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1. Asian-American Studies - General Other Topics within asianamerican Studies. Arts, Film Literature 15 Chicago 11 History 19. asian-american Studies - general. http://www.lib.depaul.edu/eresource/subject_search_infotype.asp?SubjectID=8&Topi |
2. Major Asian Populations Health Organizations, Other Web Links, Publications, US Government Web Sites, Other NIH Links, Major asianamerican Populations - general. http://asianamericanhealth.nlm.nih.gov/majasian.html | |
3. Index general. East Asia (Japan) From Cultural Atlas of Japan Facts On File Publication An Introduction to Asian and asianamerican Fiction (Angelides) http://lama.kcc.hawaii.edu/asdp | |
4. American Women's History: Asian-American Women See the general Biographical Sources section for additional information sources. Byers, Paula K., ed. Asian American Genealogical Sourcebook. http://www.mtsu.edu/~kmiddlet/history/women/wh-asian.html | |
5. IPL General/Reference Collection: Asian & Pacific/Asian-American Asian American Net http//www.asianamerican.net/ Asian Culture, and RaceAsian Pacific/asianamerican. The site also includes general information on http://www.ipl.org.ar/ref/RR/static/soc40.10.00.html | |
6. Online Scholarship, Fellowship And Internship Directory: General Scholarships. P asianamerican STUDENTS. AAJA Fellowship Program Contact Asian American Journalist Association Professional Development 1765 Sutter St., Ste. http://www.house.gov/roybal-allard/spec_scholarships.htm | |
7. Asian-American Resources asianamericans. History Historical background on asian-american issues. Internet Metasites general directories and indices. Issues http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Topic/Diversity/Specific/Race/Specific/Asian_Ame | |
8. Asian American Student Association At UMass Amherst what the class offered by the program next semester, requirements to get the certificate, and general counseling about Asian and asianamerican Studies here at http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~aasa/ |
9. Asian-American Services Committee Internet Resources asianamerican Services Committee ASIAN AMERICAN INTERNET RESOURCES. Asian American (general). Asian American Resources in Chicago http://www.chipublib.org/003cpl/asian_heritage/committee/web.html | |
10. Children Now: General Links Directory children and families policy issues; 1999 Directory for asianamerican Children and to youth service professionals, policymakers, and the general public. http://www.childrennow.org/links/links-general.html | |
11. Asian-American Candidates First Asian American female elected city wide in El Paso, Texas in 1989, then first elected county wide in 1998. Won primary 71%29% Unopposed in 2002 general http://www.asianam.org/apacandidate.htm | |
12. AP Daily News Headlines From Asian American Village @ IMDiversity.com asianamerican Village Daily News. Hmong Military Leader Still Revered, but Influence Waning. `Their turning away from VP (as the ex-general is known) is part http://www.imdiversity.com/villages/asian/Daily_News_Wed0519.asp | |
13. AP Daily News Headlines From Asian American Village @ IMDiversity. asianamerican Village Daily News. Filipino-American general s Report on Iraq Prisoner Abuse Has Changed Life. By WILLIAM C. MANN, Associated http://www.imdiversity.com/Villages/Asian/Daily_News_Mon0510.asp |
14. ECASU Asian American Links And Resources A Magazine s Asian American Digital Network generalinterest asian-american weekly collection of essays and poetry multi-racial mag about race, culture, and http://www.ecasu.org/links.htm | |
15. Lisa Madigan - Attorney General Madigan Addresses asianamerican Issues Democratic Nominee for Attorney general Creates asian-americans for Lisa Madigan Committee. http://www.lisamadigan.org/press_pages/asian_americans.htm | |
16. CWRU :: Asian American Alliance To better reflect the asianamerican experience throughout history; To increase the public s AAA general Meeting Date Tuesday, April 20th Time 730 pm Location http://www.cwru.edu/orgs/AsianAmerican/ | |
17. Asian American Net: Asia In General Asian American Net http://www.asianamerican.net/general.html | |
18. Books / Literature & Fiction / American / Asian American / General 6. On a Bed of Rice An Asian American Erotic Feast Geraldine Kudaka (Editor), Russell C. Leong / Paperback / Published 1995 Read more about this title http://www.bookmag.com/books/literature---fiction/113.html | |
19. Asian-Nation : Asian American History, Demographics, & Issues population; Provide general and specific information about different topics and issues that affect the Asian American community; Identify http://www.asian-nation.org/ | |
20. Asian American Studies Resources Asian American Studies Resources. Free JavaScripts provided. by The JavaScript Source. Table of Contents. general Resources. Bibliographies. Magazines, Journals, Newsletters. Audio Visual Resources . http://sun3.lib.uci.edu/~dtsang/aas2.htm | |
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