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81. Letters To The Editor - (Jan/Feb 1999) Because I am working on paleontology and know something about that, please The article on the Nebraska ashfall fossil beds and the report on the convention http://www.atoday.com/magazine/archive/1999/janfeb1999/departments/letters.shtml | |
82. Ainsworth Links For Ainsworth Nebraska known for the discovery and development of ashfall fossil beds near Orchard of the Sand Hills including ecology, geology, hydrology, paleontology and archeology http://www.ainsworthlinks.com/shde.html | |
83. Physical_science_links Butte National Monument Wyoming, ashfall fossil beds State Park Important locality for fossil primates being Museum of paleontology University of California, http://www.ausbcomp.com/redman/physical_science_links.htm | |
84. Mammals From Linkspider UK Science Directory Mammal paleontology Main research interests in the past have been carnivores, esp ashfall fossil beds State Historical Park - Describes a 10 million year old http://linkspider.co.uk/Science/EarthSciences/Paleontology/Vertebrates/Mammals/ | |
85. Listings Nebraska: USA : Nebraska : Museums Marcuson About the Collections Staff, Students and Volunteers Museum Notes Nebraska Feature fossils ashfall fossil beds Highway Salvage paleontology Cellars of http://listingsus.com/Nebraska/Travel/Attractions/Museums/ | |
86. Agate Fossil Beds NM Home Page Subjects covered during the walks may include geology, paleontology, botany, zoology ashfall fossil beds State Historical Park preserves a bonebed where some 10 http://www.4uth.gov.ua/usa/english/travel/npsname/index6.htm | |
87. Falls Of The Ohio - Links ashfall fossil beds State Historical Park (Nebraska). Carnegie Museum of Natural History Invertebrate paleontology. Cincinnati Dry Dredgers. http://www.fallsoftheohio.org/linksn.html |
88. Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historical Park ashfall fossil beds State Historical Park. An intact fossil site left in place for public viewing http://www.ashfall.unl.edu/ | |
89. Ashfall Fossil Beds SHP - Geology ashfall fossil beds State Historical Park. An intact fossil site left in place for public viewing At the ashfall fossil site in northeast Nebraska, the ground beneath the soil GEOLOGIC SETTING OF ashfall fossil beds AND VICINITY http://ashfall.unl.edu/ashfallgeology.html | |
90. Ashfall Fossil Beds SHP - Membership ashfall fossil beds State Historical Park. An intact fossil site left in place for public viewing free pass to ashfall fossil beds, Morrill Hall (Lincoln Operating Schedule The ashfall Story Paleontological Finds 19912000 http://ashfall.unl.edu/membership.html | |
91. Nebraska's Ashfall Fossil Beds Park Today Today, the ashfall fossil beds State Historical Park with the famous Rhino Barn is a favorite educational attractiion in Nebraska. one percent of the fossil beds, but it shelters the http://www.nebraskastudies.org/0200/stories/0201_0104.html | |
92. Fossil Localities - Part Of Kuban's Paleo Place ashfall fossil beds State Historical Park. The YohoBurgess Shale Research Foundation. John Day fossil beds National Monument. Kansas fossils by Rich Leiszler. http://members.aol.com/fostrak/paleoloca.htm |
93. The Lagerstätten Messel Oil Shale, Hessen, Germany, Eocene, 49 million years old. ashfall fossil beds, Nebraska, United States, Miocene, 10 million years old. http://www.palaeos.com/Palaeo/lagerstatten.html | |
94. Home & Away Magazine - The AAA Magazine Of The Midwest NEBRASKA ashfall fossil beds State Historical Park, Royal. at work and, in the Rhino Barn, view an intact fossil bed where (402) 8932000; www.ashfall.unl.edu. http://www.homeandawaymagazine.com/Index_bones_to_pick.cfm | |
95. World-Class Fossil Sites The Florissant fossil beds National Monument site has no pictures ashfall, Nebraska (10 Ma) Where a huge volcanic eruption 0.04 Ma) The Ice Age fossils of Los http://geology.about.com/od/lagerstatten/ | |
96. Florissant Formation Outcrop of ashfall beds. All images taken by Benjamin M. Waggoner. Sources MacGinitie, HD 1953. fossil plants of the Florissant beds, Colorado. http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/tertiary/eoc/florissant.html | |
97. Pony Express 2.3 For further information contact ashfall fossil beds State Historical mentioned here, Hagerman, ashfall, and Hot destination points for fossil enthusiasts on a http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/ponyexpress/pony2_3/Pe23.htm | |
98. EarthScienceSeek.com Mammals ashfall fossil beds State Historical Park profile http//www-museum.unl.edu/ashfall/ Describes a 10 2000/denvr1_e.cfm Collecting fossil mammals from http://www.earthscienceseek.com/categories/Science__Earth_Sciences__Paleontology | |
99. Andrew MacRae - Current Projects Mohawk River Valley, New York; Florissant fossil beds, Colorado; fossil insects in amber excellent images Mesa County Colorado dinosaurs; ashfall Park, Nebraska; http://www.geo.ucalgary.ca/~macrae/ | |
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