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181. Values For A Lifetime: Ohio Catholic Schools Includes list of area schools, employment opportunities, and philosophy of education. http://www.valuesforalifetime.com/ | |
182. Welcome To Ecuador Spanish Schools Offer branchs in Quito and Manta, approved by the Ecuadorian Ministry of Education and has Bildungsurlaub recognitions for German students. http://www.ecuadorspanishschools.com/ | |
183. Planning Links to County school district sites and other educational resources. From the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG). http://www.abag.ca.gov/abag/local_gov/schools.html | |
184. Hawaii Association Of Independent Schools [HAIS] Includes statewide directory of private schools, advice on finding the right school for a child, and resources for parents, educators, and school directors. http://www.hais.org/ | |
185. Association Of Collegiate Schools Of Planning A consortium of university based programs offering credentials in urban and regional planning. http://www.acsp.org/ | |
186. Jump To Http://komal.elte.hu/ K¶MaL regularly reports on national and international competitions, prints articles on interesting results in mathematics and physics, and includes book reviews. For more than 30 years all the new problems have appeared in English as well as Hungarian. http://www.math.elte.hu/komal/index.e.html |
187. USADOJO.COM: Martial Arts Schools From Around The World Email Us! MARTIAL ARTS schools LISTED BY STATE OR COUNTRY. If you have a MartialArts School and you wish to have a link on USADOJO.COM click below. http://www.usadojo.com/schoollist.htm | |
188. Game Programming And New Media Schools List of schools that might be of interest to everyone involved in game development, including producers, directors, artists, and musicians, as well as game programmers. http://www.gameprogrammer.com/links/schools.html | |
189. Holgate Lectures Information In 1997 the London Mathematical Society extended its provision of lectures at a popular level suitable for those in the 15 to 18 age group who may be considering mathematics for future study. The lectures are called Holgate Lectures in memory of Philip Holgate, who helped ensure the success of the Popular Lecture series. http://www.lms.ac.uk/activities/education_com/holgate_general.html | |
190. AWN Animation School Database A comprehensive worldwide list of animation courses and schools. http://www.awn.com/newsstand/00schooldir.php3 | |
191. ShawGuides, Inc. | Photography, Film & New Media Workshops Detailed descriptions of hundreds of photography, film and video workshops, tours and schools worldwide. Searchable by state, country, specialty, keyword. Includes calendar of upcoming programs. http://photoworkshops.shawguides.com | |
192. ART SCHOOL LIST Media; Aoyama Computer Graphics School MELON; art Center College ofDesign; art Institute of Dallas School of Media arts; art Institute http://www.siggraph.org/education/directory/art_sch.htm | |
193. U Of Iowa: Journalism And Mass Communication Resources Resources on journalism in general, working journalists' resources, cyberjournalism, diversity in mass communication, media law, news sources, Journalism schools, Ezines; online searching guides, and Journalism jobs. Hosted at the University of Iowa. http://bailiwick.lib.uiowa.edu/journalism/ | |
194. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Clerks Regular Of The Pious Schools Called also Piarists, Scolopli, Escolapios, Poor Clerks of the Mother of God, and the Pauline Congregation, a religious order founded in Rome in 1597 by St. Joseph Calasanctius. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/13588a.htm | |
195. Find Culinary Schools! about some of the most famous culinary schools available, such as Le Cordon BleuCulinary Program at Brown College and the California School of Culinary Arts. http://www.culinary-school-finder.com/ | |
196. Quan Yin Kung-Fu & T'ai Chi Ch'uan This is not a sport, but a martial arts developed over the centuries in the Kuan Yen monastery of China. http://home.earthlink.net/~pkungfu/ | |
197. 3DLinks.com - Ultimate 3D Links Links database for objects, information, textures, tools, modelers, plugins, meshes books, forums, news groups, and schools. http://www.3dlinks.com/ | |
198. American Music Therapy Association To advance public awareness of the benefits of music therapy and increase access to quality music therapy services in a rapidly changing world. Information, how to find a music therapist, a membersonly area that includes career assistance and job posting, the uses of music therapy for specific population groups, research, listservs, schools, journals, and welcome-to-the-profession packets for interns. http://www.musictherapy.org/ | |
199. Online Degrees - Guide To Online Degrees Programs Jacksonville University Online Degrees in Culinary Arts All of these schoolsfeature outstanding culinary arts programs. Please click the http://www.schoolguideusa.com/ | |
200. Scottsdale Artists' School sas beta http://www.scottsdaleartschool.org/ |
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