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41. Affiliated Members Of NAVASA Asian American organizations 1) Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) The JapaneseAmerican Citizens League, the nation s oldest and largest Asian American http://www.navasa.org/AsianAmericanOrganizations.htm | |
42. Asian American Movment Today What they did. It was the Asian American movement organizations that made developmentan issue in Chinatown and won general recognition of it as a goal. http://www.aamovement.net/history/as_am_mt_today.html | |
43. Asian American Studies -- Duke University Libraries Edited by Amy L. Unterburger. Detroit Gale Research, 1994. (Ref. 920.05 W628A832 1994/95). ASIAN AND ASIAN AMERICAN organizations AT DUKE UNIVERSITY. http://www.lib.duke.edu/reference/asia-am.htm | |
44. Resources For Asian American Studies and Reference Guide Covers background reference sources dictionaries and encyclopedias,bibliographies, directories, Asian American organizations at Duke http://www.lib.duke.edu/ias/eac/asian-am.htm | |
45. ECASU Asian American Links And Resources mostly organizations and political resources, pretty well updated AsianAmericanorganizations and political resources. Email links to links@ecasu.org. http://www.ecasu.org/links.htm | |
46. Get Involved With The East Coast Asian Student Union ECASU was found in the late 1970s to develop a vehicle to increase communicationand provide mutual support to Asian American organizations across campus. http://www.ecasu.org/ECASUpromo.htm | |
47. LookSmart - Directory - Asian American Professional Business Organizations Asian American Professional Business organizations Find professional Businessorganizations for Asian Americans, including regional, national, and http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317829/us317861/us272029/us10037890/u | |
48. ASIAN AMERICAN INSTITUTE - EMPOWER EDUCATE ADVOCATE Therefore, the Institute led the formation of the first coalition of Chicago s AsianAmerican organizations to work on voter registration, education, getout http://www.aaichicago.org/aaiprograms.html | |
49. Asian American Organizations Asian American organizations Filipino American WW II Vets Fight for Justice and EquityThis site was created last year by Glen Omatsu s students from UCLA and http://www.csun.edu/~csunaasa/AAO.html | |
50. Department Of Asian American Studies At CSUN This web site serves as home base for AAS majors and minors, AAS alumni, AASfaculty and staff, Asian American organizations on campus, and interested http://www.csun.edu/~hfaas002/aas.html | |
51. NLADA: Communication Resources - News From The Field Local and National Asian American organizations Join Together to AddressBarriers to Legal Services for Immigrants. Date, February 12, 2003. http://www.nlada.org/News/News_From_The_Field/Items/2003022038481068 | |
52. Asian American Studies Research Guide Includes long essays on topics such as civil rights, population growth and distribution,significant documents, women, Asian American organizations, and much http://www.public.iastate.edu/~savega/asianam.htm | |
53. Organizations Of Color Directory of Asian American organizations. Minorities in Agriculture,Natural Resources Related Sciences (MANRRS) 418 Price Hall http://www.eco.org/diversity/directories/Asianamer.html | |
54. UPDATE: Wellesley Students Protest College's Lack Of Commitment To Multicultural Provide space in the new campus center, which begins construction next year, toaccommodate the 13 Asian/Asian American organizations and the advisor to http://www.wellesley.edu/Activities/homepage/waa/index/projectsf/update.html | |
55. CET -- RESOURCES: Asian American History Web Sites And Resources Asian American Cybernauts A comprehensive directory of Asian American organizations,cultural political web sites, personal home pages. http://www.cetel.org/res.html | |
56. Resources: Asian American Studies Program, WCAS, Northwestern University asian/ http//sun3.lib.uci.edu/~dtsang/aas2.htm Yale Library Asian American StudiesResearch Guide General Asian American organizations Asian Pacific American http://www.asianamerican.northwestern.edu/resources/ | |
57. African, Hispanic (Latino), Asian American Political Organizations African, Hispanic (Latino), and Asian American Political organizations. AfricanAmerican political organizations. Asian American political organizations. http://www.ethnicmajority.com/Minority political organizations.htm | |
58. SBA News Release 00-29: SBA, ASIAN AMERICAN GROUP SIGN PACT TO BOOST SMALL BUSIN for Asian Pacific American Community Development, and to establishing formal partnershipswith other local and national Asian American organizations in the http://www.sba.gov/news/archive00/00-29.html | |
59. Asian American Resources, Projects And Links Asian Pacific American Coalition (UIUC) http//www2.uiuc.edu/ro/APAC/. UnitedAsian American organizations (UMichigan) http//www.umich.edu/~uaao/. http://www.uic.edu/depts/ccsaa/Links.html | |
60. History Of Lambda Phi Epsilon The goal of the founders was to transcend the limitations to whichtraditional Asian American organizations were subject. While http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/l/u/luw116/PSULambdas/About.html |
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