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Asian-american Commerce Industry & Trade: more detail |
81. NYC2012 Korean Chamber of commerce industry in USA. United Federation of Teachers of Asian American Heritage Committee. US Austrian Chamber of commerce. http://www.nyc2012.com/team.sec7.html | |
82. Manhattan Chamber Of Commerce, New York City New York - Calendar Of Events CPAs in industry NY State Society of CPAs/Foundation Own Horn Manhattan Chamber of commerce, Oct 14 New York in Shanghai Asian American Business Development http://www.manhattancc.org/cf/Events/eventlayout.cfm | |
83. Manhattan Chamber Of Commerce, New York City New York - Discount Exchange Asian American Bsuiness Development Center Associations. Films for industry Corporate Communications. Florida Chamber of commerce Associations. http://www.manhattancc.org/cf/Members/discounts.cfm |
84. The Global Chicago Center | Chicago Calendar Of Events By Date Chamber of commerce and industry; Philip de Louis University; Polish American Chamber of commerce. World Affairs Symposium on the Asian American Experience in http://www.globalchicago.org/calendar/default.asp | |
85. The Global Chicago Center | Organization List By Alphabetic Israel Chamber Of commerce. AmericanRussian Chamber of commerce industry. Society. Asian Pacific Islander American Health Forum. Asian American Alliance *. http://www.globalchicago.org/res/alph.asp?filter=A |
86. Prepared Witness Testimony: Stewart, Jeffrey Asian American Hotel Owners Association. successor, the Tourism Industries office within commerceÂs International puts the US travel and tourism industry at a http://energycommerce.house.gov/107/Hearings/05232002hearing568/Stewart976.htm | |
87. National Real Estate Investor: The Evolution Of AAHOA - Asian American Hotel Own varying degrees of participation in the industry where we we get the majority of the Asian American hotel owners lobbying and a presence in DC, and ecommerce. http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m3208/is_6_42/ai_62685818 | |
88. 1987 Economic Census Volume 1E of commerce, US Census Bureau, PO Box 277943 Owned Businesses Hispanic Origin, Asian American, American Indian and places are presented without industry detail http://www.census.gov/mp/www/rom/msrom7c.html | |
89. North Texas Global Telecommunications Society - A Non-profit Organization For Te Dallas Asian American Chamber of commerce (GDAACC), Les a staff of 8 representing Asian American businesses and twenty years in the hotel management industry. http://www.ntgts.org/finance/tanaka.html | |
90. BVOM.COM - News The Vietnam Chamber of commerce and industry (VCCI) is setting Vietnam News E-commerce Releases. Bush sets up commission to advance Asian American businesses. http://www.bvom.com/news/english/home/ | |
91. Reeling From Attacks commerce, the lifeblood of the area, began slipping president of New York s Asian American Business Development of its residents work in the garment industry. http://app1.chinadaily.com.cn/star/2001/1108/fe20-1.html | |
92. Recap: Travel Business Roundtable And The US Chamber Of Commerce Washington, DC from the Department of commerce were Linda parks play in the countryÂs tourism industry. American Resort Development Association, Asian American Hotel Owners http://www.hotel-online.com/News/PR2003_2nd/Apr03_TIARoundtable.html | |
93. IPL Associations On The Net: Women & Minority-owned Business an active forum in which Asian American Hotel Owners owned Business Business EconomicsIndustryRetail trade Business Business EconomicsCommerce trade. http://www.ipl.org.ar/cgi-bin/ref/aon.out.pl?ty=long&id=bus11.90.00 |
94. Welcome To DiversityWorking : Largest Diversity Job Board Online : Careers : Job main goal of the commission, under the Department of commerce, is to ensure equal economic opportunities for full participation of Asian American and Pacific http://www.diversityworking.com/communityChannels/asianPasIslander/newsPublish/s |
95. Corporate Counsel Center wellsfargo.com; or JP Torres of US Pan Asian American Chamber of commerce, 1800 http://news.corporate.findlaw.com/prnewswire/20040507/07may2004202616.html | |
96. Asian American Net: Mongolia Please report any broken link, or change of URL address of a site to our Webmaster. Asian American Net welcomes your comments/suggestions. http://www.asianamerican.net/mongolia_main.html | |
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