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1. Asian-American Media Identity. Politics And The Bottom Line By Izumi Tezuka asianamerican media Identity Politics and the Bottom Line by Izumi Tezuka Photography by Nikolai Katz We re sort of defining Asian-Americans as people who http://www.invasianjournal.com/issue_four/media.htm | |
2. Welcome To AAARI Online! Originally, the main focus of the lecture would be on asianamerican media in the Last Decade, but after careful reconsideration, it was pushed back to 1987 http://www.aaari.info/D Chin.htm | |
3. Subject American oriented media outlets reach 79% of AfricanAmericans in the state; and asian-american media reach 75% of the Asian population of California (with the http://www.japantownsanjose.org/Ethnicmediastudyresults.htm | |
4. NCM: Study On Reach, Impact And Potential Of Ethnic Media media reach 89% of California Hispanics, AfricanAmerican oriented media outlets reach 79% of African-Americans in the state; and asian-american media reach 75 http://www.ncmonline.com/content/ncm/2002/apr/0423_pr_survey.html | |
5. African, Hispanic, And Asian American Media And Entertainment News the rapidly growing Hispanic population looks to Spanishlanguage media as their after receiving complaints from members of the asian-american community that http://www.ethnicmajority.com/media_news.htm | |
6. Rice & Times: "Advancing Asian-American Interests In Media" Rice Times Advancing asianamerican Interests in media . Village EO Partner. Rice Times mission is to advance asian-american interests in media. http://www.imdiversity.com/villages/asian/partner_organizations_links/riceandtim | |
7. Index Of Village Content of Black Professional Engineers Pacific Citizen Biweekly, Newspaper of the JACL Rice Times Advancing asianamerican Interests in media Sikh mediawatch and http://www.imdiversity.com/Villages/Asian/Village_Index_List.asp | |
8. Destroy All Monsters - Asian-American Pop Culture Upside Your Head continued awareness of anime and manga in the mainstream media continues with launched a new promo campaign, ostensibly in honor of asianamerican Month, but http://www.destroy-all-monsters.com/200405archive001.asp | |
9. Society, Ethnicity, Asian, Asian-American: News And Media Wellesley College. Generation Rice Includes essays, articles, and reviews about Asian American culture and people. Hardboiled - Student http://www.combose.com/Society/Ethnicity/Asian/Asian-American/News_and_Media/ | |
10. GPN: Leading Source Of Classroom Video & Educational Media asianamerican Studies. Journalism Language Arts/Reading Library/Information Gathering Skills Life Skills Literature Mathematics media Literacy Multimedia Music http://gpn.unl.edu/midd_category.asp?catalog_name=GPN&category_name=Middle Schoo |
11. Wauu.DE: Society: Ethnicity: Asian: Asian-American: News And Media http//www.wellesley.edu/Activities/homepage/generasians/. Generation Rice Includes essays, articles, and reviews about Asian American culture and people. http://www.wauu.de/Society/Ethnicity/Asian/Asian-American/News_and_Media/ | |
12. PopPolitics.com - Reading And Writing Toward Discovery descriptions of Asian and asianamerican films and resources. Read the entire identity issue click here . Banner 4. Copyright © 2000 PopPolitics media LLC. http://www.poppolitics.com/articles/2000-12-02-scholar.shtml | |
13. Facets Multi-Media - Search: Category1=223 ITEM NO. DIRECTOR. YEAR. 1. Bao. An asianamerican family is torn apart by conflicting values in this thoughtful, independent feature film. http://www.facets.org/asticat?function=search&mnu=filmlistsl&searchmode=4&search |
14. NAATA Founded in 1980, the National Asian American Telecommunications Association (NAATA) is at the forefront in creating opportunities for Asian American media through production funding, national of http://www.naatanet.org/ | |
15. Asian, Pacific, & South Asian American Video: Media Resources Center UCB: Miscellaneous and General Works. Chinese Americans. Japanese Americans. Korean Americans. Fillipino Americans. South/Southesast Asian/Pacific Island Americans. The Movies, Race, Ethnicity ( for http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/AsianAmvid.html | |
16. Asian American Journalists Association A nonprofit organization supporting Asian Pacific Americans in journalism and the fair and accurate news coverage of the APA community. The Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) is a non-profit organization with approximately 2 increase the number of Asian American media executives, AAJA is partnering with http://www.aaja.org/ | |
17. Asian American Media Arts Asian American media Arts New and Exciting! Check out the brand new site for streaming video featuring Asian American programming Aiyaa! media http://www.english.udel.edu/feng/aam.html | |
18. NAATA : About Us : 20th Anniversary: Asian American Media Arts Forum Asian American media Arts Forum. On November 3, 4 and 5, 2000, NAATA hosted the Asian American media Arts Forum in San Francisco. http://www.naatanet.org/aboutus/20th/mediaforum.html | |
19. 9th Chicago Asian American Showcase 2004 Promotes film, video, and other media by and about Asian Americans, and supports the artists who create them. Holds the Annual Chicago Asian American Showcase at The Gene Siskel Film Center. http://www.faaim.org/ | |
20. Asian American Media Jun Magazine, Fashion Webzine for Asian American women. New California media Online Asian, sponsored by Pacific News Service in collaboration with the Chinese http://newton.uor.edu/Departments&Programs/AsianStudiesDept/asianam-media.html | |
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