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61. BBC - Science & Nature - Leonardo - Homepage leonardo da vinci, 14521519. Italian artist, scientist, engineer. An all-round genius whose paintings and inventions changed the world. http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/leonardo/ | |
62. Leonardo Da Vinci - The Last Supper leonardo da vinci The Last Supper. I am your Guide, From Shelley Esaak, Your Guide to Art History. Ten Common Questions About the Painting. http://arthistory.about.com/cs/leonardo/a/last_supper.htm | |
63. Leonardo Da Vinci: The True Renaissance Man !if !vml !endif . You are about to discover amazing information and learn about important artwork created by the Renaissance artist leonardo da vinci. http://coe.west.asu.edu/students/ksample/webquest/leonardodavici.htm | |
64. MSN Encarta - Leonardo Da Vinci leonardo da vinci (14521519), Florentine artist, one of the great masters of the High Renaissance, celebrated as a painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, and http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761561520/Leonardo_da_Vinci.html | |
65. Leonardo De Vinci His father was Ser Piero da vinci, and his mother At an early age, leonardo showed many extraordinary talents time, I was the leading Florentine artist, and one http://www.twingroves.district96.k12.il.us/Renaissance/University/LeonardodaVinc | |
66. The Metropolitan Museum Of Art - Special Exhibitions: Leonardo Da Vinci, Master Even in an era of boundless scientific discovery and technological invention, and of sublime artistic and humanistic achievement, leonardo da vinci (1452Â1519 http://www.metmuseum.org/special/se_event.asp?OccurrenceId={6B091EEE-4BB0-11D6-9 |
67. The Da Vinci Code » Book Reviews » Official Website Of Dan Brown You will never look at a painting by the Italian Renaissance artist leonardo da vinci the same way again. NASHVILLE CITY PAPER. A real pageturner . http://www.danbrown.com/novels/davinci_code/ | |
68. Leonardo Da Vinci: Italian Inventor - EnchantedLearning.com leonardo da vinci Italian Inventor. leonardo da vinci (14521519) was an Italian inventor, artist, architect, and scientist. Become http://www.enchantedlearning.com/inventors/page/d/davinci.shtml | |
69. The My Hero Project - Leonardo Da Vinci PrintFriendly Version. Also read Michael s story about leonardo da vinci, Artist hero. Italian version. leonardo da vinci was an artist, scientist and inventor. http://myhero.com/myhero/hero.asp?hero=l_daVinci |
70. Paper Dolls: Leonardo Da Vinci: The Artist And His Model leonardo da vinci The Artist and his Model (click images for a better look) Dress Me!! http://www.paperdolls.com/dolls/pddavinci01.htm | |
71. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Leonardo Da Vinci is the botanist, the geologist, the anatomist or the artist who interests a Bramante, or a Dürer, is never more brilliantly evident than in leonardo da vinci. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/15440a.htm | |
72. Leonardo Da Vinci. The Last Supper. - Olga's Gallery More. Unknown artist of the XVI century. Copy after leonardo s Last Supper. Oil on canvas. da vinci Museum, Tongerio. the Netherlands. http://www.abcgallery.com/L/leonardo/leonardo4.html | |
73. TASCHEN Books: Art - New Titles - Leonardo Da Vinci - The Complete Paintings And The authors Professor Frank Zöllner wrote his doctoral theses on artistic and architectural theory (1987) and leonardo da vinci (1996). http://www.taschen.com/pages/en/catalogue/books/art/new/facts/01643.htm | |
74. TASCHEN Books: Art - Reading Room - The Artist And Science (1) The artist and science Excerpt from the book leonardo da vinci The Complete Paintings and Drawings by Frank Zöllner, Aristotle http://www.taschen.com/pages/en/excerpts/art/show/1/17.htm | |
75. Leonardo Da Vinci seem unusual to include leonardo da vinci in a list of paleontologists and evolutionary biologists. leonardo was and is best known as an artist, the creator of http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/history/vinci.html | |
76. Leonardo Da Vinci He was an illegitimate child of the Florentinenotary, Piero da vinci, and a peasant woman, Caterina. He was a great artist. In his youth leonardo became an http://www.art-posters-galore.co.uk/leonardo-prints.htm | |
77. Leonardo Da Vinci, Renaissance Man, Artist, Inventor, Genius: Educational Poster Educational posters celebrating the life and times of Renaissance Man, artist, inventor, and genius, leonardo da vinci include images in the Masterworks of Art http://www.creativeprocess.net/moreposters/individuals/men/davinci.html | |
78. Dribbleglass.com--The Lost Drawings Of Leonardo DiVinci In an astonishing turn of events, art historians have discovered a rare cache of drawings believed to have been penned by famed artist leonardo da vinci. http://www.dribbleglass.com/divinci/divinci.htm | |
79. Leonardo Da Vinci's Polyhedra leonardo da vinci s Polyhedra. leonardo da vinci (14521519) was the quintessential renaissance man artist, mathematician, scientist, and engineer. http://www.georgehart.com/virtual-polyhedra/leonardo.html | |
80. Leonardo Da Vinci, Leonardo Da Vinci leonardo da vinci (14521519), leonardo was born in 1452 on his father s family estate at vinci alone would have assured him enduring fame as an artist, but they http://www.occultopedia.com/l/leonardo_da_vinci.htm | |
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