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Asian-american Government & Legislation: more detail | |||
1. Asian-American Resources asianamerican Resources government and Politics. legislation, court cases, executive orders and organizations relating to asian-americans. History. Historical background on asian-american http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Topic/Diversity/Specific/Race/Specific/Asian_Ame | |
2. DailyOrange.com : The Online Student Newspaper Of Syracuse University Proposed legislation offers increased aid to schools asianamerican population and Asian American-studies, said associate director of government and community http://www.dailyorange.com/news/2003/11/19/News/Proposed.Legislation.Offers.Incr | |
3. Destroy All Monsters - Asian-American Pop Culture Upside Your Head being after the Japanese government passed tough recycling measures for redundant equipment, the need for legislation was clear a number of asianamerican groups, the show, which http://www.destroy-all-monsters.com/200307archive001.asp | |
4. Asian American Empowerment: ModelMinority.com - Libraries Continue To Index Asia and signed by a nonasian-american governor. representative Sarah Anderson, to discuss legislation to outlaw people or individuals in government documents and http://modelminority.com/article275.html | |
5. Asian-American Law Librarians Caucus NewsletterPresident's Message asianamerican Law Librarians Caucus Newsletter Volume 4 last couple of years, government agencies, especially Korean Ministry of legislation, and commercial http://ls.wustl.edu/AALLC/news013.html | |
6. WorldLII - Categories - Regions - Asia Centre (ALRC) Search A nongovernment organisation committed full text of cases, legislation and other asian-american Law Librarian Caucus - AALLC Search http://www.austlii.edu.au/links/2647.html | |
7. Gore On Asian-American Issues ND California 1993 1998 (first Asian- American US Attorney). The proposed legislation would alter immigration law 4) government benefits, such as welfare, for http://www.asianam.org/gore.htm | |
8. Asian-American information on relevant current legislation and a pages of interest to asianamerican women and site includes excerpts from government reports, correspondence http://www.uchastings.edu/wingate/asian-am.htm | |
9. FYI key piece of civil rights legislationÂÂpassed 50 art and education, and general government, and on issues affecting the asianamerican communities in the http://www.navasa.org/Dailies/Dailies_html/5_12_04.htm | |
10. Definition Of 'Digital Divide' Research reported that 64% of asianamerican households were central tenet of our democratic form of government. The legislation which enabled the creation of http://www.adversity.net/Terms_Definitions/TERMS/Digital_Divide.htm | |
11. PA Bulletin, Doc. No. 04-685 American community on policies, procedures, legislation and regulations that affect the asianamerican community to ensure that State government is accessible http://www.pabulletin.com/secure/data/vol34/34-17/685.html | |
12. AP Daily News Headlines From Asian American Village @ IMDiversity. asianamerican Village Daily News. would have tuition at home state universities paid by the federal government under legislation proposed Friday by US Rep http://www.imdiversity.com/Villages/Asian/news/Daily_News_Th0506.asp |
13. Genetics And Society: Policies: US Federal And State Policies: Federal Policies AfricanAmerican, one was Hispanic-American and two were asian-american. US government Documents Executive Order, Congressional legislation and Testimony. http://www.genetics-and-society.org/policies/us/cloning.html | |
14. Canadian Immigration: A Chinese Perspective, AAAS Conf., May 24-28, 2000 to thank the Association of asianamerican Studies for repeals and replaces the 1978 immigration legislation. attempts to balance the governmentÂs intentions http://www.sen.parl.gc.ca/vpoy/english/Special_Interests/speeches/Speech - AAAS | |
15. Asian American Studies Research Guide historical overview of the different Asian American groups in excerpts from novels, interviews, plays, government documents, and relevant legislation. http://www.public.iastate.edu/~savega/asianam.htm | |
16. AsianWeek.com: Business: Privacy And Asian American Business DVD player at an Asian or Asian American Internet site a whole, Asian American businesses are likely to be wary of government intervention. I think legislation would be http://www.asianweek.com/2000_08_10/biz1_internetprivacy.html | |
17. ASIAN AMERICAN STUDIES how "Asian American" is a government services, redevelopment and urban planning, legislation, law enforcement, and business regulation.The examination will include Asian American http://www.upenn.edu/registrar/register/asam.html | |
18. Asian American Net: Uzbekistan economics, culture, environment, government agencies, human reports, technical cooperation, legislation, Internet links Asian American Net welcomes your comments http://www.asianamerican.net/uzbek_main.html |
19. Conference On Asian Pacific American Leadership (CAPAL) CAPAL (Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership) was founded in 1989 with a goal to increase APA participation and leadership in public policy and government. 1. Asian Pacific American Institute for legislation are made. Hill staffers and lobbyists will give you the straight talk about how the legislative branch of our government http://www.capal.org/ | |
20. Asian American Net: Burma (Mayanmar) Policy statements, legislation/international support, State Dept. government politics, news discussions Asian American Net welcomes your comments/suggestions http://www.asianamerican.net/burma_main.html | |
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