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Asian-american History: more books (100) |
141. Asian American Studies At The University Of California, Davis The first Asian American Studies course was offered, jointly sponsored by Professors Isao Fujimoto ABS), Kenne Chang (Anthropology), and JP Lo (history). http://asa.ucdavis.edu/community/apihistory.html | |
142. Berkland Baptist Church Davis Chapel, Davis Features ministry to asianamerican college students, graduate students, and young adults in Davis and the greater Sacramento metropolitan area. http://www.berkland.org/bbcdavis/ |
143. Everything You Need To Know About Asian American History Everything You Need to Know About Asian American history. Book Everything You Need to Know About Asian American history Customer Reviews http://www.earth-religions.com/Everything_You_Need_to_Know_About_Asian_American_ | |
144. Asian American History Asian American history. Academic InfoAsian American history, Variety of links. CET Resources, Asian American history web sites and Resources. http://www.westchesterlibraries.org/resources/hisasianamer.html | |
145. Alpha Kappa Delta Phi Sorority, Inc. The largest asianamerican interest sorority in the United States. http://www.akdphi.org | |
147. Reading The Literatures Of Asian America (Asian American History And Culture) Reading the Literatures of Asian America (Asian American history and Culture). Reading the Literatures of Asian America (Asian American http://www.literaturehistoryhub.com/Reading_the_Literatures_of_Asian_America_Asi | |
148. Psi Chi Omega - National Headquarters asianamerican National Fraternity http://www.psichiomega.org/ |
149. Alpha Phi Gamma - Alpha Chapter - Cal Poly Pomona asianamerican Sorority founded at California State Polytechnic University at Pomona on February 1, 1994. http://geocities.com/CollegePark/Quad/2450 |
150. Michele's Home Page Personal information, index of asianamerican psychological studies, news, links, and photos. http://www.geocities.com/michele_wan/ | |
151. History 260 Syllabus history 260 Asian American history. Jack Kurashige, Lon and Alice Yang Murray, eds., Major Problems in Asian American history. Lee http://www.oberlin.edu/faculty/dmaeda/hist260/ | |
152. -[ The Asian-american Celebrity Webpage ]- Explores the positive impact asianamerican celebrities have had on the American community. Site includes biographies, photographs, and links. http://www.geocities.com/aacwp/ | |
153. NetSAP Home An organization committed to providing networking, professional development, political education, and community service opportunities to those interested in South asianamerican related affairs. http://www.netsap.org/index.html | |
154. Early Asian American History And Culture Early Asian American history and Culture. CFP Call for Essays on Early Asian American history and Culture The editors invite essays http://www.csun.edu/~hfspc002/96/cfp/X0025_961215.asian.html | |
155. BookFinder.com: The Columbia Guide To Asian American History The Columbia Guide to Asian American history. by Gary Y. Okihiro. Title The Columbia Guide to Asian American history. Author Gary Y. Okihiro. http://www.bookfinder.com/dir/i/The_Columbia_Guide_to_Asian_American_History/023 | |
156. Page Cannot Be Found Nonprofit group supporting South asian-american youth. Programs, services, and a report of over 600 hate crimes in one week PDF. Flash required http://www.saalt.moonfruit.org/ | |
157. Houghton Mifflin - College Division Store - College Store Main Product Major Problems in Asian American history , Documents and Essays. Lon Kurashige , University of Southern California Alice Yang Murray http://college.hmco.com/cgi-bin/SaCGI.cgi/store.class/com.hmco.college.collegest |
158. Canyon Sam: Chinese-American Performance Artist, Tibet Activist Includes reviews and contact information for this asianamerican performer. http://www.wildheartsranch.com/index17.html | |
159. NAAAP National: Asian American History {SIDE}, {BODY}. http://www.naaap.org/NAT/aa_his.asp |
160. Little. Yellow. Different. Web log of an asianamerican web developer living in the San Francisco Bay area. Creator of the web log games Survivor Blog and Puppetmaster. http://www.littleyellowdifferent.com/ | |
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