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81. Multicultural Resources: Asia Americans/East Asian Studies track of leading networked information resources in of Asian studies including RegionalData, Individual Asian and Asian American Sources Courtesy of Ithaca http://www.union.edu/PUBLIC/LIBRARY/guide/mcasia.html | |
82. AANCART - Asian American Network For Cancer Awareness, Research And Training in tobacco control among Asian American and Pacific be hosting a series of regionalinformational Forums further background and information for organizations http://www.aancart.org/ | |
83. Asian American Film Message Boards - "information Error " 1. RE information error Wes Kim http//www.weskim.com Seattle Asian American FilmmakingMailing http://www.asianamericanfilm.com/boards/dcforum/DCForumID6/10.html | |
84. Minority Women's Health American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian American, Native Hawaiian the assistance of theregional womenÂs planning nextsteps, promoting information sharing, and http://www.4woman.gov/owh/minority.htm | |
85. Asian American/Pacific Islander Outreach - Partners to work together to improve research, education, and public policies that are inclusiveof Asian American women and families. Click Here For More information. http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/multicultural/asianamerican/asian-partners.html | |
86. NCI's CIS (Atlantic Region) - Pennsylvania Partners Promotion Council, The National Cancer Institutes Cancer information Service (CIS AsianAmericans, increase participation of the Asian American community in http://cis.fccc.edu/professional/organizations/regional_information/highlighted_ | |
87. Publications-ONS Books Native American nurses, and 73 Asian American nurses aplied Before beginning the regionalworkshops, an extended three to prepare to share information about the http://www.ons.org/publications/books/PreventionDiverse.shtml | |
88. Bringing Health Information To The Community(BHIC) In this page are links to information on HIV/AIDS resources, as well as specificweb sites on Arctic Health, Asian American Health and American Indian Health. http://medstat.med.utah.edu/blogs/BHIC/ | |
89. Asia General/Regional Asia regional. Indiana University; Council on East Asia Libraries Contains informationabout Japan the MRC collection, including S/SE Asia; Asian American Studies http://inic.utexas.edu/asnic/region/asiageneralregional.html | |
90. Midnight At The Internet Cafe: Genealogy: Regional And Ethnic Sites org/discover.html, focuses on Asian American family history to assist in locatinginformation about individuals addresses for national and regional NARA centers http://www.cclsweb.org/MidnightFiles/Genealogy/genereg.htm | |
91. Great Lakes Regional Pollution Prevention Roundtable Great Lakes regional Pollution Prevention Roundtable. Pollution Prevention ThroughInformation Exchange. Development Center Asian American Alliance, click here http://www.glrppr.org/contacts/org_view.cfm?orgid=401 |
92. CAPS EOP Information Office EOP information Office Hours Monday Friday 800 Senior Major Community RegionalDevelopment Hometown Major Sociology Minor Asian American Studies Hometown http://eop.ucdavis.edu/staff.html |
93. Pan American Health Organization - Homepage Governing BodiesCountry OfficesRegional CentersAbout PAHOAtlas Scientific and Technical InformationPan American Health Education Foundation Asian Health Ministers Warn on New http://www.paho.org/ | |
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