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Asian-american Government & Legislation: more detail | |||||
81. :: Ez2Find :: Legislative Branch loc.gov; African, Hispanic (Latino), Asian American members of legislative branch of the US government and find easy access to text of legislation currently in http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Regional/North_America/Unite | |
82. ÂÂÂcÂ@»ÂÃÂ@Takeda Okiyoshi Support for Asian American StudiesÂ, Journal of Asian American Studies Vol.4 Diet A Statistical Analysis of Postwar government legislationÂ, Japanese Journal http://www.sipeb.aoyama.ac.jp/ja/contents/instructor/o_takeda.html | |
83. Asian American Miscellany On The 2000 Presidnetial Election legislation will result around minor issues where there is and determine the direction of the new government. For Asian American activists it will be a more http://www.aamovement.net/news/2001lte/shrub.html | |
84. APIAHF - Policy - Wu Re-Introduces Legislation To Create Islander American students as Asian American and Pacific originally introduced the legislation last year. Daus, Legislative and government Affairs Coordinator http://www.apiahf.org/policy/news/HR333_0203.htm | |
85. Inventory Of The Student Government Of The University Of North Carolina At Chape 1996. Atlantic Coast Asian American Students Union Conference. Carolina InterCampus government Association, 1989. 1991-72rd Session legislation Approved, Apr http://www.lib.unc.edu/mss/uars/ead/40169.html | |
86. Politics & Government - State - 2004.0606 - PetitionOnline.com Asian American and Pacific Islander Faculty Oppose Cuts to Force, by Syeda Amna Hassan, to Pakistan s government. Plate, by Tom Ferlaak, to Minnesota legislation. http://www.petitiononline.com/category_5.html |
87. Dailypennsylvanian.com group of universities. . In presenting the motion, Korst expressed his disapproval of the government legislation. As an American http://www.dailypennsylvanian.com/vnews/display.v/ART/3ea7c5f52f02b?in_archive=1 |
88. Committee On Government Reform Jasemine Chambers, Chair, Asian American government Executive Network President, Blacks in government Patricia Wolfe Schedule. http://reform.house.gov/CSA/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=1664 |
89. An Internet Guide For Asian American Cybernauts This is an introductory Internet resource guide for people interested in "Asian American" issues. Resources include electronic mailing lists, Usenet newsgroups, Gopher and WWW servers. txt Keywords Asian American, Internet, Resource Guide Asian American gender/sexuality issues, immigration legislation, and antiAsian violence http://www.janet.org/~ebihara/igaac109.html | |
90. DOI Diversity - Links To Outside Asian American government Executives Network (AAGEN), founded in 1994, is a nonpartisan organization of the highest ranking Asian Pacific American career and http://www.doi.gov/diversity/8asian.htm | |
91. EEO/Civil Rights Office - Outreach And Special Emphasis Program - AA/PAEP - Obje White Initiative for Asian Americans Asian American government Executives Network Federal Asian Pacific American Council. Updated 072003 © 2003 US Army. http://eeoa.army.pentagon.mil/web/prog_comp/outreach_spec_prog/aa_paep/objective | |
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