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81. Asian American: An Analysis Of Negative Stereotypical Characters In Popular Medi Eager to test out these myths of Asian American media depictions, we rented some current popular American movies with Asian American male and female actors. http://mahdzan.com/fairy/papers/asian/asian02.htm | |
82. South Asian (Indian American) Newspapers And Publications In US. Multicultural A Asian (IndoAmerican) Newspapers Publications in US available through Allied media Corp. into the diverse and rich culture of today s south Asian American. http://www.allied-media.com/Publications/indian_newspapers_US.htm | |
83. Organizational Resources On Media This nonprofit publishes the Asian American media Reference Guide and a newsletter, Cinevue. It also promotes film and video produced http://www.viewingrace.org/content.php?sec=resource&sub=media |
84. Asian American Studies Resources American Village; Asian American Women A Research Guide; Asian American Writer s Workshop; Asian media Reference Guide; AsianNation http://www.princeton.edu/~asianamr/ | |
85. Listen Up! Newsblog: Asian American Youth Media Screening June 17, 2003. Asian American Youth media Screening. Also check out the panel after the screening EMERGING VOICES ASIAN AMERICAN YOUTH media. http://www.listenup.org/newsblog/archives/000069.html | |
86. Nikkei Nexus - Media com/ Giant Robot Online A website for you www.giantrobot.com/ Asian Week The Voice of Asian America www.asianweek.com/ Asian American Internet Magazine http://www.najc.ca/nexus/nx_media.htm | |
87. All.info: Listings Directory / Student Organizations And Media / Asian American You are in Listings Directory / Student Organizations and media / Asian American /. http://all.info/directory/Listings_Directory/Student_Organizations_and_Media/Asi | |
88. Welcome To NAPALC.org After discussing the issue with the Asian American media Coalition and the Korean American Coalition, Mr. Leno assured the community he would not tell any more http://www.napalc.org/programs/antiviolence/issues/2003_10_13_APA_Coalition_Stat | |
89. National Asian American Telecommunications Association (NAATA) through educational distribution, presenting the annual San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival, and assistance and funding for media artists. http://www.volunteersolutions.org/thevolunteercenter/org/1268959.html | |
90. Search Results Asian American Studies After Critical Mass is a dynamic collection that showcases the most exciting scholarship in the field from B, Title Asian media Studies. http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/searchres.asp?Main_subject=S&Subject_List=SJ0 |
91. BCC Library Media Center: What's New? George W. Bush April 30, 2003 Related books in the Library media Center The Asian American century by Warren Cohen; Asian American dreams the emergence of an http://www.bcc.ctc.edu/lmc/new.html | |
92. Asian American Journalists Association : Los Angeles | Media Training Workshop Free media Training Workshop For Asian Pacific American Community Nonprofits To 2004) Â The Los Angeles chapter of the Asian American Journalists Association http://www.aaja-la.org/Events/MediaTraining.asp | |
93. Asian / Asian American Music Reviews Covers (mainly) contemporary music by Asian Americans or influenced by Asia. Contains reviews, interviews, calendar of events, and projects. Mentions books, articles, and links. Includes photos or http://members.tripod.com/~tfeng | |
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