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21. Third Thursdays: What's Next? Asian American Civil Rights Post 9/11 What s next? Asian American civil rights post 9/11. This month s TT looks at thestate of Asian American civil rights in the post 9/11 era. Speakers include http://www.thirdthursdays.org/old/upcomingSeptember2002.html | |
22. NAPABA Website The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association is the United States' only national association activities in the areas of civil rights reform, combating antiimmigrant backlash http://www.napaba.org/ | |
23. CAA - 33 Years Of Civil Rights Activism service and advocacy needs of the dramatically increasing Asian American and immigrant ofthe Coalition were MALDEF, Lawyers Committee for civil rights of the http://www.caasf.org/milestones.html | |
24. Civil Rights Movement Timeline Editor's Favorites. Asian American Month. 2004 Events. Quotations. Timelines The case is considered the cause célèbre of the civil rights movement. Top http://www.infoplease.com/spot/civilrightstimeline1.html | |
25. NAPALC Home National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium works to advance the human and civil rights of Asian Americans importance to the Asian American community including affirmative http://www.napalc.org/ | |
26. Asian American Civil Rights Asian American civil rights. Asian American civil rights Timeline. http//www.mich.com/~ywu/aacr.html http://www.teachers.ausd.net/antilla/asianamericanrts.html | |
27. AALDEF: Civil Rights Issues Asian American Leadership Development. What s New civil rights Press Releases JoinAALDEF Volunteer About Us Site Map Donate 911 Response Affirmative Action http://www.aaldef.org/rights.html | |
28. Asian American Empowerment: ModelMinority.com - Civil Rights Group Urges Berkele A massive collection of research articles, commentaries, stories, and other documents on the Asian American experience. of growing fear rippling through many Asian American communities that they http://www.modelminority.com/article392.html | |
29. AALDEF's APA 2004 Home Page was founded to serve the legal needs of the Asian American community in joined cityofficials, prominent attorneys, members of the civil rights community, and http://www.aaldef.org/home.html | |
30. Civil Rights Webpage index_active.html; http//www.rand.org/centers/icj/; http//www.ed.gov/offices/OCR/.Asian American civil rights http//www.pacificnews http://www.coollessons.org/civilrights.html | |
31. Asian Americans And 1996 California Civil Rights Initiative Action, as the basis for analyzing and interpreting Asian American political activism factwas clearly illustrated during the California civil rights Initiative http://academic.udayton.edu/race/04needs/affirm17.htm | |
32. Civilrights.org California Organization Grades Lawmakers On Organization Grades Lawmakers on Asian American Issues. By civilrights.org staff civilrights.org.January 15, 2004. Asian Americans for civil rights and Equality http://www.civilrights.org/issues/enforcement/details.cfm?id=17894 |
33. Civilrights.org Civil Rights 101 OTHER civil rights ISSUES OF PARTICULAR CONCERN to the Asian Americancommunity include hate crimes based on race and/or ethnicity. http://www.civilrights.org/research_center/civilrights101/asians.html | |
34. Asian American Empowerment: ModelMinority.com - Civil Rights Chief Lee Gains Ful He served as a Supervising Attorney for civil rights Litigation at the Center for Universityand was a volunteer attorney for the Asian American Legal Defense http://modelminority.com/article47.html | |
35. Asian American Empowerment: ModelMinority.com - Civil Rights Group Urges Berkele Some 50 of the nation s leading Asian American civil rights groups, including theHmong National Development, the National Federation of Filipino American http://modelminority.com/printout392.html | |
36. Division For Public Education National Asian Pacific American Before joining NAPALC she was the Washington DC representative for the nation s largestmembershipbased Asian American civil rights organization, the Japanese http://www.abanet.org/publiced/rbkn.html | |
37. Affirmative Employment Program - Office Of Civil Rights - FHWA Office of civil rights. Affirmative Employment Program. FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION.AFFIRMATIVE EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM For ASIAN AMERICAN PACIFIC ISLANDERS FY 02 http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/civilrights/preaapi02.htm | |
38. Nondiscrimination - Office Of Civil Rights - FHWA Affirmative Employment Program for Asian American Pacific Islanders  FY 2002Accomplishment The Office of civil rights is responsible for submitting the http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/civilrights/nondis.htm | |
39. The Asian Pacific American Legal Center The project will inform local organizations and interested individuals of issuesthat affect Asian American civil rights and provide opportunities to support http://www.apalc.org/pressr_may_16_2003.htm | |
40. AAJA News: APA Community News For Immediate Release Posted 6/23/03. ASIAN AMERICAN civil rights GROUP APPLAUDSUS SUPREME COURT DECISION TO UPHOLD RACECONSCIOUS AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAMS. http://www.aaja.org/html/news_html/community_html/community_030623.html | |
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