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Art References: more books (100) | ||||
141. Heartwood Sustainable Living And Permaculture In Alberta Provides information regarding the planning and development of a simple and selfreliant environmentally friendly home, with emphasis on how or why choices were made. Includes references to helpful resource materials. http://www.greatexpressions.ab.ca/heartwood | |
142. Immunohistochemistry Resource Group Information and support for the field of immunohistochemistry. Images, resources, group reports, online database, applied IHC and molecular morphology, IHC references, and employment information. http://www.ihcrg.org/ | |
143. Kathy Schrock's Guide For Educators - Literature & Language Arts offers tips, tricks, references, case studies, and assessment ideas for teaching the early reader. Learning to Read Resources for Language Arts and Reading http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/arts/artlit.html | |
144. VDCLP10. (Lighting &) Light Pollution List of references relating to planning and light pollution. http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/sbe/planbiblios/bibs/vacant/10.html |
145. FINE ART PRINT REFERENCE BOOKS Fine art Print Reference Books. Complete Listing . $125.00. moreGo to complete listing of fine art print reference books. OrderPlace Order Order. http://www.philaprintshop.com/printrf4.html | |
146. Writing In Electronic Text This page is an effort to compile annotated references to a variety of resources on writing for the web or electronic text in one place. http://misnomer.editthispage.com/writing | |
147. Humanum: Research Centre For Humanities Computing - Sub-pages up. Electronic references. Page Title, Setup Date, Last Updated, Remarks. edition. http//helios.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/Philosophy/Wittgenstein/pi/. http://www.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/local.html | |
148. Simeon J. Yates CV, publications and references on CAQDAS. http://www.simeon.org.uk/ |
149. Refdesk: Reference, Facts, News, Free And Family Friendly Stuff Fun Stuff Libraries Linux Resources Magazines Phone Book Net Resources Reference Shelves Time art/Entertainment arts Culture Movies Music Photography. http://www.refdesk.com/ | |
150. INFOLINGUA : Computer Processing Of Natural Language Communications : Text, Spee references in computational linguistics, morphology, parsing, lexicography, text understanding, text generation, interfaces, automatic translation, CALL, speech processing, quantitative linguistics, automatic indexing, character recognition, literary computing, dictionaries. http://pages.infinit.net/consab/infolingua |
151. Nanotechnology Molecular Speculations On Global Abundance Edited by B.C. Crandall; MIT Press, 1996, ISBN 0262531372. Accessible to wide audience, with references to technical literature, shows wide range of uses of nanotechnology. MIT Press http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=2&tid=5039 |
152. Criar Mundos - Entrada A stepby-step guide for creating original settings and incorporating realistic details. Various resources and references. In English and Portugese. http://criarmundos.do.sapo.pt/ | |
153. Museum Of Hoaxes Extensive collection of history's most famous hoaxes and April Fool's pranks. Listed by date and category. Includes bibliographic references. http://www.museumofhoaxes.com | |
154. Helmut Brammerts: Language Learning In Tandem Bibliography Provides detailed bibliographical information on new research . Includes authors' full first names as well as exact page references . http://www.slf.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/learning/tanbib.html | |
155. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Physics Some references from the Treasure Trove of Physics. http://www.treasure-troves.com/physics/NuclearMagneticResonance.html | |
156. Reference Depot - Checking Employment References Couldn't Be Faster Or Easier! An online reference checking and references storage service for job seekers, employers, recruiters, and human resources personnel. http://www.referencedepot.com/ | |
157. Brahe, Tycho (1546-1601) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography Short article with references. http://www.treasure-troves.com/bios/Brahe.html | |
158. Sandy's Writing Resources Links to resources, references and dictionaries; chat rooms, writing markets, newsletters. http://www.ozemail.com.au/~pjcsjc/writing.htm |
159. Video Content Analysis Homepage references and links relating to computeraided video/audio content analysis by Rainer Lienhart. http://www.videoanalysis.org/ | |
160. Salar's Backgammon Backgammon, gammon, history, luck, odds, reviews, shareware, freeware, online, references. http://www.salnet.demon.co.uk/backgammon/index.html | |
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