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61. CSUS Library's Subject Guide:Â Art:Â Selected References CSUS Library Logo, CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, THE LIBRARY art Selected references Compiled by Susan Beelick, Revised by Alicia Patrice. http://library.csus.edu/guides/alicia/art.htm | |
62. CSUS Library's Subject Guide:Â Art:Â Selected References Go to the CSUS Library Website, CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, THE LIBRARY art History Selected references Compiled by Alicia Patrice. http://library.csus.edu/guides/alicia/art_history.htm | |
63. Body A few Baha i references regarding poems and poetry. O thou who art attracted by the Fragrances of God! Verily, I chanted thy poem. http://members.shaw.ca/bounties/poets.HTM | |
64. Art In Context - Published References And Reciprocal Links Published references and links to the library s art in Context web site are on all of the major search engines and included on an evergrowing international http://www.artincontext.org/the_library/published_references.htm | |
65. Leonardo Bibliographies: Synesthesia In Art And Science Bibliography Synesthesia in art and Science. This bibliography contains a list of references to literature (some online) on these explorations and experiments http://mitpress2.mit.edu/e-journals/Leonardo/isast/spec.projects/synesthesiabib. | |
66. The Arts In Every Classroom - Historical References In The Arts references in a work of art, investigate the many ways that historical references can affect a work of art, interpret and use historical references to convey http://www.learner.org/channel/workshops/artsineveryclassroom/program3.html | |
67. Bibliography -- References For E-Art -- Books references FOR Eart. BOOKS. The First Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary art. Queensland art Gallery Publication, 1993. Turner http://free.freespeech.org/eartasean/html/bibliography/biblio1.html | |
68. Juried OnLine Arts Festival - Raves & References Exhibitors Raves references. art Glass by Tim Marco Jerman. WOW! We are so happy! I knew it would be this beautiful. I had total http://www.jolaf.com/refs.html | |
69. Avoiding Plagiarism Work includes original ideas, strategies, and research, 1 art, graphics, computer programs, music, and other creative expression. references http://sja.ucdavis.edu/avoid.htm | |
70. ThinkQuest : Library : All About Art - Artists And Their Styles references Electronic Sources Text or Multimedia from Web Pages, FTP sites, Telnet 1. art Lex Definitions of art Terms. at http//www.artlex.com. http://library.thinkquest.org/J001159/bibliog.htm | |
71. Artist Help Network An online dictionary of more culture, alongwith thousands of pronunciation notes, quotations and cross references....... Title artlex art Dictionary http://www.artisthelpnetwork.com/dataread.pl?DB=OT_GA&STATE=ALL&menu=other&order |
72. Trocadero Traditional Collectibles:Books:References Directory The best in Traditional Collectibles,Books,references,Antiques and Fine art is offered by TROCADERO s featured shops. TROCADERO sell http://www.trocadero.com/directory/Traditional_Collectibles:Books:References.htm | |
73. Trocadero Traditional Collectibles:Books:References:Fine Art Directory The best in Traditional Collectibles,Books,references,Fine art is offered by TROCADERO s featured shops. TROCADERO sell commission http://www.trocadero.com/directory/Traditional_Collectibles:Books:References:Fin | |
74. REFERENCES references. ADAMS, CC The Knot Book, Freeman, 1994. ARMSTRONG, MA Groups and Symmetry, SpringerVerlag, New York, 1988. ARNHEIM, R. art and Visual Perception http://members.tripod.com/~modularity/refer.htm | |
75. Geocrawler.com - Pgsql-admin - [ADMIN] Question Regarding If I add a constraint ALTER TABLE schiff_admin ADD CONSTRAINT schiff_admin_fk_art FOREIGN KEY(art) references schiff_art (art) ON DELETE NO ACTION ; the http://www.geocrawler.com/archives/3/7/2003/3/0/10414374/ |
76. English Language Arts 10: References references. Alvermann, DE Phelps, SF 1994. English teaching art and science, Language, Schooling, and Society, S. Tchudi (ed.). Portsmouth, NH Boynton/Cook. http://www.sasked.gov.sk.ca/docs/xla/ela19.html | |
77. Grade Nine Arts Education - References references. Anderson, Tom. (1988). A Structure for Pedagogical art Criticism. Studies in art Education, 30 (1), 2838. Byrnside, Ronald L. (1990). http://www.sasked.gov.sk.ca/docs/artsed/g9arts_ed/g9refae.html | |
78. CPL: References & Online Resources: Recommended Reference Sites: Arts & Entertai Grove Dictionary of art  Over 45,000 articles cover every aspect of the visual arts  painting, sculpture, graphic arts, architecture, decorative arts http://www.champaign.org/reference/arts_entertainment.html | |
79. The Beeline - References: Art: WeB Pix Styles Menu The Beeline references art Beeyond the Hive Other Beehive Resources. WeB Pix Trademark Symbol. Report Listing Report Menu. references art. http://bton.com/refs/art/picks.html | |
80. Kamat's Potpourri: References On Indian Art references on Indian art. references and Pointers to Further Study Page Last Updated May 22,2004. Books on Indian art. Kamat KL, The http://www.kamat.com/indica/alamkara/references.htm | |
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