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61. WM's Austronesian & Other Indo-Pacific Links Centre for pacific Studies (Nijmegen) Bibliographical by country) Southeast asia(All / by topic Economics Education geography History Language http://w3.rz-berlin.mpg.de/~wm/wm3.html | |
62. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Public Health - Geographical Locations: Asia We listed Taiwan* here as a geographical and socioeconomic entity; it technologiesin South Korea, North Korea and the asia-pacific region in general. http://www.ldb.org/vl/geo/asia/ | |
63. Literature--Miscellaneous/General Reference National Geographic Traveler June/August 2001 National Geographic Traveler March MusicÂLatin North American, Caribbean, India, asia and pacific (Vol.2 http://kennedy.byu.edu/student/internationaloutreach/litgenref.html | |
64. ASIA-PACIFIC [30] International. Geographic Restrictions top. None. ACRONYM, CATEGORY NAME. asiaNEWS,asia/pacific News. MULTIIND, general Industry Information. NEWSCO, Company News. http://library.dialog.com/bluesheets/html/bl0030.html | |
65. ASIA/PACIFIC DIRECTORY [758] The asia/pacific Directory database is derived from general company, industry, andproduct Geographic Restrictions top asiaCO, asia/pacific Company Directories. http://library.dialog.com/bluesheets/html/bl0758.html | |
66. Geography 372: Asian Sustainable Development Australasia and South pacific islands bibliography. East asia Library of Congress,Suzzallo Reference Z3106 in human and physical geography, development studies http://faculty.washington.edu/zald/geog372/ | |
67. Internet Resources For Geography Society California Geographic Alliance Association of pacific Coast Geographers BritishColumbia Home Page Univ of Calgary geography UMinfo The Central asia. http://homepage.smc.edu/morris_pete/internetgeography.html | |
68. World Cultures (Africa, Asia, And The Middle East) Research Links Top of the Page Australia. asia and the pacific A link to a directory of 170+ siteson the region. Top of the Page Culture. Top of the Page geography. http://www.howard.k12.md.us/socst/6-links.htm | |
69. Asia-Overview affiliations, income levels, styles of government, and geography. relief and developmentassistance to asia since the helping to raise the general welfare of http://www.acdi-cida.gc.ca/asia-e.htm | |
70. Library Of Congress Call Number System The PTC Library GA, Mathematical geography, Cartography. GB, Physical geography. GC, Oceanography. KJKK,Europe. KL-KW, asia, Africa, pacific Area, Antarctica. KZ, Law of Nations. http://www.piedmont.tec.sc.us/Library/LOC_System.htm |
71. NHBS Science Bookstore: Geography: General Titles classified under geography general Cultural geography view William Norton;Defence and Decolonisation in Southeast asia Britain, Malaya and http://www.nhbs.com/we-sell-books-worldwide/z522az.html | |
72. The Halls Of Academia Maps of Africa, The Americas, asia, Australia and the pacific, Europe, The DevelopmentResources, Education Science, geography, Environment, Government http://www.tenet.edu/halls/geography.html | |
73. Scoop Archive: The Making Of Development Geography Zealand. Professor Buchanan was the first Professor of geography atVictoria and founded the asia pacific Viewpoint Journal. Before http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/archive/scoop/stories/46/d7/200307171459.758ec216.h | |
74. Courses Department Of Geography University Of Waterloo 2nd edn Tokyo TeikokuShoin geography of Japan / edited by the pacific PartnersThe Japanese presence in Canadian Business, Society and The East asia Miracle http://www.fes.uwaterloo.ca/geography/courses/geog212.html | |
75. Vignette > Offices & Contacts > General Contact Information general Vignette Contact Information. of the following addresses in your geographyNorth America Africa euroinfo@vignette.com asiapacific asiapacinfo@vignette http://www.vignette.com/contentmanagement/0,2097,1-1-30-1729-1429-2561,00.html | |
76. Asian Studies - Syracuse University Library asia general. news and business information on the asiapacific region, 1995. http://libwww.syr.edu/research/internet/asian_studies/er.html | |
77. ClayGate 990 : Other Areas ; Oceania ; Pacific Region ESS 301 Web Resources Antarctica/asiapacific/Africa. 990, Suite101.com 919- geography of and travel in 990, Google Web Directory pacific Ocean Islands http://library.bendigo.latrobe.edu.au/irs/webcat/990.htm | |
78. East/Southeast/South Asia - Central Asia - Southwest Asia / Middle MAPS Naval Postgraduate School - pacific/Antarctica - Continents and Agriculture- South asia; South East Tour geology, history, geographyTibetan Plateau http://www.usra.edu/esse/ford/ESS301/g301www/g301wwwreg1.html |
79. Expat Singapore - General Information About Singapore In this section, you ll find general information about Singapore our geography Climate Information on Singapore s geography, climate patterns, and flora http://www.expatsingapore.com/general/index.shtml | |
80. Expat Singapore - Singapore Geography And Climate peaks. For more information on Singapore geography, visit http//www.sg/infomap/mita/land.htm geology. fflora.Back to general Information. http://www.expatsingapore.com/general/land.shtml | |
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