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121. Home Page Here you will find the Math Sharathon for the 56 Connection Listserv, which includes ideas for teaching math in the middle school. http://www.lucyhigh.com |
122. Teaching Ideas & Units - Teaching Units Teacher s Educational Intetntions. Extending students ideas. Descriptive Writing Activity 8 Letters - journal entries Activity 9 - Arts/Technology simulation http://www.discover.tased.edu.au/english/piedpipe.htm | |
123. Suite101.com teaching ideas for structured homeschoolers. Includes weekly articles and a bulletin board for exchanging ideas. http://www.suite101.com/myhome.cfm/homeschool | |
124. Kathy Schrock's Guide For Educators - Literature & Language Arts offers tips, tricks, references, case studies, and assessment ideas for teaching the early reader. Learning to Read Resources for Language Arts and Reading http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/arts/artlit.html | |
125. TESOL (Teaching English To Speakers Of Other Languages) - Suite101.com Resources and articles on examinations, job hunting, schools and lesson ideas. http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/tesol | |
126. Kathy Schrock's Guide For Educators - Bulletin Board Ideas And Links Teacher s Corner Bulletin Board ideas; teaching Tips Bulletin 101 Bright Bulletin Board ideas; Big Bulletin Bulletin Boards Language Arts; Interactive Bulletin http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/bulletin/ | |
127. Numbers Themes And Activities For Kids Provides coloring pages and teaching ideas. http://www.childfun.com/themes/number.shtml | |
128. SuccessLink - Great Teaching Ideas to Create Mood and Emotions Music and Integrated Fine Arts Grades 9-12 Great teaching ideas Showcase Archives - view lessons featured in previous months. http://www.successlink.org/great/showcase.htm | |
129. Lesson Planet - The Teacher Web Guide More than 16,000 lesson plans, quizzes and worksheets. Also provides a place to share teaching ideas, discover helpful teacher web tools, and learn more about educational technology. http://www.lessonplanet.com/ | |
130. Great Teaching Idea Showcase Great teaching ideas Showcase Featured Lessons for December 2000! Check back often! This month we feature Christmas, winter, and fine/performing arts activities http://www.successlink.org/great/archivedec2000.html | |
131. In2Edu - Education:Teacher Resources, Lesson Plans, Thematic Integrated Units... Database download of resources, lesson plans, free stuff, teaching ideas, themes, units, and software. http://www.in2edu.com/ | |
132. OSSSA.org - Preschool Teaching Idea 11 preschool teaching idea elementary preschool teaching idea preschool teaching idea drawing printmaking sculpture art preschool teaching idea for teaching http://www.osssa.org/preschool_teaching_idea-1.html | |
133. Frustrated Teachers - Behaviour Management And Survival Tips For Teachers ideas, resources and publications for those disillusioned with the teaching profession. http://www.frustratedteachers.com | |
134. Dovecot Sunday School - Bible Quizzes, Songs, Sword Drills, Object Lessons, Chil Bible quizzes, sword drills, songs for Christmas pageants and nativity plays, object lessons, and various teaching ideas. http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/dovecot | |
135. Mrs. G's American History Page Lesson plans and ideas for teaching 8th grade American History, U.S. History, including tips for firstyear teachers. This was my plan book for the year. http://www.geocities.com/mrsgamhist | |
136. TeachersParadise.com Teacher Supplies School Supplies School Supplies Teaching useful suggestions including tips and ideas for teaching Kit from Carson Dellosa Publications, teaching Calendar Kit Arts and Crafts For All Seasons, PreschoolK http://www.teachersparadise.com/ | |
137. ETNI Teacher Ideas And Projects - Etni Music Articles, lesson plans, activities, and links to materials for teaching with music. http://www.etni.org.il/music/ideas.htm | |
138. JJohnny Press Resource for all teachers in any grade, any level, who sometimes need new ideas, or who need 'on the spot' lessons for those times when the regular curriculum is not available, such as supply teaching, offsubject teaching. http://www.jjohnnypress.com | |
139. Teaching Ethics teaching Ethics is dedicated to the free exchange of ideas among secondary school teachers. The Ethics Workbook presents ways to embed ethics into a typical world history program. http://www.ethicsineducation.com | |
140. Biology Instructional Philosophy Designed for prospective and practicing elementary school teachers, provides a biology lesson, knowledge mapping, and alternative ideas for effectiveness in teaching biology. http://www.biologylessons.sdsu.edu/philosophy/ | |
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