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41. KING ARTHUR AND THE HOLY GRAIL Camelot arthurian Legend Information and art on the major characters in themyth of Camelot. Transformations of Celtic mythology in arthurian Legend. http://www.greatdreams.com/arthur.htm | |
42. MYTHOLOGY Mesopotamian (Sumerian, Akkadi) see Babylonian ^ Norse Viking and Teutonic Germanicincl. CREATIVE mythology as Campbell calls arthurian legend, etc. http://www.greatdreams.com/myth.htm | |
43. Celtic Mythology Bookstore Celtic Myth and arthurian Romance. Celtic Myth and Legend. arthurian Mythand Legend An AZ of People and Places. The Celtic Dragon Myth. http://www.datadesignsb.com/books/celtic_myth_bks.html | |
44. King Arthur Mythology Fantasy Posters PosterCrazy.com. arthurian Legend mythology Fantasy Posters Art Prints KingArthur. Posters and Fun Links. Posters Fine Art Movie Posters. Search http://www.postercrazy.com/fun/fantasy/arthur.htm | |
45. Regional Folklore And Mythology the development of arthurian legends from their origins in the Middle Ages to theirlatest adaptations in the 20th century. British mythology discusses the http://www.pibburns.com/mythregi.htm | |
46. General Folklore And Mythology Criss Cross Road by PJCriss provides links to information about Native Americantribes, arthurian Legends, mythology, and about Parapsychology. http://www.pibburns.com/mythgene.htm | |
47. Mythology Links - Suite101.com History Myths and Legends Find a collection of links related to mythology -from arthurian legend, Ancient Greece and Rome, Atlantis, to Robin Hood. http://www.suite101.com/links.cfm/mythology | |
48. List Of Movies Based On Arthurian Legend - Encyclopedia Article About List Of Mo These are lists of movie source material List of movies based on arthurian legend; moviesbased on comic strips; List of movies based on GrecoRoman mythology; http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/List of movies based on Arthurian lege | |
49. Bibliography From Lundy Isle Of Avalon By Mystic Realms Lewis,CB Classical mythology and arthurian Romance (St.Andrews University Publications,1932). Lewis,FK - A Visit to Hartland Church (1969) (Leaflet). http://www.lundyisleofavalon.co.uk/biblog.htm | |
50. Mythology, Philosophy & Religion mythology a Thinkquest project extensive information on the arthurian Legendsas well as many different types of mythology, including Babylonian, Egyptian http://www.caeranterth.org/links/Mythology.html | |
51. Elysian Astrology & New Age Shop Arthurian Legends Fascinating books exploring the mythology and mystery behind theArthurian Legends, stories of King Arthur and his court. http://www.elysian.co.uk/acatalog/Arthurian_Legends.html | |
52. An Arthurian FAQ Even mythology is complex though and Arthur changes in stories from a Godlike CelticKing, through to a deflated early medieval monarch and finally in modern http://arthurpendragon.ukonline.co.uk/artfaq.html | |
53. 500 Myth Links html Ancient Echoes Transformations of Celtic mythology in arthurian Legend arthurianlegend is the mixture of countless individuals over some 1500 years. http://www.mysteries-megasite.com/main/bigsearch/myth-1.html | |
54. The Legend Of King Arthur Most of the 11 anonymous tales incorporate Welsh mythology and folklore and dealwith the arthurian legend. These stories are preserved in two manuscripts,. http://www.lyberty.com/encyc/articles/mabinog.html | |
55. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results .. course studying the arthurian legends and Holy Grail mythology JonathanHughes, arthurian Myths and Alchemy the Kingship 16. http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru |
56. Elaine In Arthurian Legends - Mythology Elaine in arthurian Legends mythology is a personallywritten site at BellaOnline. logo, http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art9166.asp | |
57. Sacred Texts: Legends And Sagas of the Russian People by WRS Ralston 1872 A treasure trove of Russian and Slavicfolklore, mythology and tradition. English Folklore AngloSaxon arthurian http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/ | |
58. HOROSCOPESCHAT arthurian (French) Tristram of Lyonesse arthurian (French) - Yvain arthurian- see also the Mabinogion under Celtic , and parts of Bulfinch s mythology. http://groups.msn.com/HOROSCOPESCHAT/mythology1.msnw | |
59. Arthurian Legend Website Links An extensive arthurian legend resource (also about Classical, Norse, andCeltic mythology in general) can be found at Timeless Myths http://www.arthurian-legend.com/arthurian-links.php | |
60. World-Wide Web Resources - Mythology And Folklore With arthurian origins, background, characters, geography, and a virtual art gallery.Regional Folklore and mythology, divided by country. Robin Hood Project. http://www.uky.edu/Subject/mythology.html | |
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