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181. Teaching Materials Center At SAU Provides curriculum materials, teaching aids, and creative ideas for K12 teachers and other adults within a fifty-mile radius of the campus in Collegedale. http://tmc.southern.edu | |
182. Resource Library For Youth Leaders Searchable archive of Bible studies, teaching ideas, sermons and illustrations, games, help with planning church camps. http://www.vanishingcookies.com/kensapp/ | |
183. The Arts (Subject + main idea) A creature This nomess to low-mess art lesson teaches children how a series of lessons from Maryanne Messier, a teacher from Janesville http://www.pacificnet.net/~mandel/TheArts.html | |
184. Teachnet.com Teachnet.com This World Wide Web (WWW) site, developed for all teachers, contains information on teaching and includes teaching tips. There are lesson plans of the day that provide an overview, http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.teachnet.com/&y=027CE7262BC33CAD |
185. Lesson Plans And Activities Why is a magazine of the arts called Daedalus (Copyright 1990 by the National Council of Teachers of English will help your students discover story ideas and sow http://www.mythweb.com/teachers/tips/tips.html | |
186. Joseph Butler Article by David McNaughton, made available by Thoemmes Press. Discusses this philosopher's teachings and influence at length. http://www.thoemmes.com/404.asp?404;http://www.thoemmes.com/encyclopedia/butler. |
187. Gnostic Philosophy Guide, in form of questions and answers, to understanding the Gnostics, their philosophy, their religion, their ideas, their teachings and their values. http://www.gnosticphilosophy.cwc.net/ | |
188. The Gurdjieff Society Of San Diego A nonprofit organization focused on putting into practice G. I. Gurdjieff's teachings on the development of real Being. We welcome inquiries from anyone interested in the practice and ideas of this tradition and who shares the wish to awaken. http://www.gurdjieffsandiego.org/ | |
189. Teachers.Net - LESSON PLANS - The Teachers.Net Lesson Bank Offers Teachers Over Have just a few words or ideas you d like to contribute? http://teachers.net/lessons/ | |
190. ARTSEDGE: Lessons The mission of ARTSEDGE is to help artists, teachers, and students gain access to and/or share information, resources, and ideas that support the arts as a http://artsedge.kennedy-center.org/teach/les.cfm | |
191. Home Page Of John Nemes newspapers, magazines, and poetry to teach comprehension;; ideas for choosing books that promote thinking and topics in history, science, the arts, and literacy http://www.toread.com/ | |
192. Art Education And ArtEdventures From Sanford And A Lifetime Of Color Play art Games artEdventures and online activities about art history and art concepts. Teach art Lesson plans for classroom and art teachers. http://www.sanford-artedventures.com/ | |
193. Activity Idea Place: St. Patrick's Day Activity Idea Place St. Then have each child walk across the paper after a teacher has painted their feet green Great for children who like to eat their art). http://www.123child.com/march/ | |
194. Eagle Site Web Design Dedicated to presenting teachings and ideas, commonly referred to as Ageless Wisdom. Based in Salmon Arm, BC, Canada. http://www.eaglesite.ca/ | |
195. Revolutionary War WebQuest Teacher Page Goal 5 Use the language arts to acquire, assess their independence and how the colonists ideas are reflected in Teacher may print and copy these pages for not http://www.coollessons.org/revolutionarywarteach.html | |
196. Contents A series of essays by John Odhner offering a Swedenborgian view of some of the teachings of the Bible. John says, Don't be surprised if you find here some ideas different from what you may have heard elsewhere. http://members.aol.com/johnodhner/Introduction.html | |
197. TeAch-nology TeAchnology Touted as quot;The Web Portal for Educators! quot; this Web site is so full of information and links that it is difficult to sift through it all. With patience, users will find many http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.teach-nology.com/&y=0226F2925D92 |
198. A&E Classroom events of World War II, both before and after the Eisenhower s tenure as Supreme Commander. Click here for the teacher s guide. http://www.aetv.com/class/ | |
199. Untitled Document SeaWest New Media Ltd. e info@seawest.net t 08708 409110. http://www.seawest.net/ | |
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