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21. VWMP S Incredible Journey asianamerican military contributed and sacrificed, David Chung says. Nine-hundredOrientals are on the Wall, and two Asians won Medals of Honor. . http://members.aol.com/bear317b/sister14.htm&e=747 |
22. Press Releases Highest Ranking asianamerican in US military History Left Remarkable Legacy MORRISTOWNSHIP, NJ, November 3, 2003 Â Honeywell (NYSE HON) announced today http://www.honeywell.com/mediakit/announcement_details.jsp?rowID=85&docID=4391&c |
23. Juliette Kayyem Military Justice System A Self-inflicted Casualty of Yee on potential Arab and Muslim translators in the military is likely to Wen HoLee in 1996 caused a dramatic decline in asianamerican scientists willing http://www.ksg.harvard.edu/news/opeds/2004/kayyem_military_justice_csm_022304.ht |
24. Asian American Web Links Asian Americans in the various fields, eg sports, fashion, architecture, entertainments,education, business, military, etc. asianamerican History Quiz http http://www.ccm.edu/library/apahm.htm&e=747 |
25. Asian Pacific American Military Timetime Questions? Asian/Pacific American military Timeline. Herbert Choy born; becomes first Asian American named to federal court (U.S. Ninth Circuit Court, 1971 http://www.chcp.org/memorialday.html | |
26. DefenseLINK News: An Asian Pacific American Timeline Herbert Choy born; becomes first Asian American named to federal court (U.S. Ninth Circuit Court most senior Japanese American to serve in military intelligence during World War http://www.defenselink.mil/news/May1999/n05191999_9905192.html | |
27. Asian Pacific Americans By The Numbers Serving Our Nation. 351,000 Number of Asian American military veterans. There were57,000 veterans who were native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Americans. http://www.infoplease.com/spot/asiancensus1.html&e=747 | |
28. NAAAP National National Association of Asian American Professionals Announces FirstEver Advisory Board law, finance, education, entertainment, the military, and many others, we seek to http://www.naaap.org/ | |
29. Asian Pacific American Firsts military 1863 Chinese American William Ah Hang one of the first Asian War II 1943Korean American Colonel Young Oak Kim - first Asian American to command a http://www.capaa.wa.gov/APA_firsts.html&e=747 |
30. Census Bureau Facts For Features: Asian Pacific American Heritage Month: May 200 In 1978, a joint congressional resolution established Asian Pacific American Heritage Week Number of Asian American military veterans. There were 29 000 veterans who were native http://www.census.gov/Press-Release/www/2003/cb03-ff05.html | |
31. Profiles Some of these military men and women are AsianAmericans. Asian-Americanmilitary service dates back to the 19th century. Numerous http://www.asianpages.com/profiles/profiles.html&e=747 |
32. Chronology Of Asian American History Source Sucheng Chan, Asian Americans, an Interpretive History, ©1991, Twayne Publishers, Boston. 1600s. Chinese and Filipinos reach Mexico on ships of the Manila galleon. 1830s. Chinese "sugar masters" working in Hawaii. secretary of war to delegate a military commander to designate military areas "from which any and all persons Ong becomes first Asian American to be elected to state office in http://web.mit.edu/21h.153j/www/chrono.html | |
33. US Census Press Releases http//www.census.gov/PressRelease/www/releases/archives/census_2000/001623.html .Serving Our Nation 351,000 The number of Asian American military veterans. http://www.census.gov/Press-Release/www/releases/archives/facts_for_features_spe |
34. Census Bureau Facts For Features Asian Pacific American Heritage Serving Our Nation. 284,000 Number of Asian American military veterans. There were29,000 veterans who were native Hawaiian or other Pacific islander Americans. http://www.census.gov/Press-Release/www/2003/cb03-ff05.html&e=747 |
35. Asian And Asian American Studies The Asian and Asian American Studies Department at California State University, Long Beach is the vanguard for the study of one of the world's most fascinating and important regions Asia. CSULB's Department of Asian and Asian American Studies provides a flexible framework Naturalization Service (INS); Treasury Agent; military service; social work; public personnel http://www.csulb.edu/depts/as |
36. Asian American Bar Association of the United States, and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, I hereby authorizeand direct the Secretary of War, and the military commanders whom he may http://www.aaba-bay.com/aaba/showpage.asp?code=execorder9066&e=747 |
37. Asian/Pacific Islander American Health (CBM 95-3) CBM 953 Asian/Pacific Islander American Health January 1990 through March 1995 1197 Risk indicators for periodontitis in a military treatment population. J Periodontol 1992 http://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/cbm/asianam.html | |
38. Asian American Bar Association 9066 was issued on February 19, 1942 authorizing the Secretary of War and certainmilitary commanders to prescribe military areas from which any persons may http://www.aaba-bay.com/aaba/showpage.asp?code=korematsucase&e=747 |
39. TwHP Lesson PlansTopic Index Asian American History. Locke and Walnut Grove Havens for Early Asian Immigrantsin a Proud Tradition (114) Learn how the expansion of military air power in http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/twhp/topic.htm&e=747 |
40. Links To The Past Historic Parks And Sites Alaska Native Heritage American Indian Heritage Asian American Heritage Civil War,Hispanic Heritage Landscape Architecture Maritime military Pacific Islander http://www.cr.nps.gov/catsig.htm&e=747 |
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