordings Women, and Pop Culture the asianamerican Way, are some A GUIDE TO INTERNET resources GRADES 9 Intended for students, teachers, and researchers interested in http://www.smith.edu/fcceas/general/grc.htm | |
29. Diversity - Overview American and Latino, NativeAmerican, asian-american, Asian American, Arab American theory and practice with resources for in-service teachers, pre-service http://www.camdencc.edu/library/WebSubjectGuides/Diversity-overview.htm | |
30. AsiaSource: AsiaLINKS - A Resource Of The Asia Society a better understanding of asianamerican children, particularly An invaluable resource for teachers, students and hundreds of educational resources which are http://www.asiasource.org/links/al_mp_03.cfm?TID=169 |
31. AFT: Human Rights & Community Relations: Template help teachers and students further explore Asian American history and culture online, in books and through other media programs. Many of the resources listed http://www.aft.org/human/resource/asianpacific/ | |
32. ED369577 1994-06-00 Asian-American Children: What Teachers Should Know. ERIC Dig This digest provides information to help teachers gain a better understanding of asianamerican children, particularly those from East and Southeast Asian cultures, and identify culturally http://www.ed.gov/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed369577.html | |
34. Searching For Asian America . Resources . For Teachers | PBS of what it s like to be Asian American in today s 12th grade social studies and language arts teachers. Each activity offers extensions and online resources. http://www.pbs.org/searching/res_teachers.html | |
35. Scholastic Teachers Scholastic's Web site for teachers provides free instructional resources for classroom educators. Find teaching strategies, lesson plans, and interactive student learning activities for all grade http://teacher.scholastic.com/ | |
36. AskAsia: Instructional Resources Asian American Arts Culture, History, Education Countries China, Japan, India, Vietnam Economics Trade, Natural resources, Statistics http://www.askasia.org/teachers/Instructional_Resources/ | |
37. Anthropology Resources On The Internet Other AAA Sites. resources for teachers/Professors International Center for East Asian Archaeology and Cultural History of America. American Association for the Advancement of Science http://www.aaanet.org/resinet.htm | |
38. Instructional Resources: Asian American The Asian American Experience in the United States A Chronological History; Appreciating Our American Heritage. Timeline An Asian American Chronology. http://www.askasia.org/teachers/Instructional_Resources/Regional/Asian_American. | |
39. ENC Online: Curriculum Resources: Asian-American Children: What Teachers Should Search the Site. More Options. Explore online lesson plans, student activities, and teacher learning tools. Search. Browse. About Curriculum resources. Read articles about inquiry, equity, and other http://www.enc.org/resources/records/0,1240,009581,00.shtm | |
40. Asian American Resources See the articles (under resources/links) Asian American Children What teachers Should Know and Meeting the Educational Needs of Southeast Asian Children. ; http://ss.uno.edu/SS/homePages/MCProj/AsianAm.html | |
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