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81. Kristine O'Connell George's Children's Poetry Corner Children's poetry site from acclaimed poet, Kristine O'Connell George. Features author information, teaching ideas, audio clips, and animated miniweb for students. http://www.kristinegeorge.com/ | |
82. MJ Productions - Meta Voice Instruction for public speaking oneon-one lessons in teaching the basics - from using a microphone to presentation ideas, vocal techniques and engaging the audience. http://www.creatingvoices.com/Meta_Voice/meta_voice.html |
83. Rainforest Live: Intro Educational resource on rainforest especially for junior students and teachers. Includes some teaching ideas and plans, and notes from researchers. Created by Paignton Zoo, UK. Includes some Realplayer and Flash items. http://www.rainforestlive.org.uk/index.cfm |
84. Frameset New Zealand organisation to encourage and support the teaching and learning of Mathematics. Current events, articles, teaching ideas and student work. http://www.chch.school.nz/cma/ | |
85. Thanksgiving Links - Debbie's Unit Factory and some art ideas. Thanksgiving Unit This is a unit study on the theme Thanksgiving. CourierJournal Newspaper in Education - Lesson Plans for Teachers This http://www.themeunits.com/Thanksgiving_bk.html | |
86. Teaching Philosophy This journal is a peerreviewed forum for the exchange of ideas and information regarding both the practical and the theoretical aspects of teaching and learning philosophy. http://www.pdcnet.org/teachph.html | |
87. UMTC Home Page A working conference, held annually in the UK, that provides an opportunity for lecturers and others interested in mathematics in Higher Education to share ideas concerning undergraduate teaching, learning and assessment. Details of past and future meetings, with proceedings and reports. http://www.umtc.ac.uk/ | |
88. Home Page Welcome to TeacherFiles.com! The following pages are full of resources, ideas, activities, lesson plans and educational clip art for teachers. http://www.teacherfiles.com/ | |
89. Teaching The Caterpillar To Fly - Some Ideas On Managing Change ideas on Managing and Leading Change using Square Wheels illustrations. http://www.squarewheels.com/content/teaching.html | |
90. CHERITHBROOK TEACHING AIDS - Homepage teaching methods, ideas, and activities are given here with suggestions on how to write lesson plans which you can design for any age group. Some free, complete lesson plans are available. For all ages from elementary to adult. http://www.ourchurch.com/member/c/cherithbrook_ta/ | |
91. Teaching Idea, Preschool Teaching Idea, Teaching Main Idea Plans Learning through the Arts (LTTA) combine the arts with all academic subjects. LTTA offers k8 curriculum, Lesson plans, teaching ideas and resources for http://www.watcheducation.com/teaching-idea.html | |
92. Science Teaching Idea CD tutorials that teach language skills, math, geography, history, science, music, literature, and art history. Iresources for science teaching idea Found 12 http://www.watcheducation.com/science-teaching-idea.html | |
93. Madeleine L'Engle Teaching Unit Information and ideas for teachers of fifthgraders (10-year-olds). http://csmstu01.csm.edu/st03/dwagner/madeline_l'engle_teaching_unit.htm | |
94. Book: The Work Online book. James Westly's attempt to summarize the basic ideas of the work teaching. With exercises and explanations. http://www.sun-angel.com/articles/pw/thework/ | |
95. TeacherNet The National Gallery of Arts for Kids. PreK12 Workshops Conferences; Differentiated Instruction; On-site Training; teaching ideas From Across America; http://www.teachernet.com/ | |
96. Puppet Resource Center ideas for teaching with puppets and for making puppets and props. http://www.legendsandlore.com/puppet-resource.html | |
97. Thanksgiving Theme Page - Lesson Plans, Thematic Units, And Coloring Pages For P Activity Idea Place Thanksgiving Grades PrekK - Thanksgiving art teaching About Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving Software, Thanksgiving Clip art, Crafts and Recipes http://atozteacherstuff.com/themes/thanks.shtml | |
98. Download English Lessons, Lesson Plans Ideas Offers a free copy of the FCE program as well as lesson ideas and plans. Adobe Acrobat required. http://www.churchillhouse.com/english/downloads.html | |
99. Vicki Hagen's Teaching Idea;Teaching Tips For Increasing Critical Thinking Acros Is This art ? I have and value judgements. This idea comes from Vicki Hagen, Developmental English instructor, who has used this teaching idea to engage http://planet.tvi.cc.nm.us/ctac/teachideas/wk2jul99.htm | |
100. HAYGOOD'S HABITAT Offers teaching ideas, class schedule, curriculum ideas, and a monthly thematic scope and sequence. http://myschoolonline.com/site/0,1876,49057-160347-51-61419,00.html | |
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