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61. Comfort Woman Story 1/5 Asian American Features GoldSea the emperor. The more precise term is Jungun Wianbu (military comfortwomen) in Korean and Jungunianfu in Japanese. Because the http://goldsea.com/Features/Witness/witness.html&e=747 |
62. Center For The Study Of Sexual Minorities In The Military UCSB 6 Gerstle, American Crucible; Takaki, Double Victory; Asian Americans in the USMilitary, in The Asian American Almanac A Reference Work on Asians in the http://www.gaymilitary.ucsb.edu/Publications/canaday.htm&e=747 |
63. AP Daily News Headlines From Asian American Village @ IMDiversity. asianamerican Village Daily News. OR s David Wu Proposes Educational Benefit forMilitary Reservists. Opportunities from the Career Center. Featured jobs in OR. http://www.imdiversity.com/Villages/Asian/news/Daily_News_Th0506.asp&e=747 |
64. Course Description For ASIAN_AM Asian American Studies 392-0: Seminar In Asian A history of military brides, Kibeis, and international students. We will use theconcept of Âdiaspora to revisit key themes in Asian American history http://aquavite.northwestern.edu/cdesc/course-desc.cgi?school_id=400&dept_id=432 |
65. Department Of Ethnic Studies In an era of US global hegemony fueled by an increasing military and economicpresence in the Pacific Rim, Asian American Studies plays a crucial role in http://ethnicstudies.ucr.edu/programs/asas.html&e=747 |
66. Real Choices ACCESS Calendar Hotel, San Francisco, CA FAPAC conference will have programs and workshops thathighlight the contributions of Asian American military heroes including http://www.realchoices.org/Community/Calendar/&e=747 |
67. Nephp Publisher V4.5.4 :: Politics : 2 Asian American Women Named As Judges 34% are women, 13% Latinos, 10% African American and 7% Asian American, the statistics tentthey shared with two other Vietnamese families on the military base http://yellowworld.org/?m=show&id=11&e=747 |
68. Asian American Film Reviews as an African American navy cook and various Asian and Asian American actors depictingthe Japanese military command, Pearl Harbor even makes a stab at http://www.asianamericanfilm.com/archives/000057.html&e=747 |
69. Intercollegiate Department Of Asian American Studies perceptions of the Asian enemy, Asian Americans and military service, camptownsand prostitution, military brides and Contemporary Asian American Issues. http://www.idaas.pomona.edu/courses_spr04.htm&e=747 |
70. AASC Announcement http//www.census.gov/PressRelease/www/releases/archives/census_2000/001623.html.Serving Our Nation 351,000 The number of Asian American military veterans. http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/aasc/change/data0404.html&e=747 |
71. Asian, Pacific, South Asian American Video Media Resources Assembly and Asian American Studies Program. Video/C 2573. Fighting for JusticeThe Coram Nobis Cases In 1942, three courageous men defied military orders that http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/japanamvid.html&e=747 |
72. »»Reviews For Military Relocation«« many people of Japanese descent who lived in the western, military Zone 1 Vital contributionto Asian American and internment history. Though long and at times http://www.booksunderreview.com/Home/Moving_and_Relocating/Military_Relocation/& |
73. State Of Illinois - Pat Quinn, Lt. Governor - Asian American The Purple Heart is the oldest military decoration in Donations may be sent to the Illinois military Family Relief Fund , PO Box 8889, Springfield, IL 62791. http://www.state.il.us/ltgov/aaac/07-28-03.htm&e=747 |
74. Honolulu Star-Bulletin Local News Shinseki, who was born on Kauai, is the topranking Asian Americanin US military history. A grandson of Japanese immigrants, who http://starbulletin.com/1999/06/22/news/story1.html&e=747 |
75. Ancestors In The Americas Asian American History Timeline Order 9066 authorizing the secretary of war to delegate a military commander to designatemilitary areas from Wing F. Ong becomes first Asian American to be http://www.cetel.org/timeline.html&e=747 |
76. Giving To The Navigators - Asian-American Ministries In AZ Choose a Navigators Ministry . http://home.navigators.org/giving/Index.cfm?Brand=2&EntityName=Asian-American%20 |
77. United Asian American Organizations Statement against the War on Iraq October 23 , 2002 The United Asian AmericanOrganizations does not support any decision to use military force in Iraq. http://www.umich.edu/~uaao/resolutions/waroniraq.htm&e=747 |
78. The Greenlining Press Room Similarly, Latino and Asian American owned businesses received only 1% of ournationÂs $130 billion a year in military contracts. Action Requested. http://www.greenlining.org/press/letters/rumsfeld-letter.html&e=747 |
79. Organ Donation Cards Offered To US Military - JapanUpdate.com in America s salad whose purpose is to educate Asian American AAFES personnel tobe a small alternative party promotion outlet for military personnel longing http://japanupdate.com/en/?id=4726&e=747 |
80. Kansas City InfoZine - Asian Pacific American Heritage Month - USA Philippines, India, Vietnam and Korea. Serving Our Nation. 351,000 Thenumber of Asian American military veterans. There are 57,000 veterans http://www.infozine.com/news/stories/op/storiesView/sid/2180/&e=747 | |
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