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81. GreeceNow: Art And The City Maria Papadimitriou is one of GreeceÂs quirkiest artists and her Event Platform,expresses a clear Western George Lappas, who lives and works in Athens http://www.greece.gr/CULTURE/VisualArts/artandthecity.stm | |
82. The Department Of Art - The University Of Kansas Additional artists are frequently brought in under cosponsorship with other departmentson campus as well as Renee Stout lives and works in Washington, DC http://www.ku.edu/~sfa/art/vaseries.html | |
83. ALA | Internet Resources: Biography Resources about painters, sculptors, photographers, architects, designers, and other artists. site,the descriptions of the poets lives and works are usually http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlpubs/crlnews/backissues2002/january/biographyres | |
84. Fabric Workshop And Museum : Upcoming Exhibition : Fibbergibbet And Mumbo Jumbo: was born in Stockton, California and lives and works in Love, Hate, Pleasure, PainSelected works from the collection of work by resident artists, inhouse http://www.fabricworkshopandmuseum.org/exhibitions/ | |
85. Turkish Painting Turkish painting which gained great mobility with many artists with different TurkRessamlari Hayatlari ve Eserleri/Turkish Painters lives and works, Ank. http://www.lesartsturcs.com/paintings/turkish_overview.html | |
86. Powell's Books - The Lives Of The Muses: Nine Women & The Artists They Inspired finalist for the National Book Award, Prose explores the lives of such noted artistsas Lewis Prose is the author of ten highly acclaimed works of fiction http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio?inkey=2-0060555254-1 |
87. Bowron, E.P. And Morton, M.G.: Masterworks Of European Painting In The Museum Of providing interesting insights into the artists lives and explainingin generaltermsthe important new research on unpublished works has been http://pup.princeton.edu/titles/6790.html | |
88. Robert Gligorov The artist s profile fills the bottom half of the screen. 1960 Born inKriva, Palanka, Macedonia; lives and works in Milan, Italy. http://www.acmi.net.au/D1BB187BFB2B498EAFB27DC07A4507EB.htm | |
89. Martha Hailey Dubose Women Of Mystery: The Lives And Works Of Notable Women Crim Author or Artist Martha Hailey Dubose. Title Women of Mystery The lives andWorks of Notable Women Crime Novelists Dubose Martha Hailey Martha Hailey http://www.victorcunningham.co.uk/Martha-Hailey-Dubose-Women-of-Mystery-The-Liv- | |
90. Classical Composers: A Guide To The Lives And Works Of The Great Composers From Author or Artist Wendy Thompson. Title Classical Composers A Guide to the Livesand works of the Great Composers from the Medieval Baroque and Classical http://www.hctraining.co.uk/Wendy-Thompson-Classical-Composers-A-Gu-278-387-421- | |
91. Great Disciples Of The Buddha: Their Lives Their Works Their Legacy Nyanaponika Author or Artist Nyanaponika Thera Hellmuth Hecker. Title Great Disciples of theBuddha Their lives Their works Their Legacy Thera Nyanaponika Hecker http://www.islandlimos.co.uk/Nyanaponika-Thera-Hellmut-Great-Disciples-of-the-Bu | |
92. CCCUC Library - CD-ROM Guide- Microsoft Art Gallery 1. Click once on Artist s lives 2. Click a letter on begin with that letter 3. Clickon artist s name to word or subject and displays examples of related works http://library.cant.ac.uk/e-resources/guide-msart.htm | |
93. N+r:members Media at the College of Staten Island/CUNY, and lives and works in New Monika WeissNew York based Polish artist Monika Weiss incorporates different media http://www.nomadsresidents.org/members.html | |
94. Internet Resources - German Internet Resources The Kassandra Project is a series of WorldWide Web pages devoted to the livesand works of German women writers, artists and thinkers from the http://www.ex.ac.uk/library/internet/german.html | |
95. Rodney Graham And Bruce Nauman: ... The Nearest Faraway Place Aberdeen, 2000 multimedia installation, including slide projection and sound 20minutes Collection of the artist 8. Fishing Nauman lives and works in New http://www.diacenter.org/exhibs/grahamnauman/nearest/ | |
96. Listasafn ReykjavÃkur Francesco Clemente lives and works in New York, but spends some time each year in Mostof the works in the exhibition come from the artist, but also http://www.listasafnreykjavikur.is/Kjarvalsstadir/syningar/Clemente.en.shtml | |
97. Buy A Treasury Of Saints 100 Saints Their Lives And Times By A Treasury of Saints 100 Saints Their lives and Times by Malcolm Day in Hardcover. ISBN 0764154850. Profiles the lives of 100 Christian saints, including Francis of Assisi, Maximilian Kolbe, http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://na.link.decdna.net/n/3532/4200/www.walma |
98. Culturebase.net | The International Artist Database | Zoran Todorovic concealed motivations. Media artist, Zoran Todorovic lives and worksin Belgrade where he was born in 1965. He studied http://www.culturebase.net/artist.php?188 |
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