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21. KSCI Asian Monitor (1992) National regional information on consumer goods, services,and attitudes based on the most extensive Asian American sample (n=12,000). http://www.kscitv.com/researchresources.asp | |
22. NAAAP Chicago - Current Events useful recommendations to local and regional policy makers SESSION TOPICS INCLUDEBeing Asian American in the For more information about the symposium, please http://www.naaapchicago.org/Events.do?id=1164 |
23. Mid-County Regional Services Center into Health at the First Annual Asian American Health Fair form and scroll down to regional Services Centers You may find interesting information from other http://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/Content/RSC/MIDCNTY/Sparkler/page1.asp | |
24. Untitled Document staff, faculty, and former student organizers in various regional locations, theNetwork will provide information on the field of Asian American Studies, as http://www.aaastudies.org/publications/pub_skit_prt1.html | |
25. Southeast Asian American Values, Empowerment, Resources, And Betterment Project Search Donate! Southeast Asian American Values, Empowerment, Resources, andBetterment Project (VERB) regional Trainings. Additional information. http://www.searac.org/verb-sched2-04.html | |
26. AsiaSource: AsiaLINKS - A Resource Of The Asia Society B2B Sites and Directories Asian American Business Business Sectors Media regional News Sources Sectors Finance information Sources Business http://www.asiasource.org/links/al_mp_07.cfm?CountryID=2,16&TopicID=921,1382 |
27. USPAACC! To find out more information about USPAACC regional Chapters Become a regional CorporateMember today! US Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce 1329 18th Street http://www.uspaacc.com/membership/regional_corporate_member.asp | |
28. COMSYS Information Technology Services, Inc. - Definition is at least 51% owned and operated by an Asian American individual(s National MinoritySupplier Diversity Council (NMSDC) or its regional Affiliates, Various http://www.comsys.com/pf/about/sd/Definition.html | |
29. Census Calendar What Service to the Asian American Community @ Metropolitan What American FactFinderWorkshop at Dallas regional Office. More information Paula Wright at 214 http://www.census.gov/mso/www/cencal/index.112503 |
30. Regional Showcase: Region VI Participates In Unique Agreement To Reach Out To As OSHA Compliance Assistance regional Showcase Region VI on behalf of a growingAsianAmerican work force The information Group for Asian American Rights http://www.osha.gov/dcsp/compliance_assistance/stories/tigaar.html | |
31. Lawrence Alumni Resources Regional Information : New York City Guide For information about specific Brooklyn neighborhoods, visit www.brooklynonline.com community;Flushing, with its large Asian and Asian/American population and http://www.lawrence.edu/alumni/regions/newyork_guide.shtml | |
32. Preliminary Guide To Resources On Asian American Artists At The Archives Of Amer San Francisco to compile a directory of California Asian American aritsts. the projector contact AAA s West Coast regional Center for more information. http://artarchives.si.edu/guides/asianam/asianam.htm | |
33. UNT Libraries: Government Information Connection, Dallas-Fort Worth Area Chamber Local/regional Agencies information. Chamber of Commerce; Greater Dallas AsianAmerican Chamber of of Commerce see directory at regional Almanac Chambers of http://www.library.unt.edu/govinfo/local/chambers.html |
34. Duke Alumni Alumni Directory Directory of recent Duke Asian American Alumni. Newsletter Visitour newsletter for the latest news and information. regional Contacts Alumni http://www.dukealumni.com/servlet/cc_ProcServ/dbpage=page&gid=030010104509197842 | |
35. Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Politikwissenschaft : Internetquellen (politics And Pea Translate this page Abstract The Harvard University Asian American Policy Review is a non-partisan academicjournal in the country IRIN - Integrated regional information Networks, http://www.vifapol.de/fach/FS_LAENDER0700500.shtml?step=20&l0=0 |
36. Kevin M. Curtin's Curriculum Vitae Institute Analysis of asianamerican demographics in Geography 4396 - GeographicInformation Systems for Geography 2303 - World regional Geography; Fall 2002. http://www.utdallas.edu/~curtin/kmcvitaweb.html | |
37. InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA National Service Center for contact information for the regional Central regionalDirector contact Bobby Gross. Ministries If you are Asian American and/or http://www.intervarsity.org/jobs/campusopps.php | |
38. WB E-News: Regional Outreach Worker Program will reach out to older Hispanic and Asian American women through Youcan contact the regional office in your area for more information. http://www.dol.gov/wb/media/newsletter/e-news8artl-05.htm | |
39. Sulzer Regional Library Charlie Soo in 1979, the Asian American Small Business History Research Collection,Sulzer regional Library. the collection contains some information about the http://www.chipublib.org/008subject/012special/sulzer.html | |
40. Spark M. Matsunaga VA Medical & Regional Office Center Hawaii Special Programs as minorities AfricanAmerican; Asian- American; Native-Americans at (808) 433-7712for more information. M. Matsunaga VA Medical regional Office Center http://www.va.gov/hawaii/services/specprog.htm | |
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