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Asian-american Notable People: more detail | |||||
81. Asian American the perfect time to play our Asian American Success Stories game lists the names ofnotable, and not focus on the positive contributions of courageous people. http://www.uncommoncourtesy.com/AsianAmericanSuccessStoriesBingo.htm |
82. Taioan.com The Role Of Taiwanese Americans In Asian American History Page how Taiwanese Americans fit into Asian American history were eager to accept talentedpeople, especially those the late 70 s and 80 s with notable surges during http://www.taioan.com/tw_historyworkshop.html | |
83. Your Title Goes Between These Tags The museum s Asian, American, and graphic arts collections are especiallynotable. The museum is housed in a building designed by IM Pei. http://people.cornell.edu/pages/jc387/ | |
84. Asian American Baptist Church :: View Topic - Vol 7, 2004, Feb: Spotlight: Looki Asian American Baptist Church Welcome to AABC www.aabcdallas.org, Not all the notableevents in 2003 had to these are good healthy signs that people can grow http://www.aabcdallas.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=148 |
85. Asian American Diabetes Initiative While some people are more likely to get diabetes than others, and in some waystype 2 (adult onset diabetes) is simpler to track than type 1 (juvenile onset http://aadi.joslin.harvard.edu/aadi/site/introduction_to_diabetes/whatIsYourGene | |
86. Famous African-American People - Encyclopedia Article About Famous African-Ameri the nations of the earth, black people are the His father, Robert Bannakay, was notablefor having 1975), first African American (and Asian American) to win a http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Famous African-American people | |
87. WVMCCD-Press Release | Asian American Collection At Mission College dream of creating a core Asian American Collection a cultures and value systems fromnotable Asian Americans he has helped countless young people pursue their http://www.wvmccd.cc.ca.us/wvmccd/press_2002/asian_am_coll_mc_02pr.html | |
88. Penn College Library: Events: Asian Pacific American Heritage Month a potent medium through which people actively engage chosen selection of new and notableEnglishlanguage The Asian American Writer s Workshop The Workshop is http://www.pct.edu/library/events/apahm.htm | |
89. Notable http://www.concentric.net/~oliverlu/noteworthy.html | |
90. BU Libraries | Research Guides | Asian American Studies A guide and directory to Asian American and Asian Canadian material culture. NotableAsian Americans. We The people An Atlas of America s Ethnic Diversity. http://www.bu.edu/library/guides/asian.html | |
91. Asian American Organizations Directory I feel like the same five people get publicity over and over again, opined Hunggives copy space to lesserknown Asian American artists like Director Justin http://www.asiansinamerica.org/directory/0503_directory.html | |
92. Regions.ivcf.org - In Search Of Identity: An Asian American Christian Perspectiv tongue in front of people who donÂt understand? l How do you feel about Asian ethnicspecificfellowships? In search of identity an Asian American Christian http://regions.ivcf.org/multieth/3154 | |
93. Health Problems In Asian American/Pacific Islander And Native Hawaiian Women Data on how many cases of diabetes are in the Asian American/Pacific Islander and Peoplewith diabetes have a higher chance of having problems with their skin http://www.4woman.gov/faq/Asian_Pacific.htm | |
94. WOMEN OF COLOR IN THE USA (BIBLIOGRAPHY) 1986) A DICTIONARY OF ASIAN AMERICAN HISTORY Essays US; chronology, encyclopedia ofpeople and events VOICES OF MULTICULTURAL AMERICAnotable speeches delivered http://www-lib.usc.edu/~retter/wocbibs.html | |
95. Book Store Biographies & Memoirs Arts & Literature Ethnic & National Historical Mondo Pub. 60. Distinguished Asian American Artist and Musicians. DistinguishedAsian American Artist and Musicians. List Price $69.95 http://www.00-00-00-00.com/store/1_1_2_5_6_index.html | |
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