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1. Asian-American Civil Rights The following information was mostly collected from Civil Rights Issues FacingAsian Americans in the 1990s , published by the United States Commission on http://www.mich.com/~ywu/aacr.html | |
2. Yale Law Journal : Are Asians Black? The Asian-American Civil Rights Agenda And The asianamerican civil rights agenda and the contemporary significanceof the black/white paradigm. with your FREE TRIAL @ HighBeam Research. http://static.highbeam.com/y/yalelawjournal/june011999/areasiansblacktheasianame | |
3. GM - News FOR RELEASE November 4, 2003. GM Executive Honored By asianamerican civil rightsOrganization With The National Asian American Corporate Achievement Award. http://www.gm.com/cgi-bin/pr_display.pl?6076 |
4. ENTERPRISE Although not as visible to mainstream America as groups led by other minority groups,asianamerican civil rights and advocacy groups fight for many of the http://www.columbia.edu/itc/journalism/gissler/anthology/nelson.html | |
5. Keppler Associates Inc. - Helen Zia Zia has been a feminist activist for more than two decades on social justice issues,and has long been active in the asianamerican civil rights movement. http://www.kepplerassociates.com/speakers/ziahelen.asp?1 |
6. Teaching About Japanese-American Internment | Japan Digest rights. asianamerican civil rights have also been challenged and/ordenied throughout the history of Asians in the United States. For http://www.indiana.edu/~japan/Digests/internment.html | |
7. A Racist Attack But now a number of asianamerican civil rights groups have asked. theFederal Bureau of Investigation to determine whether the police. http://www.mdcbowen.org/p2/bh/hong.htm | |
8. NJ Department Of Law & Public Safety - News Release New Jersey civil rights Commission Member Kun Y. Lee will organizethe meetings with asianamerican officials. A businessman and http://nj.gov/lps/newsreleases03/pr20030522a.html | |
9. Famous Chinese Americans In Politics, Law & Civil Rights, Law, And Civil Rights Outraged by the lightness of the sentence, the asianamerican community of Detroit Ebensis found guilty of violating Chin s civil rights while Nitz is found http://www.yellowbridge.com/people/politics.html | |
10. Civil Rights Activist Disses Asian Americans - Margaret Snyder the encouraging news that the trend is toward more asianamerican involvementin woman and very informed, particularly about all aspects of civil rights. http://www.americandaily.com/item/4901 |
11. KQED Education Educators Lesson Plans Asian-American Studies KQED, asianamerican Studies, The 8). civil rights of Japanese-AmericanInternees (9-12). Loyalty How Do You Rate? (Activity) (9-12). http://www.kqed.org/topics/education/educators/lessons/asian-american2.jsp |
12. Facts On File, Inc. 5Volume Set $125.00 $106.25 asian-american Scientists $25.00 $22.50 Black Inventors$25.00 $22.50 Black Scientists $25.00 $22.50 civil rights Leaders $25.00 http://www.factsonfile.com/newfacts/FactsDetail.asp?SIDText=0816033633&PageValue |
13. Dale Minami: A Champion Of Civil Rights, Civil Liberties And The Constitution Minami personifies advocacy and persistence in the name of civil rights. on behalfof Pacific Asian Americans to establish an asianamerican Studies program at http://www.imdiversity.com/Villages/Legal/articles/minami503.asp | |
14. Civil Rights civil rights / 1995 95.4 Balancing rights and obligations physician with AIDS maybe required asianamerican enrollment would soar to 55% if test scores and http://www.collegepubs.com/ref/SfxNdx09.shtml | |
15. The Civil Rights Movement Objectives  compare and contrast AfricanAmerican, asian-american, Chicano, andNative-American movements within the civil rights movement;  understand http://www.sfmoma.org/eschool/lessons/lesson_09.html | |
16. AlterNet: Why Are Civil Rights Groups Neglecting Media Policy? Although born of the civil rights movement and specifically charged with associations the UNITY Foundation, National asianamerican Journalists Association http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=12841 |
17. African, Hispanic, And Asian American Civil Rights News civil rights News. Ogletree compared the Tulsa case to the early work of ThurgoodMarshall, a civil rights icon and the first black Supreme Court justice. http://www.ethnicmajority.com/civil_rights_news.htm | |
18. Asian American Community A website of online Asian American resources community, culture, concerns, and contributions. Asian American Community Links. CONTENTS. Arts. civil rights Advocacy Filipino civil rights Advocates. Japanese American Citizens League. National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium http://www.janet.org/~ebihara/aacyber_community.html | |
19. Portland Chapter JACL League - Asian Pacific American Civil Rights Organizations Asian American Studies Resources. Japanese American Publications. Arts and Entertainment. Related Links - Government. Reading Lists. JACL Chapters. To report add or report a dead link, click this . http://www.pdxjacl.org/Links/national_links.html | |
20. Welcome To The UCLA Asian American Studies Center Online Asian American woman who spoke out and fought shoulderto-shoulder with African Americans, Native Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans and whites for social justice, civil rights http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/aasc | |
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